Sorry for being boring. Back to Asgeir!
Not boring at all, I love hearing about politics and history. But I agree, back to Asgeir and his wonderfulness!

Sorry for being boring. Back to Asgeir!
This strategy has held up until today... look how Blair followed that moron Bush into Iraq on principle alone...
Sorry for being boring. Back to Asgeir!
Gah. I hate Bush, I hate the war in Iraq, and I hate that he coerced other nations into joining him on his insane crusade. I'm glad that these nations are realizing what a mistake this all is, and are pulling out.
The history on Great Britain, especially with India, is really interesting.
Oh sorry - this is supposed to be AsgeirTalk. He's so dreamy! Those eyes!
I loved and hated Tony Blair, also British history is wonderful really, I love other cultures but learning about my home land is incredibly interesting.
I mentioned this before aaaaaaages ago, but my (constantly mentioned) ex-boyfriend looked exactly like Asgeir. I agree, so dreamy <3 Haha.
Oops. Our bad.![]()
Close to Europe? You don't consider yourself a part of Europe? Too good for us are you?![]()
Rivfadír;6930999 said:Brits generally don't.
Also me, Owen and Amy are 100% going to Norway now, we're booking our tickets in a week or two. *shakes fist at Asgeir*
Yes. The State of Oregon has no Sales tax. Instead, they have an extremely high Income and Property taxes.
Ironically, the State of Washington, directly to the north (and where I live), is exactly the opposite - they have no Income tax, but a high Sales tax, as well as a very high Property tax. (We also have high 'sin' taxes on cigs, booze, and the like, and also a high gas tax.) Most states, which are not run by the purely batshit insane, have a combination of both.
If you want to game the system and pay barely any taxes at all, live in Portland, OR and work in Vancouver, WA, which is 2 miles away.
And that concludes US Tax Laws 101 on the Borknagar ForumAnd now, back to our regularly scheduled Asgeir posts!
I KNOW. I cry myself to sleep every night. They're my two favourite albums but I just don't have a debit card to buy them online and stuff. I might convince one of men in my harem to buy it for me instead.
Oh of course, but who wouldn't want to try and impress Asgeir? I'd imagine he'd discourage me from taking up drumming though because he knows I'll be better than him<3
And that arrogance thing goes for me too, I suck. In fact today was my first day recording death vocals how horrible are they?
My problem with my vocals is I try to be too much like male vocalists, my inspirations being Borknagar's vocalists (yes including Lars<3 ). I just get very disappointed and discouraged when I don't sound exactly like them. I remember doing a cover of Arcturus - Demon Painter and the only person who ever heard it was my ex boyfriend, while he said it was amazing, I was incredibly ashamed and unsure, because you know how partners can be, they give you support at the most inappropriate moments. (I'd rather have a partner who told me I looked like a fucking whale if I asked if my ass looked big in a dress).
So I'm just not entirely sure if I'm any good or he was just being nice to me. Ugh. I hate being so paranoid.
I wanna hear your Daemon Painter!
Sorry for being boring. Back to Asgeir!
Oh sorry - this is supposed to be AsgeirTalk. He's so dreamy! Those eyes!
I mentioned this before aaaaaaages ago, but my (constantly mentioned) ex-boyfriend looked exactly like Asgeir. I agree, so dreamy <3 Haha.
I can't remember anymoreKazaum heard me sing in Germany a few times, I do recall sitting in Lubeck's airport with him singing Till Fjalls and Colossus at the top of my lungs, surely he can remember how awful I am?![]()
....but I'm from Ireland.It's also political... for most the late 19th and 20th century, Britain was not only in decline relative to other great powers, but also at a loss with what to do with the continent. During both world wars, it was their Atlantic connection with the United States that really saved them from collapse, and some British politicians, especially Winston Chruchill, believed that Britain's future had to be wedded to that of the U.S. in order to preserve British power in some form. This strategy has held up until today... look how Blair followed that moron Bush into Iraq on principle alone...
It also didn't help that in retribution for choosing their special relationship with the U.S. over Europe early on in the postwar period, de Gaulle punished the British by keeping them at an arm's length from integration schemes on the continent. It wasn't until 1973 that the Brits were allowed into the EEC (basically the proto-EU).
Sorry for being boring. Back to Asgeir!
They're actually pretty good! Sounds like you were a bit close to the mic or something though.And that arrogance thing goes for me too, I suck. In fact today was my first day recording death vocals how horrible are they?