CG is back!!

wade black

Wade Black
Feb 13, 2006
Just wanted to drop by and say thank you very much to all who support the band , And to say we had a fu!$ing blast doing these couple of shows , The band is in great form! next is San Fran (BAR) then we will see what else we can get into soooo a great big Metal hails from CG ! stay hard!!!! WB:kickass: :headbang:
A few messages over at the CG MySpace stated the same ~ many totally loved the show and a fan posted a pic of Ben, Wade and Jon (who you can just see)...

I'm thrilled to hear the shows went great for the guys... sorry I couldn't make it!!
Wade, I'm unbelievably pissed!!!!! I was in Tampa this past weekend in the studio finishing our record up and had EVERY intention of being at that show, I was 30 minutes from Bourbon Street, but I got totally stuck at the studio. We just need to bring CG to Atlanta!!!! Hint, hint, Hoyt?????