Here's a caption from some publication:
"alright where to start, alexi's guitar, custom shop, jackson humbucker, w/ active preamp (notice the switch), neck thru, his guitars trem setup w/ the springs was prob. influenced by roope. 2 parallels and one thats crossed/slanted. if youre thinking of doing it be weary it might change intonation etc. supposedly gives you better "feel" when using trem. neck is bound, has a spider web guitar strap, various stickers on it, wildchild, sometimes youll find a stone on there as well.
roopes white V has a stone sticker, very similar to alexis axe in that pic. his black one has a single coil/humbucker configuration (H-S), active switch as well, custom fret inlays. no gold pinstripe though, i think its bevelled too.
alexi: supposedly used an ibanez and 5150 to record something wild, but now i believe hes running lee jacksons GP (metaltronix) 1000 preamp, engl power amp, 2 marshall jcm900 stacks, and some other various rack mount units.
roope: samething, GP1000 preamp into tube poweramp 840/50, has a hush unit there,intelliflex, vht 292, and quadraverb. just refer to that link i gave earlier for his equipment."