Utter Disaster - Denver Concert - Annette to hospital

^ I'll say the same thing here I said on the official forum. This is British wit taken wrong. He was not serious, I'm sure. He was trying to lighten the mood, dry humor is awesome, but dangerous online as it is often taken as a serious statement. Trust me, I know, it happens to me constantly. :bah: He was being sarcastic, if he wasn't, I'll buy a hat and eat it.
^Of course he was being sarcastic, but that's my point precisely: it's humour as you said, and speaking about such things in a humoristic tone of voice easily leaves a taste of callousness. Not that I think any less of Troy because of this but he'd do himself and NW a favor avoiding such comments at this time.
Ok I have to say a word about something.

Marko knows HIS parts, these are what he studies most, he knows when to play and what to sing at the right time. Being up there on the stage is WORK. Yeah they're having fun, but in the end is it work. He has a huge job, it is not easy to sing and play a bass. Have you tried it? Didn't think so.
I'm not brave enough to try singing and bass, but I do know it's not easy.

Combined with all the stress of that evening, it had to be pure hell. Think of them, they tried their best to give a show instead of saying screw it, we can't go on. But no, they don't, they decided to let the audience decide, they considered the people they come to perform for and the show continued.

The core of it, the show must go on.

If that had happened at the San Diego gig, shit happens...I think it would have been fun anyways. I was just happy to see them here and to see Marko again.

I do hope Anette is ok and that she doesn't have cancer, or something going on. I think of her kids losing their mommie, they don't need that.
I might be a bit late on this topic but I just want to say that that show should have been cancelled earlier that day. I had talked to Anette when she first got back from the hospital the first time and she was not in any shape to perform. As for the band breaking up, as a fan I was upset because I am an Anette fan but it really was the best choice for the for the band and Anette. It doesn't matter what you hear from different people because the truth is they both wanted it.
I might be a bit late on this topic but I just want to say that that show should have been cancelled earlier that day. I had talked to Anette when she first got back from the hospital the first time and she was not in any shape to perform. As for the band breaking up, as a fan I was upset because I am an Anette fan but it really was the best choice for the for the band and Anette. It doesn't matter what you hear from different people because the truth is they both wanted it.

Why should the show have been cancelled? Same day? That's a lot of screw-you to the fans, and a lot of money lost. A lot of people, including myself, like Anette. That doesn't mean that we don't understand that if she is too sick to sing, she cannot sing. None of the other band members were too sick to perform, and as infrequent as Nightwish comes to the States, those at this show likely would have been pissed beyond belief if Nightwish didn't offer to play anyway... As those in theatre say, "The show must go on."
Cancelled shows are expensive propositions.I remember Neil Peart writing in one of his books about all the times he had to play while sick, including once keeping a bucket by his kit to hurl in between songs. You play, no matter what.
Welcome to the board, Orchidee! :wave:

I understand the perspective of cancelling the show, but from a business standpoint, that wouldn't have been wise at all, because eventually, you have to make up those shows. Think about the money it would cost to come all the way back here, band and crew included, just to perform one show. Doesn't make much sense, financially.

For example, the 2009 tour existed because they were make-up shows. The band had no intention of returning to the States after the '08 tour. But Hurricane Ike happened, causing the shows in Texas and (I believe) New Orleans to be cancelled. Then Anette got sick during the shows in Florida, causing the last few shows on the East Coast to be cancelled (Sonata Arctica, their opening act, still put on a show, and the members of Nightwish would come out afterwards and apologize/thank the fans for coming out anyway). They did not perform then, but fans still came to show their support anyway. But they returned in '09 to make up those shows that were cancelled (and add on a few dates in the respective areas that they had not played yet). If only one or two shows had been cancelled in '08, most likely a tour in '09 to make up those shows would not have happened, because it costs way too much money to bring the entire crew back here just to play 2 shows that they will likely not make the money back on that they put out on it to get here in the first place. What likely would have happened instead is that during this tour, an extra date or two in those areas would have been added on as a way to make up for it.

So while I respect the viewpoint that the show should have been cancelled; that's not a practical option when you consider the fact that this is still a business, and these are people going to work just like anyone else. At your job, if someone is sick, the entire project does not come to a halt, does it? Most likely the project is seen through, but the remaining workers just have to put in a little more effort to make up for the missing person, because you all know that if the project doesn't get done, no one gets paid. Art is no different than any other job in this respect. Not only this, but the people who paid money in Denver deserve to have a show as much as the people in Salt Lake City or New York or any other city that Anette performed in. Liking or not liking Anette has nothing to do with it; I'm sure a majority of the fans there that night all liked Anette, but they still paid good money to see a performance. I think it was a good idea of the band to ask the audience if they wanted the show to go on or not. I think if the audience had booed and said "no way", then they might have considered doing a make-up show sometime in the future. But the fans spoke, and they figured 5/6 Nightwish was better than nothing at all.

And I'm sorry, but the tantrum Anette threw about Elize and Alissa stepping in for her is just plain immature. Those girls stuck their necks out for her when they didn't have to; risking the chance of embarrassing themselves and possibly turning off people to them as performers and the music *they* were hired to perform, due to putting on a bad or sub-par performance for music they were not hired to know the words to. These women were not on board to memorize Nightwish songs, and while I'm sure they heard these songs day in and day out on the tour, they have their own parts to remember and it is certainly understandable that they would not know the words to songs they were not required to perform. So for them to do this when it was not expected of them shows their level of professionalism (not to mention doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, because they certainly could have refused). This is just my own opinion, but rather than complain about them, Anette should have written on her blog a huge THANK YOU to Elize and Alissa for picking up the ball and carrying it when she could not. This is what professionals do. Her attitude doesn't convey a lot of professionalism, at least not based on what she writes in her blogs. If she does feel differently, then maybe she should have thought less of herself and more about all the people who gave of themselves to bail her out as a favor to her.

Traxan: You're damn right, I saw Rush last night, and Anette could certainly take a lesson from them in how musicians conduct themselves. You don't survive 40 years in this business b*tching on your blog about how the whole world didn't stop for you.
Performing sick sucks as a performer. While Anette was throwing up because of her liver issues, I have performed 2 times now with things that fuck with how I sing. You can say all you want that my academic knowledge doesn't matter, but it does. You try singing lyric soprano parts with a SEVERE sinus infection, then bronchitis which affects how you breathe a few weeks after, and actually got complemented on how well I performed. When you have a scholarship riding on a concert performance, you force the sickness and weakness of body to the back of your mind, and do your best.

No she should not have thrown a tantrum, but we all say things we don't mean, especially while sick and irritable. I think she has more than made up for it with how kind she is to fans on her blog; being kind, and responding to fans (actually responding) is something I find admirable about her. For example, I purchased Tarja's CD, and not once in the CD jacket did she thank her fans. In most CDs I own, fans are among the "special thanks" section. I think if Anette put out a CD, her fans would be on the top of the list.

Performing sick sucks as a performer. While Anette was throwing up because of her liver issues, I have performed 2 times now with things that fuck with how I sing. You can say all you want that my academic knowledge doesn't matter, but it does. You try singing lyric soprano parts with a SEVERE sinus infection, then bronchitis which affects how you breathe a few weeks after, and actually got complemented on how well I performed. When you have a scholarship riding on a concert performance, you force the sickness and weakness of body to the back of your mind, and do your best.

I have sinus problems galore (runs in the family) and people have actually complemented me on how 'unique' my voice sounds. I can only attribute that to the odd shape of my sinus and roof of mouth, so sing the best way with what you've got. A sinus infection can be worked around (had one before) and still sound good, just different from usual.
No she should not have thrown a tantrum, but we all say things we don't mean, especially while sick and irritable. I think she has more than made up for it with how kind she is to fans on her blog; being kind, and responding to fans (actually responding) is something I find admirable about her. For example, I purchased Tarja's CD, and not once in the CD jacket did she thank her fans. In most CDs I own, fans are among the "special thanks" section. I think if Anette put out a CD, her fans would be on the top of the list.

Oh, don't get me started on Tarja... :lol:
It doesn't matter what you hear from different people because the truth is they both wanted it.

First of all, we're not hearing anything because no one is saying jack shit. lol

And second of all, we want to know what happened BEFORE they broke up...

Obviously if they are both unhappy, they both wanted out. We want to know what the deal is. Seems like NW invested a lot of time into the interview process and developing chemistry with Annette...so to break up was a big deal.

I liked what Annette brought to the table....though I didn't like a lot of Tumos' songs on Imaginaerum.

^True, the quieter they remain, the more speculation that arises and people draw their own conclusions; then when the truth (or "safe" answer) is given, either no one believes it, or it just gets lost in the mix of better theories.

That was one thing about the open letter; as many theories that have abounded as to *why* things ended the way they did, no one was in the dark about *how* it happened.