

Sep 9, 2005
This isn't Opeth related but it is music related. A couple of days ago I bought 'Catch Without Arms" for three dollars and later in the week I picked up 'El Cielo'. I like 'Catch without Arms" and absolutely love "El Cielo'. I was wondering if anyone here likes this band? and if so what is your favorite song/cd from them?
LOL...little enthusiastic there. I guess you like them. I'll have to pick up Leitmotif when I get a chance. Right now I am listening to 'El Cielo' over and over and over again. I can't get enough of that album.
tracks 10-14 on El Ceilo are amazing especially "It only took a day". The feeling that song evokes is powerful/frightning/godlike/humbling/fucked-up.

and El Cielo > CWA
BurningSky said:
Catch Without Arms was a disappointment for me. El Cielo is amazing.

I really like 'Catch Without Arms' but I would say 'El Cielo' is alot better. Oh yeah, I never said my favorite song...so...at the moment I think my favorite song is probably 'Sanzen' although all of 'El Cielo' is amazing.
I just listend to Sanzen and I finally "got" it. (In the context of sleep paralysis.)

I wish I could have been that calm and optomisitc, oh well...if it happens again...

edit - they had a demo called "Oprh" .....interesting.
Larsson said:
What type of music is it?
Earlier stuff is kind of progressive/weird rock, their latest album is more down-to-earth alternative rock (still good, don't take that as a bad thing)
i have heard a few songs that a i really like, and a few that kind of bother me. i do want to look into them more. so, from what it sounds like, el cielo or catch without arms?
I like them. I picked up Catch Without Arms a while ago after reading a lot of good things about it. Sang Real in particular is a really nice track. I haven't listened to El Cielo as much yet.
I agree 100%. This band is really putting out great music. I've been listening to "El Cielo" for a couple of years now and has become one of my favorite discs. I also have "Catch without Arms" and believe it may not be as good as El Cielo, but certainly better than all the nu-metal, rock drek that is out there.Every song on "Catch" can stand up on it's own. ElCielo does not have a weakness on it. Flows like one great song. the songs-- catch without arms, sang real, planting seeds, matroshka and spitshine are tremendous. A friend of mine said they sound like U2, I assure you U2 has not done anything this good since "The Joshua Tree."