Chaos Ridden Years, 3rd guitarst?!

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Twisted Fantasy

New Metal Member
Jan 23, 2007
on the new Cob' dvd " Chaos Ridden Years"
on one of the song the camera pictures alexi from the side.
on that moment you can see a 3rd guitarst!

now, there's 2 options.
1 and most likely. a fill in guitar.
2.some one from the band is not playing live!

now ether one of them could be true.
wich on do you think it is?
i gotta know.

btw, im sorry if i had miss speals on this post, im from israel ><"

There are 3 guitarists in the band

Lead: Alexi
Rythm: Roope
Bass: Henkka
no, i know that..
that's not what i ment.
there was a 3rd guitarist in the back stage.
you couldn't see im from the crowd.
He would have been a roadie tuning one of Alexis guitars for the next song, not playing..
I saw this guy too. But I wasn't able to determine if he was a guitarist or a photographer, you can see just half of the dude looking at his hands.

(Masturbation ?..)
everyone knows there is one guy backstage who plays everything and that bodom just pretends like they're playing :p
dude youre a fucking moron. his name is naubi and he's the GUITAR/BASS TECH! Hes tuning guitars when they switch to a song with different tuning. hes not playing shit! jesus fucking christ get a clue
lol he Don't tune the guitars Trough the Concert.... you can see that Alexi Use his Black ESP guitar at the Are you Dead Yet Songs... (C.G.C.F.A.D Tuning)
and the White ESP for the (D.G.C.F.A.D Tuning)

he just look at the Strings if they Don't break and Switch the guitars When Bodom Plays an song From the Are YOu Dead Yet Album to the older Albums haha
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