Crimson Glory Officially Part Ways with Vocalist Midnight

Just wanted to throw up my two fer.. Having heard recently some stuff Mid recorded, yeah he's still got the voice ~ holy crap does he... But for his BEST interests and with true hope he will battle his demons successfully this time, decisions were made...

I know the guy, luv him like a brother, and it's unnerving on so many levels to see what has been going on...

I want the CG guys to be successful in everything they decide to do... They deserve it...
It's sad and I hope that both parties move in positive directions.

This just might be the "bottom" that he needs to hit in order to refocus.
Just a little something I thought I'd share here :)

From Jon Drenning (CG's MySpace) :
Just wanted to stop by and let you all know how much we truly appreciate your support and well wishes -- for the band and for Midnight, the person. FYI. We still have BIG plans in the works for shows, new music and touring. Crimson Glory LIVES!!!

We are forever. We are the future.


Jon Drenning

This just might be the "bottom" that he needs to hit in order to refocus.

I'd like to think that too, but I think Midnight has hit worse bottoms over the past 10+ years than being arrested for DWI , and this certainly isn't the first time CG has parted ways with him. Midnight was the original vocalist for the writing of Astronomica when things got so bad that CG had to release him and bring Wade in to complete the project. From what I understand, Midnight had recorded about 5 songs which were re-recorded with Wade on vocals. Part of the "new" CG releases were/are to be the original recordings done by Midnight for Astronomica before he was dismissed due to substance abuse.

I'm a BIG fan of Midnight's work w/ CG, but at times I wonder just how serious Midnight is about helping himself (rehabilitation and support aside).
From my understanding, anything recorded by Mid for Astro was lost; digital stuff.. But the current situation is more of a deciding factor than being on sole instance/ situation..

Besides.. if you live in FL... they will be doing a couple shows with Wade in March :rock: