CARCASS Producer COLIN RICHARDSON Quits Mixing New Album; ANDY SNEAP Steps In - Mar

The triggered snares in this are very fatiguing, especially in the fast blast parts.
it was one side, but on the other - triggered snare/kick gives a stable picture and sound distinct from that. I think more importantly from the perspective of listener
Album teaser up.
Still not at all into the snare sound though.
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Song 2 released ....

I havent been this excited about an album since ... fuck I dunno when! Amazing JOB Andy and Colin! Hearing you guys together again on this one PROVES that you guys are the best at what you do!

Fuck me!!!!!!
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This is killer. Those guitars are crushing!

In the first vid is that a white LP custom that turned yellow? :yow: If now what the hell color is that?
Just saw them at Brutal Assault by the way, they didn't play anything new but they played a set consisting almost completely of Necroticism songs, which is a good sign of where the new album's going, apparently.

Having had a cheeky listen to the leak (couldn't resist), in my opinion, Surgical Steel is far, far, from being a Necroticism part 2 or even the missing link between Necroticism & Heartwork. I couldn't help but take each new track and try to work out which of their past albums they would fit best in, but eventually I gave up and decided to just enjoy the album for what it is......a fcuking good Carcass album that is way more than a collection of nods to their past.

To me it's definitely more inline with Heartwork, and Swansong to a degree, than anything else but with quite a few tracks having a lot of blast beats and tremelo picking riffage that makes it slightly...nastier, more intense and more frantic than Swansong for sure. I can't really hear much correlation with Necrotism barring Bill's (or perhaps even Ken's) low death growls on a couple of tracks. Die hard goregrinders who can't see beyond Reek or Symphonies will no doubt moan but fans of Carcass who can see beyond those stages should be happy. It really is an awesome album that they have certainly been innovative on and pushed the guitar harmonies to new levels. DEM HARMONYS! :notworthy:notworthy

DISCLAIMER: For the record I view Carcass as gods and I like Swansong but prefer Heartwork to Swansong and prefer Necrotiscm to Heartwork. Reek I find unlistenable due to the 'raw' production and Symphonies is still a bit 'raw' for me to really enjoy though I do listen to it occasionally when I need something....well.....nasty!