Cell phones?

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
What you ppl think of them?
I have one, a flip phone(Motorola V60i to be exact), and I love it. I got it out of convenience. I don't actually need it though. It keeps me in touch with my friends, people can reach me if need be, and it has games that can keep my ass unbored in class....I also got a good deal on my plan too through my work.

Though I don't abuse it like some fools. I don't yak on it ALL THE TIME, I don't download a trillion ringtones, I don't fucking message ppl ALL THE TIME, and I don't have the ringer on in class(idiots)...I use it only really for what it was made to do....keep me in touch wiht ppl when I need to talk to them.
Also, it can get me drugs!

So, what are your views on the topic of cellhones?
I have one, a sony ericcson. I use it mainly for emergencies and to keep in touch with long distance friends. I'm hardly ever on it, and I HATE people that carry it around like a fucking rescue inhalor. It's a PHONE...look it even has a feature where it records messages if you should *gasp* miss a call!
I use my cell phone to keep in touch with my friends, my mother and since I drive it's a good thing to have incase of emergencies.
Personally, I think the "missed calls" feature is great.
Rules for cell phones:

1. You don't need a fucking camera. Go buy a real one.
2. Text messages is for PCs, keep it there..
3. If you HAVE to speak while driving, use a headset.
4. If in a restaurant, or movie theatre, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
That's all.
i don't even use mine at all right now, it's prepaid and i gotta buy more time for it. but i use it very seldomly anyway, and always keep the ringer off and the vibrator on(did that sound dirty?:p). i used to use it all the time for instant messenger cuz it was all i had, but now that i have access to computers theres no need for that. those flashing batteries people put on the backs of their cell phones annoy me...
NoLordy Capone said:
Rules for cell phones:

1. You don't need a fucking camera. Go buy a real one.
2. Text messages is for PCs, keep it there..
3. If you HAVE to speak while driving, use a headset.
4. If in a restaurant, or movie theatre, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
That's all.

dude...i hate it when like little kids have them! what the fuck?? a 13 year old doesnt need a cellphone! i get a little disturbed when i see that shit...
also people driving while on the phone and not paying attention to the road piss me off something fierce and those assholes with them on at the movies...GAH!
have one (Nokia 3310 and won't change it until it falls apart), and love it. it literally maintained my love w metalized for 10 months, before he came here. (yes, I used to spend something less than 100 $$ a month for the msgs :err: ) :cool:
Cell phones annoy me. So many people abuse the fucking things...I swear, the next assclown yapping about shopping on the bus is going to get their digital pacifier rammed straight up their tight yuppie asshole.

Yeah. I don't have one. I may have to get one as the world moves on, but I will use it as little as possible.
Fuck, The Pimp is old enough to remember when this joke was valid:

Q: Why is a mobile phone like a clitoris?
A: Because every cunt has one!

But now, everyone fucking has one!
Even I's need one to run my's business. I's need to be able to be contacted at all hours of the day or night so I's can run thing properly, but I's ain't the kind of fuck to leave it on during a movie or anything. I's turn that shit off when I's have to! And only when I's use it when I's haves to as well. Mobile phones shit I to tears and every fucker in Australia has one, especially fucking junkies (who'd rather spent their cash on their phones and drugs then feed their fucking kids) and retarded fucking children who play with them all the fucking time, download retarded fucking pop song ringtones and play them as loud as possible and generally use them as soem kind of phalic replacement object -both male and females do this, it's almost pornographic how these kids handle them, know what I's saying?
Any-hoo, The Pimp has probably sacred some of ya'll with this rave. So I's will go now.
The Pimp NeonBlack
i used to hate them.

but since i worked in a huge cellphone company in europe (Orange, if you ever heard) i learned to love them.
its not just "a phone" nowdays. amazing how many additions you have on your cellphones.
i love it.

oooooooh man, don't get me started on cell phones! :yell:

too late...

I hate the damn things. DO they have a practical nature? YES
Are they totally abused by legions of ravenous idiots? YOU BET YOUR ASS!

People walk, drive, jog, ride around with these stupid god damn devices stuck to thier ears like it's keeping them alive!
STOP! your not that important, use the phone for emergencies. Be Polite when using the phone in public places.
True story, I am in a movie theater with a friend. This idiots cell phone a few rows ahead goes off.
finally the ass answers in the loudest voice possible " YO, WHAT UP? YO DAWG, I"M AT THE MOVIES YO!
Jiffy pop then proceeds to hand the phone to Curtis...
" WHAT UP DAWG? OH YEAH MAN, BLAH BLAH BLAH " for another 2 mins.

ANother movie, some idiot forgot to put turn her ringer off. Of course at the softest part of the movie It rings not once not twice not three times but SIX TIMES!
Finally, me being the guy that I am I yell out " WOULD YOU SHUT THAT FUCKIN THING OFF!!!!"

I have a friend who spent 500 dollars on a phone,it's the size of a CD player he is so annoying with it, he uses the Instant message function all the time, which is slower than hell, he goes on the internet while your having a conversation with him. He always has to suddenly call someone at awkward times. :Smug:

You know it is ok to tell people sometimes that it is not a good time to talk or ask them to call back etc. These stupid contraptions now do everything including voice mail, use it.
ok, thats enough.
sorry, I get a little out of control