cab recommendations for peavey jsx?


Apr 21, 2011
Hey everyone,

So i recently picked up a used jsx head for cheap, and i was wondering what type of cabs the forum would recommend to compliment the jsx. The store had a used bogner v30 cab but it was just out of my price range :/

Mainly i do a little recording, nothing big but i've wanted to move away from using the axe fx cab impulses and move more towards mickiing a cab again (don't get me wrong i love the axe fx, but i got stellar results from reamping into a 5150 mesa half stack)

I'm looking into 2x12 cabinets, mainly mesa or orange. Now bass response is not my main priority, just a tight low mid/bass for lower tunings that does not sound too shrill.
Also, i'll be using the axe fx sometimes as a preamp to the jsx

Mesa would be your best bet, as you said you're looking for a tight low mid/bass sound. Mesa delivers that sound very well.
I figured they would'd pair well together, as both are known for their midrange in my opinion. Peavey and orange that is.
I have a JSX and i also have a rectifer 2x12 and a Marshall with greenbacks.
Think both sounds awesome, i could probably post a cab comparison in a day or two between those two.

And btw, it should be posted in the Equipment sub-forum.
Mesa or a good Marshall. I find orange cabs don't pair well with peaveys

Orange cabs have a weird frequency response to them. I'm not a fan of of their sound. More of a rock orientated sound, imo. Way too saturated and bright for my taste.
Sorry Crillemannem i'm terrible with forums, i never use them.

So i have another option, there is a used bogner 4x12 with v30s at a local shop for cheaper than either two cabs. What are your opinions on this?
Sorry Crillemannem i'm terrible with forums, i never use them.

So i have another option, there is a used bogner 4x12 with v30s at a local shop for cheaper than either two cabs. What are your opinions on this?

Bogner makes good cabs. I would due your homework first though on them before investing in the purchase to make sure it's going to give you the sound you're really wanting.
I love my ENGL cab, although i dunno how it matches a JSX... i had a VH4 + diezel cab here and i compared the Diezel cab to the ENGL cab... what can i say, the ENGL smoked the Diezel cab...
How much is the Bogner cab? Cuz used Mesa Rectifier Standard 4x12's (whew!) go for ~$500 all day on craigslist (assuming you're in the States), and there is no greater cab for anything heavy IMO :rock:
The bogner cab is $650 (so was the jsx) and there is a used mesa straight cab recto cab for $550, used of course.

Ps i'm buying everything used now, i don't care if there are scratches i'm just looking for the sound!
Dude, I would snag the Mesa without hesitation, especially since the straight models are quite a bit rarer than the slants! (cuz they only started making a straight Recto cab in like '06-'07 I think, so be sure it's a Rectifier Standard and not a Rectifier/Stiletto traditional, which is a cab some on here like and is certainly useable, but much more undesirably middy and "stuffy" sounding than the Recto cab IMO)
Bumping this thread.

Has anyone tried the JSX cab with the head? Any reason to seek one out vs getting a Mesa or other? I just got a JSX head but using my old beat up JCM 800 cab from the 80s with v30s in it.