Calling all Opeth homos

He's easily the best vocalist in modern music still alive today, and a damned good musician overall. (If Jeff Buckley were still alive then well, Danny G would be second best.)

I like how you specified "modern music still alive today." Because if we were to actually compile a list of the all time great vocalists ever, he'd be on the bottom (if he made the list to be honest). He's nothing more than a pretty average vocalist. Doesn't have a unique sounding voice, or do anything that is amazingly cool. Pretty meh.
As it stands you are contradicting yourself. You should have added "new" to the first line. Just a small nitpick...carry on.

Alright then, as if my point was just sooooo hard to comprehend ;
mid - present Opeth = shit
early Opeth = greatness
It would be different by virtue of being unified and not simply some collection of aural ejaculations designed to impress muso faggotrons. How hard is this to understand?

I like listening to music with some conceptual coherence; maybe that doesn't matter to you. Now run along and go bother somebody else, cockmonkey.

"Unity is good because it unites stuff". What a fucking useless post.
Alright then, as if my point was just sooooo hard to comprehend ;
mid - present Opeth = shit
early Opeth = greatness

Your point was not hard to understand, nor was the contradiction in your statement difficult to see. :)
For the record, not the biggest Opeth fan but I don't think there's any lack of coherent connection between any of their song segments. Having a bunch of different sounds in one song doesn't mean it's aimless. I think it fits quite well. It's very much in line with prog rock.
just about all opeth songs fit together, they have very complex and well thought out structures to them. newer opeth has these more than older opeth, thats why i say GR > anything theyve done (other than mayh of course)
"Unity is good because it unites stuff". What a fucking useless post.

Alright, Mr. Contrarian Douchenozzle. First of all, I never made the claim you seem to accuse me of making. Learn how to fucking read. Second of all, how the fuck is this so hard for you to understand? An incoherent musical work as a whole entity makes no goddamn artistic statement of any worth, just like a novel consisting of random, unrelated events with nothing to tie them together coherently would be representationally empty. Opeth writes compositions that are essentially collections of parts that make people warm in their cockles, but when looked at as wholes are revealed to be artistically vapid.
So you know there are going to be a few songs alotted to acoustic / soft rock? What's the big deal? That is the overall gayest argument I have ever heard.
I like how you specified "modern music still alive today." Because if we were to actually compile a list of the all time great vocalists ever, he'd be on the bottom (if he made the list to be honest). He's nothing more than a pretty average vocalist. Doesn't have a unique sounding voice, or do anything that is amazingly cool. Pretty meh.

He is hardly an average vocalist. You're a right fucking retard if you think he is average, because his range and emotive capabilities are far beyond that of the average vocalist. Or can the average vocalist sing within 3.5 octaves and possibly more? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Let me guess - Jeff Buckley is an average vocalist as well.
An incoherent musical work as a whole entity makes no goddamn artistic statement of any worth, just like a novel consisting of random, unrelated events with nothing to tie them together coherently would be representationally empty. Opeth writes compositions that are essentially collections of parts that make people warm in their cockles, but when looked at as wholes are revealed to be artistically vapid.

A collection of parts with nothing tying them together lacks coherence and continuity. It would be like looking at a color palette where colors are sorted randomly instead of by shades. This I see in bands like Necrophagist but not in Opeth. In my opinion the different parts in Opeth songs flow into each other smoothly and each contributes to the greater whole and they also match the lyrics and theme of the songs. Yes, the songs are varied and change several times but that is hardly a bad thing. There is such thing as unity within diversity after all.
Perhaps that is the case for other bands, but not for Opeth. In their case it is that there isn't unity in a clusterfuck.