CARCASS Producer COLIN RICHARDSON Quits Mixing New Album; ANDY SNEAP Steps In - Mar

Second riff/main riff reminds me of "Holy Wars", verse riff reminds me of "Wake Up Dead"... :D

Listened through in the car, now listening on monitors.

Pretty cool album. It is an individual album. It is not Heartwork part 2 (nor 0.5, I mean in between Necroticism and Heartwork). Yes, it is heavier than Heartwork for the most-part (darker and more evil sounding, with the occasional Heartwork melodies). It's kind of a mashup of the Necroticism and Heartwork (less of) style, with a good overall "Tools of the Trade" kind-of vibe. Hard to describe. Given that my favourite album is Necroticism, I am not disappointed with this one's style, just not amazed with it either though, yet. If I don't try and compare it to the other albums, then I think it is a good solid enjoyable album. The small percentage of Steers individual backing vocals disappoints me a little (I was hoping for more). I mean there are gang-style backing vocals including him ("Unfit for Human Consumption" backing vocals are great), just not a lot of his individual backing vocals like on "Corporal Jigsore Quandray" for example. I had only heard "Captive Bolt Pistol" before today and that is not an accurate indication of the whole album. At this stage that song is a highlight (probably because I am more familiar with it, rather than because it is a better song than the rest), as well as such tracks as "The Master Butcher's Apron", "Cadaver Pouch Conveyor System" and "Thrasher's Abattoir". Those are brutal songs. I think it is a "grower" though and will consume me soon though. Listening now as I type, I am getting drawn in already by "A Congealed Clot of Blood" (slayer-style riffs much?). Heavier than Heartwork (for the most part), that's for sure, if that is what you wanted to know. Great riffs by Steer, some at a terrific speed also. 4:23 on "Noncompliance..." could be straight off "Tools of the Trade" ("Hepatic Tissue Fermentation II").

BTW, nice job Andy.

EDIT: ^TLDR. It is a pretty dark/brutal/heavy album with some classic Carcass melodies thrown in.
After listening to Heartwork and the new album back to back, it's hard to imagine there's 20 years between the two, to be honest. Songwriting is stellar, and production is top notch.
I have listened to the album at least once every day in the last 14 days. Great album. I tend to skip "3161 Grade Surgical Steel" and "Mount of Execution" though. I prefer the bonus track "Intensive Battery Brooding" to those 2 tracks. Clever lyrics on most songs as well.
I have listened to the album at least once every day in the last 14 days. Great album. I tend to skip "3161 Grade Surgical Steel" and "Mount of Execution" though. I prefer the bonus track "Intensive Battery Brooding" to those 2 tracks. Clever lyrics on most songs as well.

I only got the standard edition so I don't have the bonus tracks. I agree the title track is probably the weakest, but still killer to me, and mount of execution is brilliant, that final riff just makes me want to repeat it forever. Agree about the lyrics, being a vegan makes songs like Unfit for human consumption or the master butcher's apron so much more awesome.

My favorite is probably the Master Butcher's Apron, that "the sun never sets, the blood never dries" part drives me mad every time.
The album is to see them in NYC last night, I asked Bill the the hell do you have a 17 year gap and come back sounding exactly like you left off? Bill just smirked and said all the riffs that were written just sounded like all just came together, very humble dude in my opinion. Got all the recording details too, he had nothing but good things to say about Andy and his studio as well.
I only got the standard edition so I don't have the bonus tracks. I agree the title track is probably the weakest, but still killer to me, and mount of execution is brilliant, that final riff just makes me want to repeat it forever. Agree about the lyrics, being a vegan makes songs like Unfit for human consumption or the master butcher's apron so much more awesome.

My favorite is probably the Master Butcher's Apron, that "the sun never sets, the blood never dries" part drives me mad every time.

Wait there's more than one bonus track? I got the deluxe version and I only see one on there? Maybe the first aid kit version has more?

Anyway you know I'm gonna say I like it. I don't know how this isn't going to be my favorite album of 2013, really. Been jamming this all week.:notworthy