Can you get bored of Iron Maiden?

I've been getting more an more bored of Maiden since Brave New World came out. However, I listened to the old albums a ouple of weeks ago, and they're really good. Still I can't listen to them more than once a month or so. Maybe DoD will revive my interest.
It happens if you only listen to the same band all the time. But if you give it a rest for a while you enjoy it as much as you ever did and never get bored.
yeah especially after listening to them for 6 months on the go... but the best part is returning to hear the good stuff again... like the realisation that 'aces high is such a 'kin wicked song...
I can get bored of them from time to time and I can go some time without listening to some album by them but that doesnt mean I like them any less. I just know all the albums so well. But when you put a Maiden album after a while, there is nothing quite like it.
I do get a little bored with them, but never for very long. Maybe a couple of weeks at the most. I'm on one of those stints at the moment, but I think it's because I want the new album.
I've been a fan of Maiden since 1987. I haven't got bored with their albums from the 80s but there was a point I said to myself..."ok, enough Maiden!! I need to get into other music for a bit". Luckily for me this happened around 1990 when they started releasing sub-par albums anyway. I did sell all my Maiden cassettes at one point( I had every album and single of theirs on cassette)
but I ended up buying all the original studio albums again as CDs.

Once you get hooked on Maiden's good albums you won't ever want to do without them...I've tried.