Changing from el34 to 6l6 in my dual rec


Jul 31, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I really dont like the sound from my dual rec.. Way to midrangy for my tast and Im not happy with the gain either.. sounds either undergained or over-compressed.. I think much of the problem is that I use Stock mesa boogie El34 tubes? Leads sounds good though..
Or maybe it sounds boring because Im used to my old 5150 2? hehe..

Anyway, some suggestions for 6l6 tubes? JJ / Tesla 6L6GC or Mesa boogie 6l6 STR-440 maybe?

If somebody could suggest some tubes and tell whats their caracteristic are then I would be most greatfull! Thanks! :rock:
Isnt the Dual's stock tubes 6L6's? Mine is....however I was looking about for combos of tubes that sound tasty in a Dual. Those high gain EC883's or whatever they are called *is tired* and some KT77's might be cool :rock:
I second the Ruby's. I just got my set today for my Dual Rectifier. They're real punchy with good lows and harmonics. They're the 6L6GCMSTR Ruby Tubes.

Put a TungSol preamp tube in V1 it will help a TON, and is $25 (US$ don't know about EUR). The EL34 will make it more midrangy, but won't have a noticeable impact on the gain. The 6L6s will have more bass and a glassier high end.

Honestly, though, unless the EL34s or the prreamp tubes are dead you should be able to get a good sound out of that amp.

The rectifier does not work like a typical amp as far as the EQ settings go. Try this: Gain: 12-1 o'clock, Bass: 8-9 o'clock, Mid: 9-10 o'clock, High: 12-2 o'clock, Pres: 9-10 o'clock. The key to the rectos is to keep the bass way down, and the gain around half.
6L6GCMSTR Ruby Tubes and TungSol preamp tube in V1 it is then!! Thanks!
It sounds good yes, but not killer, like the 5150 I used to have.
The regular Tung Sol 12ax7:


Another Q.. When switching to Silicon Diodes mode, does it matter witch 12AX7 tubes is there? Isnt it just the 5U4G Rectifiers witch is in use?
Thank you!
When switching between silicon diode and tube rectifier, it only affects whether the tube rectifiers (5U4G's) are used, or the diodes in the power supply. It doesn't change anything with the preamp tubes or power tubes. It simply changes how the supply voltage inside the amp is routed.

Using good preamp and power tubes will make the amp sound better regardless of which setting you use for the tube/diode selector. It's an improvement either way. ;)
I see! Thank you! Im pretty noob when it comes to technical things with tube amps, but Im learning! I read the manual today also, helped alot!
Actually, Ive just got my vacation money, so I do have the money. I will order 5 Tung-sols, but should I buy 5 of the "balanced triodes" or the other ones?
Is the "balanced triodes" version a balanced tube? (damn, Ive got to read more about tubes and tube amps..)