Catch without Arms


Mr. Negativity
Jan 12, 2004
The West Coast
Finally got around to buying the new Dredg album and I've never regretted a purchase less in my life.

I remember someone saying it was like a watered down "el cielo" but I honestly think there is a whole different mood to this album. Where "Leitmotif" seemed to have more edge and anger, with its harder harder tones and rougher editing, and "el cielo" was more somber, with its slower pacing and bittersweet lyrics and guitarwork, "Catch without Arms" has similar vocals and tones to those of their sophomore effort but generally is faster paced. The faster pacing is more prevalent in songs like "Tanbark is Hot Lava", which also utilizes a more noticeable drumline as well as some screaming har vocals. Also, in Sang Real, the drums again drive the song with the persistent snare. The album stays within the realm of what Dredg does well while adding some new elements, very solid, though not groudbreakingly different from their body of work.
after a few listens i grew pretty dissatisfied with it. it's not bad, but where are the freakout noises and crazy jams?
I'm pretty sure they are there if you listen for them, just under a layer of instrumentation. If you really want that, just listen to the album in reverse, if those aren't freakout noises and crazy jams, then nothing is.
I like it. I do however, find it is a lot more 'standard' than their previous efforts. A very good album though, i just see it more as really good commercial rock.