C.O.B & E.S.P guitars


Child of Decadence
Dec 31, 2002
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So their no longer using their jacksons, which I was STILL trying to find out exactly what models they used and what customizations were made (I know Alexi used a Rhoads model V... the rest, not sure)

So now they use ESP Guitars and Basses... anyone know what Models & customizations have been made to them?
I've known this information for quite some time now. You could check Scythes of Bodom or something......did SoC get a new URL? I don't want to give away the wrong URL because if I do I won't get my monthly check from SoC for promoting the site whenever the opportunity is given........right?

NP: Opeth - Master's Apprentices
Here's a caption from some publication:

"alright where to start, alexi's guitar, custom shop, jackson humbucker, w/ active preamp (notice the switch), neck thru, his guitars trem setup w/ the springs was prob. influenced by roope. 2 parallels and one thats crossed/slanted. if youre thinking of doing it be weary it might change intonation etc. supposedly gives you better "feel" when using trem. neck is bound, has a spider web guitar strap, various stickers on it, wildchild, sometimes youll find a stone on there as well.
roopes white V has a stone sticker, very similar to alexis axe in that pic. his black one has a single coil/humbucker configuration (H-S), active switch as well, custom fret inlays. no gold pinstripe though, i think its bevelled too.
alexi: supposedly used an ibanez and 5150 to record something wild, but now i believe hes running lee jacksons GP (metaltronix) 1000 preamp, engl power amp, 2 marshall jcm900 stacks, and some other various rack mount units.
roope: samething, GP1000 preamp into tube poweramp 840/50, has a hush unit there,intelliflex, vht 292, and quadraverb. just refer to that link i gave earlier for his equipment."
Greenwater_Pond said:
I personally don't see much difference in the new guitars at all.

and at any rate Alexi still breaks out the Jacksons with Sinergy :grin:

It's rather impossible for him to use his Jacksons as they were stolen, which was the reason for the change of make.. He just has one Jackson left, but that wasn't in good condition anymore..

If you wanna see the new guitars up close, wait a few days and go to http://www.concreteweb.be I did a photoshoot with them and their guitars.. Hehe, I love my new avatar.. :p
Guys, guys, guys!
There are a few mistakes in this Thread! The description from MJStraughen is for Alexis Jackson guitars! The GP-1000 Lee Jackson has nothing to do with metaltronix!
He still has a Jackson (that one with the green stripes) wich he use for Sixpounder and Angles Don't Kill (because this songs are played with downtuned gits)! But the Jackson logo is not visible because there is something over it!
In the ESP he has EMG Pickups (at the moment, but he told me that he will change into Jackson's again)! What I like on his white ESP are the inlays (they are scythes, fucking amazing)! Usually ESP does not build Rhoads guitars! In fact of this and some other things the guitar/guitars (he got two) is/are very expensive!
If you want the original quote form for the ESP's you have to contact ESP! They told me if you want that same guitar wich Alexi has, you can get it, but be sure that you will have to pay 4500-5000 Euros!
Ale, Allu and Henka got two costum made ESP guitar:

Guitar one:
Rhoads copy, white with black pinstripes
Chrome hardware, OFR
one hum, don't know what kind
neck-trhu with painted neck
scythe inlays
24 fret ofcourse

Guitar two:
Rhoads copy, black with yellow bevels with extra black bevel
Gold hardware
neck-tru with unfinished neck
arrowhead inlays
other specs are the same as his opther esp

Guitar one:
ESP M-series body
reaper graphic
EMG 81 in the bridge
painted neck thru
Scythe inlays

Guitar two:
ESP M-series
Camo graphic
same specs as the other ESP

ESP Tom Araya series
ESP B-series
both with COBHC grahps/sticker
don't know the rest..
Dude, what you gave us is what everybody can see if he looks at the pictures!
"white with black pinstripes" uuhhhh, why do you know that, I can't believe...I mean....uuuhhhh....that must be a top sectret information!!!

Alexi has EMG hums, dude, I played on his guitars so why don't you believe me?
that's very cool thilo, I believe you

do you think there's any chanche ESP will release a signature series guitar...? maybe even an ltd so I can afford one :)
Barr WildChild said:
that's very cool thilo, I believe you

do you think there's any chanche ESP will release a signature series guitar...? maybe even an ltd so I can afford one :)

I don't know! I mean Jackson build the RR-LL only for Finland (60 pieces) but it was not the same Alexi has (or had :mad: )! It had no neck-thru and I hate bolt-on gits! So I would not buy a ESP V-AL :lol: or something like that :lol:
If ESP would ever do that, then only for Finland I think!