Cara! You gave me your cyst!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a prophet in cosmology
Feb 7, 2003
Mercer Island, WA
Well, I don't know that for sure, BUT, I have to go have an ultrasound of my ovaries and other girl parts next Wednesday. I've been having some awful stomach pains, so they're doing an ultrasound of my abdomen, then a second one of my pelvis. *crosses fingers it's just irritable bowel* :loco: Or....

Maybe...just maybe....


WITH SATAN'S BABY!!! :hotjump:
eek! I hope it's nothing :cry:

I've been having this stinging pain underneath the right side of my's been going on for a few weeks, and it was BAD today.
I've been having a hard time sleeping because of it, too.

I think I may have a gall bladder infection :ill:

Why is everybody getting sick???
alls i got is a really sharp pain in the lombar region of my back...its been there for about a month now and it sucks...i think it just needs to be popped but it hinders me a bit at work...
Bacchante said:
eek! I hope it's nothing :cry:

I've been having this stinging pain underneath the right side of my's been going on for a few weeks, and it was BAD today.
I've been having a hard time sleeping because of it, too.

I think I may have a gall bladder infection :ill:

Why is everybody getting sick???
could be the case, yes.... why don't you go check what it is? my gall bladder is full of construction material :D , found out about it a year ago. I always thought I had gastritis, cuz I was mostly constantly sick. :yuk:

BWN, good luck!
Well I just got back from spending the night in the ER. My doc thought I might have a problem with my appendix, so he told me to go in. After having 3 different people finger me and a giant dildo looking camera probe shoved in my special place, and a catheter pupming icy water into another place that should be sacred, they found an ovarian cyst.


They also mentioned it might be an ectopic pregnancy, or the after effects of one that passed through. So maybe I WAS carrying the antichrist.

I have more tests scheduled this week ...I think they're checking out my appendix, colon, and spleen. *sigh* I feel dirty from all the people touching on me, I'm gonna have a hospital gown fetish after this.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Well I just got back from spending the night in the ER. My doc thought I might have a problem with my appendix, so he told me to go in. After having 3 different people finger me and a giant dildo looking camera probe shoved in my special place, and a catheter pupming icy water into another place that should be sacred, they found an ovarian cyst. :eek:

:eek: Damn, that night had to suck. I'm sorry. :cry: