By The Pain I See In Others

Dave Mustaine does that on a The World Needs a Hero song. It goes "yesterdays answers has nothing to do with today's questions". It's part of the chorus so he repeats the mistake over and over again and it drives me nuts... too bad, the song is pretty good.

You would think a guy like Mustaine who seems to think he's so intelligent and articulate wouldn't make a mistake like that. Can we get some proof-readers for these metal artists?:)
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Swedish, since, you know... he was born in Sweden to I assume Swedish parents.

Dave Mustaine does that on a The World Needs a Hero song. It goes "yesterdays answers has nothing to do with today's questions". It's part of the chorus so he repeats the mistake over and over again and it drives me nuts... too bad, the song is pretty good.

You would think a guy like Mustaine who seems to think he's so intelligent and articulate wouldn't make a mistake like that. Can we get some proof-readers for these metal artists?:)

Those kind of mistakes irritate me as well. I am sure he must have read and re-read them.
ffs its music/poetry, the usual rules of grammar dont apply. This is music, where rules are meant to be broken. If the singer feels that the words chosen reflect the emotion or sound he was after more than the "correct" way, then it doesnt really matter.
ffs its music/poetry, the usual rules of grammar dont apply. This is music, where rules are meant to be broken. If the singer feels that the words chosen reflect the emotion or sound he was after more than the "correct" way, then it doesnt really matter.

Yeah, I'm sure Mikael deliberately ignored verb tense in his second language so that he could reflect emotion more effectively. If you read his posts, he makes little mistakes like this all the time. No big deal.
this is silly but yet i hate the fact that so many people think that swedes speak german!Please grab your phonebooks and call around and tell eveyboy that we speak swedish,which has about as much to do with the german language as the english do.
phew,there,i said it.:D
Yeah, I'm sure Mikael deliberately ignored verb tense in his second language so that he could reflect emotion more effectively. If you read his posts, he makes little mistakes like this all the time. No big deal.

No, but the words he chooses reflect who he is, how he talks, etc. He's not writing a novel which needs perfect grammer. Lyrics are a personal expression is what Im getting at.
this is silly but yet i hate the fact that so many people think that swedes speak german!Please grab your phonebooks and call around and tell eveyboy that we speak swedish,which has about as much to do with the german language as the english do.
phew,there,i said it.:D

Many of the foundations for the modern English language were set during the Germanic invasion in the 5th century AD. Since then, there have also been other languages that have affected English, such as Old Norse, Latin and French, but English is primarily a Germanic language.
Actually English is pretty close to German. :p

yeah you got a point there:D
but i,for example,saw a simpsons episode where moe showed homer swedish beer "DÜFF" hehe,we dont even have the letter Ü,i have no idea what that letter is called or how it´s pronounced.
and then there´s the classical inga from "zschwedn" part in that movie hehe,i guess most people know thats a parody on how sweden and switzerland gets mixed up.Compare for example Mikaels accent with that if you dont believe me :)
no,to get back to the subject,i think mikaels english grammar skills seem pretty good(unlike mine),even better and more poetical than many english lyric writers,i doubt you will find much more "errors" in his lyrics.