"CHARACTER" track listing & cover

Child of Time said:
It would be awesome to have a version of that cover as a poster. :dopey:
I agree.
I really like the cover!
I think i could even said that it's one of my fav work from Nicklas...
Awesome stuff!

Could it be related to the symbols from the latest terrorism attack... ?
Big and high building such as the World Trade center
and it looks like a train on the right such as the train explosion in Madrid...

Anyway it's an interresting and intriguing piece of work ... Great job Nicklas!
Interesting, to say the least.

I second the notion about the cityscape and song-titles giving it a very futuristic, almost cyberpunkish feeling - which probably goes well with the added taste of industrial elements in the music.

Still, no matter how hard I try, I can't fathom what the album-title really stands for. Is Character a trait of a person? I doubt it means a character in fiction (although that would go well with Mag's vision). Perhaps there are some clues on this in the lyrics? Is apathy the character of mankind? :err:

Oh, and I really hope there will be no Japanese bonus-tracks with this one. But if there is, I'd like to know soon, so I can start hunting for a Japanese version immediately.

Sure as hell hope there's no fuck up like with I, Deception. I was fucking pissed off when I noticed two months later that the "bonus" track was also in the jewel case version.
Won't bother with any Japanese bonus tracks either, other than downloading them anyway.
MorbidEnemy said:
You're in luck! That is exactly how the Character posters will look like :D
i really hope i can get my hands on one.

the cover is really really cool, and so are most of the titles.
wow what a great deep coverart! :yow:
maybe i'm stupid I but didn't realize the red building as horizontal,but vertical...it's if the color split the scene up in two pieces but seen at the same time in two perspective,that are going to fade away one on the other (have you seen the red spots into the black and white scene?)
and anyway,whatever is the meaning i love the feeling that this painting communicate,it's smth that you can't express but you feel inside.
great work niklas!
maybe the grey could be how the city was seen from afar some time in the (recent) past, and then the person gets closer, under the building, and there's colour since it's the present?

edit: it also looks to me like the red building and the almost-transparent building on the left are one and the same.
Very cool cover, looks a bit Chulthuish to me tho.
Remind me of this image I once saw called something like
"Passage Of Time" of something to that effect.
it gives me a very Akira-esque feeling and I'm not sure if I like that. I don't care about it or the song names, which could be called "The friendly elves of the forest" or "Little Susy's summer picnic" for all i care, as long as the music's good