I'm extremly angry about getting Turisas for Paganfest instead of Moonsorrow and Korpiklaani.

I wish there was more bands like Skyforger, Metsatöll, Obtest, Arkona, Månegarm, Heidevolk, Kroda, Temnozor and stuff like that at Paganfest instead of a load of fashionable/tame/novelty stuff. Or rather, I really fucking wish the Heathen Crusade festival had toured the UK. That was a load of my favourite bands crammed into one festival.
Definitly. Ensiferum isn't Ensiferum anymore, Turisas is fucking horrible, Tyr is ok, although I love Eluveitie. You pretty much listed all the bands I want.

At least theres Heathen Crusade III for me though.
I wish there was more bands like Skyforger, Metsatöll, Obtest, Arkona, Månegarm, Heidevolk, Kroda, Temnozor and stuff like that at Paganfest instead of a load of fashionable/tame/novelty stuff. Or rather, I really fucking wish the Heathen Crusade festival had toured the UK. That was a load of my favourite bands crammed into one festival.

The tour wouldn't have been as popular if those bands you listed played. I mean Eluveitie and Tyr seems to be "obscure" enough for people to be questioning who on earth they are and why they're on this tour. The European Line up is fine by me, But I've seen all those bands before or it'd be easy for me to see them again if I wanted to, must be a bit of a pain living in America (This is why Europe wins /o/ )
graphic design can be taught... go to design school! my mom used to teach it, in fact.

me, I can't even draw directions on a napkin...

You know, so can drawing :) Art school, Asgeir! There's even night classes!

I can make rough sketches of things, and I like drawing out landscapes and cartoon people. I find it extremely helpful when writing; I get to a scene that I just can't visualize, or a character that I just can't picture, I sketch it out. Seems to block the flow somewhat.

(For the record, of the one time I took 5 minutes and tried drawing Borkies, Asgeir and Lars were the easiest. Øystein kept on looking like an egg with eyes, and poor Mr. V with his short hair looked like Eraserhead.)
must be a bit of a pain living in America (This is why Europe wins /o/ )

We know. I can't even comprehend how nice it must be to live with people of your own race. :bah:

I was so surprised to see what Tom looks like. Such a harmless posh British gentlemen.

And in other news I got Pills Against The Ageless Ill's today, and Solefald is now definitely on my top 10.
We know. I can't even comprehend how nice it must be to live with people of your own race. :bah:

I was so surprised to see what Tom looks like. Such a harmless posh British gentlemen.

And in other news I got Pills Against The Ageless Ill's today, and Solefald is now definitely on my top 10.

Why would I give a damn about living with my race? And on that note Europe is incredibly multi cultural.

And I hate youuuu, I still need Pills against the ageless ills and In Harmonia Universali, booo.
When you live in an American ghetto one yearns for such a thing.

That's a coincidence, those are the only two I own. :p

You're kidding me right? England has a huge black and asian community, ones who set up their own little version of a Ghetto. I've had a guns and knives pulled out at me to many times. It's really not THAT perfect here, Although I doubt I'd ever leave, I do love England and I do love living so close to Europe.
You're kidding me right? England has a huge black and asian community, ones who set up their own little version of a Ghetto. I've had a guns and knives pulled out at me to many times. It's really not THAT perfect here, Although I doubt I'd ever leave, I do love England and I do love living so close to Europe.

Close to Europe? You don't consider yourself a part of Europe? Too good for us are you? :)
that's poverty, friend. that the economic demographic has a racial component is a product of history, but the former is the cause of human misery, not the latter. =)

And the best way to combat poverty is to work to eliminate the root causes of it. Such as racism, sexism, the other '-isms', etc. May sound naive, but just talk to people and treat them *as people* first, not as a member of a certain minority group first, then a person afterwards. A little gesture of friendliness can go a long ways.

And, at least in North America, we are all the product of immigrants. Unless one can show their Tribal Affiliation card, or some other proof that they are Native American or a member of another Indigenous group, of course!

(I have also lived in my fair share of nasty neighborhoods, as well.)