Can bass player do this.......???

blindvomit said:
Wow waz you're still using your same style of typing lol. I used to go to the GTU forums like a year ago

what was ure GTU user name.......!!!......good to see some ol' pals here.....Keep rockin duder....!!!!.....PEAC EOUT
billy fuckin sheehan was one of the fastest bass players at one time.if not the fastest. hes badass. hes played with alot of instrumental guitarists. he played for david lee roth right? Vai did too
waz416c said:
what was ure GTU user name.......!!!......good to see some ol' pals here.....Keep rockin duder....!!!!.....PEAC EOUT

why do you end with ....PEAC EOUT?

Its Peace

and out.

Peace out.
The perfect example of brilliant, amazing bass technicality, while sounding like a muddy pile of crap for 90% of the time.

Those pintched harmonic bends were quite nice on bass, and a couple of the segments sounded good. A lot of the runs and shred "licks" just sounded too muddy though. Try listening to it without watching, some of the parts don't even seem to flow very well at all.

In short, fun to see live. As music; not so good. Shred enthusiasts may disagree with me.
Moonlapse said:
Why is he soloing like he's playing a guitar?

One thing I never understood is bass players that don't play the instrument to fit its own niche. All I see from that video is someone who wishes they were a guitarist. Boring.

Moonie, I'm sad to hear that instruments have to fit niches. Seems a waste.