CARCASS Producer COLIN RICHARDSON Quits Mixing New Album; ANDY SNEAP Steps In - Mar

Wait there's more than one bonus track? I got the deluxe version and I only see one on there? Maybe the first aid kit version has more?

Anyway you know I'm gonna say I like it. I don't know how this isn't going to be my favorite album of 2013, really. Been jamming this all week.:notworthy

Haha no, I checked later and found out there's only one bonus track, I thought there were more, but what do I know, I'm a jewel case buyer, I avoid digipacks and digibooks whenever possible hahaha
The album is to see them in NYC last night, I asked Bill the the hell do you have a 17 year gap and come back sounding exactly like you left off? Bill just smirked and said all the riffs that were written just sounded like all just came together, very humble dude in my opinion. Got all the recording details too, he had nothing but good things to say about Andy and his studio as well.

would you mind sharing recording details :hotjump:
Sure man....I didn't want to bombard him with too many questions. so the little info I got was all I asked. Bill, Jeff and Dan... We all went out to dinner after soundcheck to grab some food and beers in NYC. He said he used 5150 3 and Bogner for the album. I asked if he used Vintage 30's and he said he wasn't sure.

I 'm sure Andy has all the details. I did mention the Kemper to him and he surprisingly said, "how did you know that?" lol but we talked about guitars mostly. His live rig was a 5150 3 with a TS9 in front and Peavey Cabs. I told him about how all of the Sneapster's here on the forum said Heartwork was the "holy grail" of guitar tone for the time period and he just laughed. He did mention Andy was the perfect choice for the album and glad the way everything turned out as it did with the Colin to Andy transition....Pretty cool fellow in my opinion.
Wonder how many guitar rhythms tracks they recorded for this...seems like more than two for sure. I listened to the Non Compliance to ASTM F899 guitar track where Bill is playing by himself and it's got loads of room sound coming out of the right speaker, makes me wonder if Andy added a room mic somewhere in there too.
Yep Bill confirmed that...he said Colin was burned out only to find out the following day he was doing another band "I won't mention the band name he said" lol
Guitars on "Surgical Steel" sounds incredible. What Cab/Mic's was used during recording album?
He's the sole reason I bought an XXX cab. No need to mention that I haven't been as successful as him with it but it's a good cab.