Calling all needed


Nov 26, 2005
Richmond, Syd
I have to play a song for my music class at school (sort of) because it's a new class and the teacher is getting us to play something to show what we can do, and i'm really desperate for a song to play. All the ones I have looked at have had good intro's but the middle is crap. Can anyone suggest a song that isn't too hard and I can learn by Monday? Please, im dying here!!!

EDIT: Really need help!!!
Well first off tell us what kind of songs do you want, are you searching for something heavy on electric guitar and all, or for something that would be nice on an accoustic guitar etc...
make something up.originality is the best.just play around until YOU like it.that is what is important.if others like it too then that's a bonus.Have Fun.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
I was thinking something by Arch Enemy because they have some good riffs that aren't too hard, but the middle is too repetitive and sounds dull and boring. Yes more metal songs but ones that are slower which have more technical things not just power chords.