Cat died.

i read somewhere that cats and dogs *really are* an epidemic and that same someone proposed that the billions of dogs roaming the streets of this country be used to feed the homeless. it was a serious article. i thought it was pretty smart actually. i mean, id rather eat a dog than starve and freeze on an underpass.
I'm not sure if I love or hate the direction this thread turned toward.

If it disappears because I deleted it, then you'll have your answer. :loco:
you know you love it.
i love virtually all animals fwiw. elephants are the best animal on the planet.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Good. All outdoor cats should fucking die. Between them and those damned birds that lay their eggs in other birds nests (can't remember the name of them but I don't think they were indigenous to North America), song birds in the U.S. are slowly dying out. I wish I could remember where I read this a few years back.

Fuck songbirds. Survival of the fittest. If you cant shut your beak up for 2 seconds to flap your wings and evade a ferocious feline. Then what use are ye?

My condolences Nad.

I have an outdoor cat that truely slays. I used to chase the bitch and throw rocks at it before I made her my own. It was a bond that was made one day when I was having a "life quality" moment on the curb. Out of nowhere comes this cat who I chased away a thousand times before to prevent turdlets from hitting the yard. Purry little critter rubbed her furry pelt up against my backside. And for that moment. Everything was right in the world.
See? Now that's a cat. I used to fucking HATE cats, including this one. But once I realized that cats are not in fact dogs, and should be expected to act like one, everything is cool.

That being said, my blondie dog acts like a cat sometimes, and I love him to pieces. He farts more than any other cat I've ever been around.

You're the biggest thing I've ever seen, and I've been on safari!
Reign in Acai said:
Fuck songbirds. Survival of the fittest. If you cant shut your beak up for 2 seconds to flap your wings and evade a ferocious feline. Then what use are ye?

My condolences Nad.

I have an outdoor cat that truely slays. I used to chase the bitch and throw rocks at it before I made her my own. It was a bond that was made one day when I was having a "life quality" moment on the curb. Out of nowhere comes this cat who I chased away a thousand times before to prevent turdlets from hitting the yard. Purry little critter rubbed her furry pelt up against my backside. And for that moment. Everything was right in the world.

I seriously can't tell if this was a joke or not. Aren't you a little too old to be throwing rocks at cats? :err:
cats are pretty cool. stray ones only though. ive always wanted to live on a farm and have a "barn cat".
hey, wait, is that gay?
aww sorry to hear about your kitty :(

sounds like she was fvcking kvlt though! :kickass:

we had one live to be 19 once...her name was "babycat"