Cheers and Jeers IX

Well, at least some of mine will be echoes of what others have already said, but I think they bear repeating. :)

Well of course Glenn and the crew. Like duh. :D
The perennially awesome security guys. Even when kicking us out at night, they're cool.
Britt for being my backup ;)
Bob (and Steph) for hooking up my friend Brent who left his Thursday ticket at home in Denver
Hoyt for hooking up Linda who left her Wednesday night ticket home
And definitely Tracie and Glenn for hooking my dumb ass up after my TicketMaster debacle (god, TM sucks)
My new BFF Donna for helping me zip my pants back up Friday night... whew!!!!! :notworthy
All the women who participated in some form in corset night... best one ever, I think
JOP... and to think, I was just "going to catch a few songs." Also, I thought the sound was fabulous, Jon sounded great... and damn, Matt LaPorte... that dude just rips on guitar.
The girl going nuts during Hounds (who helped me find my way back after I snuck out to check the Bama-UGA score)
Bryant and Harumi for letting us snag their extra bedroom
Just my friends and my husband and everyone else in general who puts up with my silly and/or drunk ass every year without getting too annoyed
Lance King for hanging out and chatting and for the Jager

Lance King for the Jager! :lol:
Me for being so damned awful with names :blush:
Junior high drama... really, people. (Why is a *woman* who's a big fan or whatever assumed to be a "groupie" so often? :p)
The ever-present rank-smelling dude (or dudette) up front
5 am Sunday for arriving :cry:

That's about it... as usual, everything was well run, everybody was pretty much cooler than hell, and I wound up having an even better time than I thought I would. See y'all next year. :D :rock:


- As always, all the bands, Glenn and the crew, thanks so much for all you do.
- Whitney (the hot bartender) for serious above and beyond girl bonding.
- DelicateFlower (Bari) for some yummy yummy cookies - they made awesome snacks. Thanks babe.
- Bryant and Harumi for housing the party just 1 floor above ours Thursday and Friday nights. Super convenient for us.
- As always, all my friends, it's so awesome to get to hang with the coolest people every year. You know who you are and it's getting to be a longer list each year.
- Finally getting to meet and talk to Claus, superlatively nice guy.
- Goldberg cafe for having stellar breakfast served late.
- Getting to get to know more awesome people this year, am_ash, Diamond45, Ruthven, I know there are lots more.
- Pacing once again, makes for so much fun without the sleepy factor :) and getting to see ALL The bands!
- All the super hot chicks that let me molest them all weekend - thanks for putting up with my silly goofy self. I love you all!


- wardrobe malfunction that trapped me in the stall in the ladies room for way too long
- my feet for getting sore and tired every year and shortening my ability to enjoy the fest
- my flight for getting filled up and causing us to have to catch an earlier flight and leave the porch party early and STILL only get 3 hours sleep
- missing Wednesday, it's already not enough time to see my friends - I'm with b00B on maybe making a Tuesday trip next year.
- people who had BO before the show started (though the general bad aromas were considerably lessened this year)

I'm sure there are many more cheers. I'm so bummed for it to be over.
Just want to thank Glenn, crew, bands and everyone who attends to make this festival the incredible event that it is. :rock:


The time going by too fast and not getting enough time to spend with all my friends.
Having to wait another year to see most of my friends again.
The friends that didn't make it this year - you were missed terribly.
Waiting almost 2 hours for my chinese food on Friday night. Calling the place 3 times and being told each time it will be there in just a minute. Ummm said that 30 minutes ago.
Smoke at the show on Wed night. Wow it was terrible.
Being at work today.

Had a great time. Can't wait till next year.
To the crew for making this show run as smooth as it does and Glenn for making this show happen.
To Greg for letting me crash in his room on Wednesday night and meeting all his friends and I can honestly say I have never laughed as hard as I have as that night when Milton entertained us with his "reinactment" ('nuff said). And to everyone that let me have the cushy bed (yes, I know you had all been warned of my snoring!)
To all of my friends and familiar faces that makes my heart swell every year - I love you all!

Jeers: To the restaurants that all closed early and didn't provide hungry metal goers with nourishment! I'm telling you Glenn, you could make money hand over fist if you contracted with someone to provide a sandwich cart or even grill hotdogs, sausages and kabobs outside of Center Stage!

To Greg for letting me crash in his room on Wednesday night and meeting all his friends and I can honestly say I have never laughed as hard as I have as that night when Milton entertained us with his "reinactment" ('nuff said).

Thank you Babs, it was a pleasure meeting you as well. I think my reenactment was fairly funny, yes. I have to get the video from Jason soon, and hopefully post it for everyone to laugh. :lol:
Jeers: To the restaurants that all closed early and didn't provide hungry metal goers with nourishment! I'm telling you Glenn, you could make money hand over fist if you contracted with someone to provide a sandwich cart or even grill hotdogs, sausages and kabobs outside of Center Stage!

The solution!
We ate there Friday for lunch :)

Gotta admit though, pizza inside the venue this year was perfect and I'd wished I'd known about it Friday night before we dropped $30 at Madison Grill (which we didn't have near the same issues others complained of). But hey, a $9 pitcher was a steal compared to the venue.
Great fest! I enjoyed every single band in one way or another . . .

JEERS: 15 hour drive. Man - it felt like. . .. 15 hours!
- being at work at 6:30am Monday morning!

DAMN! I hope you are allowed to sleep on the job! :(

After my first year attending, I discovered that my return to work was a lot less traumatic if I took off Monday AND Tuesday after I got back!
Gotta admit though, pizza inside the venue this year was perfect and I'd wished I'd known about it Friday night before we dropped $30 at Madison Grill (which we didn't have near the same issues others complained of).

Actually, I was at the Madison Grill Friday and Saturday (with different groups of people). They had more wait staff working Friday, and therefore weren't plagued with the same problems. Just to be clear, the wait staff were EXCELLENT. The guy we had (who was one of only two waiters working on Saturday) was running his ass off trying to get everyone served. It's the restaurant's fault for being idiots and not properly staffing the place.
* Metalrose - She got the ProgPower group rate at the Courtyard Marriott on Techwood. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Can you do it again for next year, please?????? :-)

*Blush I’ll see what I can do for next year. I’m hoping to maybe get something a little closer, and a little bit better of a price.

Claus said:
- to girls who think it's "fun" grabbing my ass in public (yes, every year I see girls posting about men doing that to you, now it's MY turn to complain). No, it is not fun - I don't like it and my wife won't appreciate it either - it's sexual herassment!

*Noted, although I wish you would have told me in person. :)

My cheers:

-Elvenking and Pathosray for kicking my ass up one side and down the other and then throwing me in a blender before kicking my ass again.

-Smoke free venue! LOVED IT

-Amorphis for getting some of my good ol’ fashioned metal growls in there and putting on a hell of a stage show.

-To Dr. Metal and his Chimay.

- To Ivan from Pathosray for bringing me TWO sticks one for Pathosray to sign and one for Elvenking to sign.

-To Scott and Coldie for being such amazing people and making sure that Joey Sky got sticks from Pathosray and catching the one from SUE. You are my loves!

- To Elyghen (I’m 99.9% sure it was him) of Elvenking teaching me nasty phrases in Italian…
- To the Guys in both Elvenking and Pathosray for totally understanding my sense of humor.
- To Elvenking for videotaping a special message for Joey Sky.

- To all the girls who participated in Corset night again. This year was the biggest since the first year we did it.

- Zak Stevens for cracking my shit up again. “That was my driver. He says Buy low sell high!”

- To Zak and Jon for literally bringing me to tears during the set.

- To actually watching more bands this year AND still having ample time to talk with people (although it’s never enough)

- Dave the Metal Guy for an early birthday Present of the Hellish Rock tour ticket. Love you man.

- Jim and Colleen, you both know why.

- Jim, Rod, Justin, Gunstar, Dr. Metal, J-man, Coldie, Scott, Jen, Namoi-Joy, The Orb Weaver, Nails, Charlie (Who’s real name is Charles), Linda, Lara, Patrick Hoyt, Hoyt, Leah, Bryant, Queen H, Greg, Greg, Yardley, Mike, Steph, Bobby Jean, Shaye, Kim, Alecia, Urban all my old friends.

- A huge cheers to actually stopping and meeting and talking to new people this year. I missed that experience the last couple of years.

- Cheers to *most* of the security for being so cool and for making me laugh (see jeers)

Jeers to:

- Amorphis for not hanging out on Saturday- that was a bummer. (Disclaimer: I know it’s not required, but it’s always appreciated and enjoyed and it won’t skew my image of them at all. And it’s not a huge jeer.)
- Not running into Zak Stevens after his song so that we could finish our conversation about buying high and selling low and linear math. ;) Zak if you’re reading this. Call me about the spaghetti dinner!
- Me. For actually getting totally ripen faced that I actually let my emotions act way the hell up when normally I would have kept them in check and realized that I was totally blowing things WAY out of proportion. My apologies to ANYONE that encountered the end result of that at 3-4 am on Saturday and beyond.
- To being so broke that I couldn’t afford to buy anything other than a few drinks and a couple of meals. Next year.
- The ONE security guard who was on a total ego trip. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs waiting for the persons in front of me to move. I was told I couldn’t stand on the stairs, I said, “I know, and I’m not on them I’m going over there.” I was promptly told, “You’re not going over there you’re getting off the stairs and going back the way you came.” The ONLY time I’ve ever wanted to take my whole drink and dump it on anyone’s head.
- To certain regulars not being there: Sean, Colleen and Todd, Zilla, Bo Bice Letesto, and others.
- The Madison Grill. I understand understaffed. However when you have a only a total of 3 tables and under 15 people it still shouldn’t take 20+ minutes to bring me a glass of diet coke. I know you saw our table sitting there, at least say you’ll be right with us. The wait would be bearable if you’d ad least acknowledge that there are people there.
- And lastly, to my sister. After EK’s set, I checked my phone and I had 4 missed calls/ voice mails from my family so I assumed there was an emergency. When I called them back, my sister just wanted to know where my son wanted to have dinner. Nothing like getting interrupted watching bands I’ll never see live again thinking there is an emergency only to be bothered by something so mundane.
- The fest going by way too fast. It felt like I just got on a plane to get there and I'm already heading home.

- looking up the Residence Inn price just before leaving and finding out that it is $45 cheaper than what it was reserved at, and getting them to adjust it at check in.
- Riverside
- Elvenking
- Diablo Swing Orchestra!!!!
- Glenn and the crew
- Lars for slipping his Manticora wristband on me after seeing me with the Manticora T-shirt on.
- seeing SwordLord again

- Flying in on Friday afternoon.
- Food!! What the hell with places closing on Saturday so early?
- Marta buses. Had to walk with my injured foot.
- Being kicked out during Elvenking set after two songs in the pit. (It wasn't my fault, Nailz, that I didn't introduce myself!)
- someone dropping a loaded cup into the pit and pretending like it never happened. Not cool!

The swords during Elvenking was awesome, and Jesse seems like a really cool girl. She introduced herself to MetalAges and me but I was too busy to join in on their conversation. I was hoping to run into her later, but didn't.
*Noted, although I wish you would have told me in person. :)

Hahaha, no it wasn't you. It was the same person that some people here now feel a need to defend after another post further up, although everyone who was backstage saw her behaviour being totally out of control and acting like a stupid idiot. Oh well ...
Hahaha, no it wasn't you. It was the same person that some people here now feel a need to defend after another post further up, although everyone who was backstage saw her behaviour being totally out of control and acting like a stupid idiot. Oh well ...

Ah, I have a tendency to butt grab, and if it's out of line, I'd prefer to know.

With that being said, does that now mean I can grab your butt next year? ;)

The problem was that it wasn't his rig as he thought. They replaced everything (cables, amps, etc) and nothing worked. It happened during the last song (there was nothing scheduled after that tune). Obviously, Jon was upset about it as he didn't understand why his crew couldn't get it working (their crew, their equipment) and called it a night. We only lost one song.

Turns out the problem was that his guitar fried. My crew guys can explain just how rare that is in detail.

Having played guitar for 25 yrs. or so, I can say that Glenn is absolutely correct in saying that a guitar frying is rare. I have never, ever seen that happen. I'm guessing that it was the output jack, cause there's no way both pickups fried. And the last thing you think to check of is the guitar itself. It wouldn't have even crossed my mind if I were in Jon's place to try another guitar.
That is not the situation. Somethings are beyond the band's control (especially headliners). They offered to do it after the show, but that was logistically impossible. I promised Jon I would make sure the fans knew they did not "snub" them.

I am guilty of jumping to this conclusion as well. I am very glad this was not the case. I have to remember that just like glitches on stage, things beyond anyone's control do sometimes happen OFF stage. It's nice to know this was cleared up.

yeah Jesse was a really cool girl. We talked several times over the weekend and she really enjoyed herself hanging out with the guys from Elvenking.

Elvenking themselves were some of the most respectful people I had ever met in my life--they never ceased to stop thanking me for driving them around even though I assured them it was just part of the job and it was an honor to be driving them around. great bunch of guys--CHEERS!

Thanks to you and the crew for treating them with such respect, Patrick. Jesse brought them to our room on Saturday for a party. She kept trying to convince me to go everywhere with her and them, so it's not like she was being disrespectful to them or anyone else at all, so it's really a shame that Edu_ had the wrong impression.

On a happier note, the Band was absolutely thrilled about being picked up in a limo. Hehe, you should've seen their face when they were telling me about it, it was priceless! :lol:

-ProgPower X lineup announcement. Very special for me in particular, for I get to see Andre Matos live. To all of those who think the lineup is shitty, screw you.
- Glenn and the crew for one more time, working theirs asses off to make this work. Thank you.
- Lance King and Ken Golden for being amazing guys and running the two best vendor tables at the fest. You guys are awesome, and I wouldn't buy my shit from anyone else (unless you're sold out lol)
- My friends who once again one way or another made this trip possible and amazing! Greg, Rich, Shawn, Vanessa, Frode, Mike, Eric, Jason, Mike, Dave, Drew, John, Pat, Shariff, Russell, Justin, Jesse, Angela, Bill, Greg, Paula, Annie, Tess, Claus, Julien, Babs, Debbie, Metalrose, Ann Marie, Dave, Michelle, Katie, Brian (and their two cute friends Holly and Kit), Bear, Grandpa, Ian, John, Dustin, John, Tammy, Bryan, Roger... and the list goes on and on and on...
- All of the bands for putting on great shows.
- Bill for being a drunk (lol there's nothing cooler than hanging out with childhood friends that you dont see everyday)
- My friends once again, and this time especially Greg, Rich, Shawn, Eric, Mike and Jason!
- Residence Inn breakfast.
- Partying at the Residence Inn almost every night. Especially the party on Saturday night. What a riot!
- Elvenking and Pathosray on a personal level. Vaffanculo gli altri! Grazie mile per le risate i per tutti! Voi siete gli migliori!
- Bananabration and the banana fairy.


- Getting a bit of a cold on Friday night and missing most of Andromeda's set because of it.
- The incompetent bartenders at the Vendors room bar. Thanks to you I missed most of the Elvenking set. Next time, I suggest sober your drunk asses up and get on top of your game. 45 minutes for a slice of pizza is absolutely ridiculous. You guys suck.
- Midnight's set.
- Goodstone Cafe closing down.
- The smokers who didn't respect the no smoking rule in a few spots. Fuck you.
- Groupie behavior.
- Bill, also for being a drunk (lol).
- Iced Earth's sound problems.
- Missing most of Elvenking's set (did I mention how much of a shit crew they have working at the Vendor's bar?)
- Whoever stole Bill's laptop. I honestly hope you die.
- Ignorant fucks in the audience. Will not say any names/nicknames.
- Higher CD prices in most vendors.
- The prima donna guitarist for one specific band on Saturday. Your ego disgusts me. (and it's not Jon Schaffer, he's awesome!!!)
- Crowd during Amorphis. I understand some may have been tired, but to have the headliner almost beg for an encore is pathetic.
That is not the situation. Somethings are beyond the band's control (especially headliners). They offered to do it after the show, but that was logistically impossible. I promised Jon I would make sure the fans knew they did not "snub" them.

I'm Glad to hear that IE didn't intentionally No-Show for meet and greet. This was the first time I didn't stay at the Granada since PP-V, so now I'm crushed to hear I missed out on IE being there after the show.