Calling all Opeth homos

He is hardly an average vocalist. You're a right fucking retard if you think he is average, because his range and emotive capabilities are far beyond that of the average vocalist. Or can the average vocalist sing within 3.5 octaves and possibly more? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Let me guess - Jeff Buckley is an average vocalist as well.

Just because he molests his mic and is master of all instruments (ya fucking right), doesn't mean he's above average.

But on a serious note:

Maybe you don't recall but I had a picture of Jeff Buckley in my sig for a while. I love Jeff Buckley. Unlike Gildenlow, he has a unique voice, something that catches your ear and makes you think, "Wow, who the hell is this singing?" Another name that comes to mind is Freddy Mercury, or Rob Halford. When people hear these voices, a light clicks on in their head and they know instantly. I'm sure if you asked 90% of metalheads who was singing a PoS song they'd probably clueless. When I hear Gildenlow sing, it's like a yawnfest to me. Just personal taste is all, I'm not trying to argue over this because it's pointless brother. You like him, I don't. Simple as that.

Porcupine Tree is one of my favorite bands but I don't get all butthurt like you do if someone talks shit about them. You practically dedicated a few pages of this thread to fisting Daniel Gildenblow's ass.

:lol: you said fisting
Opeth writes compositions that are essentially collections of parts that make people warm in their cockles, but when looked at as wholes are revealed to be artistically vapid.

Put "i think" in the beginning instead of stating it like it´s something that´s been tested in a lab.
Mathiäs;7055350 said:

What a piece of shit you are...
You instigated it. And that isn't the first time I've seen you take an unprovoked cheap shot at someone on here. If you act like that in real life, I'd be thoroughly surprised if you've never gotten the shit beaten out of you.
Just because he molests his mic and is master of all instruments (ya fucking right), doesn't mean he's above average.

Anyone with a 3.5 octave range is FAR above average, and I'd hardly say that he isn't a unique vocalist. I mean sure he isn't like Garm or Vortex but he certainly does have a very characteristic voice that if you were to place in a 'vocal line up' or sorts with 50 or so difference vocalists with a similar range most people who've heard him sing more than once and didn't write him off as a useless singer and musician (such as yourself) could easily pick him out.

I mean hell, even my friend who hates the band can recognize Gildenlow instantly. I was playing The Flower Kings the other day, a song that Gildenlow sung on and he instantly recognized him as Daniel.

Anyways, I didn't know you had a Jeff Buckley signature. Oh well. As for the 90% of metalheads comment, 90% of metalheads don't know anything beyond Slayer and if I really want to give them credit Death.

Oh well, I'll go back to Remedy Lane boards now and have another Danny G circle jerk ;)
Anyone with a 3.5 octave range is FAR above average, and I'd hardly say that he isn't a unique vocalist. I mean sure he isn't like Garm or Vortex but he certainly does have a very characteristic voice that if you were to place in a 'vocal line up' or sorts with 50 or so difference vocalists with a similar range most people who've heard him sing more than once and didn't write him off as a useless singer and musician (such as yourself) could easily pick him out.

You're looking at this in the wrong way. It's not what you can do, it's how you do it.

I mean hell, even my friend who hates the band can recognize Gildenlow instantly. I was playing The Flower Kings the other day, a song that Gildenlow sung on and he instantly recognized him as Daniel.

Ok, I was clearly exaggerating, but my point still stands. He just doesn't do it for me.

Anyways, I didn't know you had a Jeff Buckley signature. Oh well. As for the 90% of metalheads comment, 90% of metalheads don't know anything beyond Slayer and if I really want to give them credit Death.


Oh well, I'll go back to Remedy Lane boards now and have another Danny G circle jerk ;)

Maybe you don't recall but I had a picture of Jeff Buckley in my sig for a while. I love Jeff Buckley. Unlike Gildenlow, he has a unique voice, something that catches your ear and makes you think, "Wow, who the hell is this singing?" Another name that comes to mind is Freddy Mercury, or Rob Halford. When people hear these voices, a light clicks on in their head and they know instantly. I'm sure if you asked 90% of metalheads who was singing a PoS song they'd probably clueless. When I hear Gildenlow sing, it's like a yawnfest to me. Just personal taste is all, I'm not trying to argue over this because it's pointless brother. You like him, I don't. Simple as that.

But seriously, Danny G's voice alone is better than anything in PF

Wow. I'd be surprised if that could even fly on the Remedy Lane forums. Worst post I've ever seen on these forums. (Buckley, however, is the man. Your confluence of good and bad taste is bizarre).

Also, I never understood people like this:

Opeth = shit
early Opeth = greatness

To each his own I guess. The argument that it's not artistically valid because it isn't "unified" strikes me as rather idiotic as well, but everyone's already all over that bandwagon, and this post is getting long.

To balance out all that discontent, I would like to add that I am coming to like the King:

Anyone who dislikes Pink Floyd is missing the head.
A collection of parts with nothing tying them together lacks coherence and continuity.

Nonsense. All riffs, as a series of successive notes or chords, are related to another riff in some way - that is, you can find a mathematical relationship to link them together. Where's the line dividing coherent music from incoherent music? It all depends on why you think 'coherence' - or, the degree of similarity of a number of riffs - is a good thing. Personally, I think it's all art and there are many examples in art history showing that not everything has to be ordered in a traditional, classical way with parts following other parts in a logical, linear or holistic fashion.
Nonsense. All riffs, as a series of successive notes or chords, are related to another riff in some way - that is, you can find a mathematical relationship to link them together.

You're talking about this on a level that is entirely irrelevant. I can run a similar argument for basically anything. Even a depiction of Mickey Mouse and a depiction of Jesus are going to relate on some level.
You instigated it. And that isn't the first time I've seen you take an unprovoked cheap shot at someone on here. If you act like that in real life, I'd be thoroughly surprised if you've never gotten the shit beaten out of you.

I enjoy calling people out when they say stupid shit.
I've been reading the last few pages of this thread, and I can't get over the irony. There's an argument against them for being predictable, and a completely separate one for not sticking with a genre and having random changes in music.

This is at least an 8.3 on the Unintentional Comedy Scale.
But still, while they maintain their signature style, they have been improving upon and expanding it with each release. If you listen to Orchid and to Ghost Reveries and compare them, you'll notice how much broader and eclectic they have become in their sound.

You had a great post, but Orchid is actually pretty ecletic. Maybe morningrise is a better example...
I like Opeth, but there are plenty of Opeth songs that actually do follow very similar structures. Ghost of Perdition is very similar to The Leper Affinity. Compare the opening riffs, the way a solo comes in shortly before the clean section, the placement of the clean section, repetition of an earlier phrase towards the end of the song, etc. They are near copies of each other. Serenity Painted Death and Moonlapse Vertigo also share quite a bit, namely near identical mini-choruses placed in the same part of the song.
Here's Heir Apparent in a higher quality video, thank me later:
