Cheers and Jeers IX

to my crew family for being so awesome.
to all the bands. Thank you for being so flexible and helping me out by being on-time (or early, in the case of SUE) for pick-ups.
to my best friend for being so awesome.
to claus and tess.
to security for remembering me and not harping on my lacking badge when i left it in my room.
to Patrick, for being on top of things and remembering things when i didn't. you really helped smooth things out this year.
to teh Su, for giving my feet a place to rest.
to Elvenking, for providing lots of laughs and some good music to jig to.
to Palabra for laughing at me for getting us lost on the way to Steak n' Shake.
to Manticora, you guys made me laugh, and Lars - I didn't realize how good you were with advice. ;)
and last, but definitely not least....Glenn. You are too fucking awesome, and be prepared next year. You just provided me with a weekend long joygasm.

to the people who liked to walk behind me while I was backing up in the loading docks. No matter how many times I turn to look, or check my rearviews I CANNOT SEE YOU ON AN INCLINE!!!!!
to the Atlanta gas shortage, I should have made it through the weekend, but I didn't.
to non-working non-ppusa crew members who like to fuck things up.
to those who gave me heart attacks by contradicting TEH MAN.

Eric/Kaosaur, I'm very glad you weren't hurt, except for the knock upside the head I gave you. Please don't do that again, else you'll get more than a knock upside the head.
Additional Jeers:
- not introducing myself to people, like those who practically were surrounding me at Madison Grille .. for the life of me, I can't say, "Hi, I'm so-and-so.."
- not being more patient in the vendors area. I'm sure I missed some great deals on CDs I wanted, but I was too lazy and uncomfortable (in a hot/sweaty way) due to lots of people and heat lamps.
- not having eagle-sharp eyesight enough to see if those were dual or triple recs in the backline, and not knowing what pedals/racks/etc. were used for everyone's sets. :'( I'm a gear whore

Ok, done
You mess with our 'lil sis on the crew (who can handle herself FINE), THEN YA MESS WITH ALL OF US.. :mad: ;)

Aye. I was beating myself up about this pretty hard. In fact, it was the reason I stopped drinking Friday and had only 1 all of Saturday.

No severe beatings will be needed in the future.
Let's See...

-To Glenn, the crew, and everyone else involved in running this show. It is still far and away the best two days of music I see every year.
- All the bands. While I obviously liked some more than others, I was entertained (or at least not bored) by every set. Thanks for kicking ass, everyone.
- Riverside. I knew they would be good, but not that good. One of the best sets ever at PP. They need to headline some day.
- JOP. I did not expect to hear so many Savatage songs. I'm not complaining, as it was amazing. Our sponsorship money was well spent again this year!
- Mustasch and Saint Deamon. The surprises of the festival. Both kicked complete ass, and I hope they both re-appear some day.
- I expect Rob Rock to be complete cheese, but was again surprised. Thanks for kicking my ass.
- The Symphony X List Lunch. Awesome fun! I actually spoke to people I didn't know, which takes a lot of bravery on my part. Kimberly is awesome.
- The person that paid for our lunches! Whoever you are, you rule!
- Jax and Carol (Coldfire) for being two of my oldest friends. I have to try and make an effort to speak to you more than once a year. I am lame...
- My annual hug from Babs continues to be one of the highlights every year. Too bad she does not live near us, as I find her endlessly amusing, and I am often in need of entertainment!
- The Forum Poster. It looked so cool. Even if my picture was huge (hope it didn't scare too many people. Again, look at Ice Bat so you're distracted from the horror!).
- Ken Golden, for all the CDs and all the advice. I've never had him recommend a CD that I didn't end up liking. One of the many reasons I spend 95% of my CD money with him every year.
- Other random people that I spoke to briefly during the show (Kevin Madden, Teri, Larry D, Dweeb, Chris F5 and others). I suck at remembering names and stuff, unless I've seen you like a thousand times, so please never act surprised if I ask you who you are every year. I am dumb!
- Residence Inn. I know people bitch about the price or whatever, but it's so damn easy to get there and back between bands that it's worth it.
- PPX bands! DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA!!! FATES WARNING!!! I honestly wouldn't care who else was booked after these two names (DSO was the #1 band I was hoping to see next year). But the roster is filled with stuff I like, or at least am curious to check out. Saturday night will kill us all next year.


- The food situation. Seriously, Atlanta restaurants, can you not get your act together? This festival has been in town for eight times now, you'd think that perhaps you'd put on extra wait staff this weekend, or at least bake some extra bread (I'm looking at you, Subway!). We drove one year and hated it, though I do sometimes think it would be worth it just to have a car to access some other food joints. Hopefully that new development that had the giant signs posted across the street from the venue will include some new places to eat. That are actually open at night. A man can dream, I suppose...
- Stupid Japan-related jet lag that kicked my fucking ass all weekend, and made me not be able to stay for Amorphis or the PPX announcement. I tried, I really did, as I really like Amorphis, but I was passing out in my seat. I did sleep for almost nine hours that night (a record for me, as my insomnia often keeps me awake for days at a time), and Mary had a list of all the PPX bands that she read to me in dramatic fashion the next morning. But it wasn't quite the same...
- Sound for Ice Earth. It did not need to be that loud.
- People that are too cool for the room. This always does amuse me, though, every year. Some people are not nearly as important as they think they are.
- Not enough people coming over and talking to us at our Seats Of Awesomeness. Next year I'm making a map for all of you, dammit! ;)
- Missing out on the Forum Lunch. I wasn't aware that the GB holders got in so early this year, so we had to skip it. Hopefully next year...
- JOP's set going by way too fucking fast. I know they played the alloted time, but did it seem like it all went by in about five minutes for anyone else besides Mary and me? Hell, the whole weekend seemed to go by way too fucking fast, come to think of it...

Let's See...

- Ken Golden, for all the CDs and all the advice. I've never had him recommend a CD that I didn't end up liking. One of the many reasons I spend 95% of my CD money with him every year.

QFT. It's funny. This is the third year in a row where he is the only vendor I purchased my CDs from. Nothing against the other vendors (well, except for one) but The End is in my back yard...and usually I don't have any CD money left over by the time I get to the Nightmare table.
Cheers :To Glen and Crew for doing this fest you rule. Thank you:notworthy
Jeers: After an incredible show and wanting to see him forever Rob Rock had no merchandise:waah:
- JOP's set going by way too fucking fast. I know they played the alloted time, but did it seem like it all went by in about five minutes for anyone else besides Mary and me? Hell, the whole weekend seemed to go by way too fucking fast, come to think of it...dt

I did notice that, for some reason I thought his set would be at least twice as long as it seemed, time flies...
Most of my cheers and jeers have been mentioned already, but here are some additional thoughts...

Headliner setup times. At least Amorphis started on time but the rest of the night had been rolling on 15 minutes ahead of schedule so their setup time went from 45 to an hour.

I'm just glad they started on time. It sucks to arrive on time for a performance -- as several of Elvenking's sponsors did, for example -- and then discover that you've already missed an entire song or three.

When a festival is running late, well....that sucks and you can always try to make up time.
When a show is running early, however....HOLD THE SHOW. I talked to a bunch of people who ranged from bemusement to outright anger that they missed parts of band's sets due to the schedule running early.

Jeers - my car breaking down friday on my way home to get money, then come back, causing me to miss the entire festival.

Shit, dude, I was wondering what happened to y'all on Saturday. :erk:

I forgot a fest jeer:

To the stage right (sometimes he stood in the middle of the press pit) security guy that kept offering to allow me to stay up front for the entire set of each band if I would "put a little something in his pocket".

I was trying to figure out what his function there was, besides letting people without "barricade passes" stay there for entire sets, and hassling me for my pass again when he'd seen it less than five minutes before.

Now we know what his function was: he was just making a bit of money on the side!
- Getting to get to know more awesome people this year, am_ash, Diamond45, Ruthven, I know there are lots more.


--signed, Chopped Liver

Jeers to:

- Amorphis for not hanging out on Saturday- that was a bummer. (Disclaimer: I know it’s not required, but it’s always appreciated and enjoyed and it won’t skew my image of them at all. And it’s not a huge jeer.)

Besides having to leave quickly to go on tour, it's also important to note that they flew in right before PP started, so the jetlag was probably hell.

Short list from me.

*To getting to talk to people that I know, but never really talked to that much in previous years such as Pellaz, Dragongrrl, ChickenKiller, Norm, etc.

Hey, it was great hanging out with ya.....and that goes to several people I met this year for the first time, too.

*To the schedule being off by 15 minutes on Friday night. I heard several theories about what happened. Whatever the reason, it made lots of people miss 1/3 to 1/2 of performances. If ever the fest gets ahead of schedule again (which is odd in itself), the next band should be delayed to get things back on schedule.

I agree completely.

*It's not really a jeer, but I preferred the much more casual pre-party in The Loft. It allowed people to catch up and therefore we needed less time to do so on Friday and Saturday.

Glenn has already indicated he will not be doing a formal show on Wednesday next it's possible that a completely casual meet-and-greet could be arranged in the area instead.


I think my only festival jeer that hasn't been mentioned yet is the incredibly narrow space between the barricade and the stage this year. Sure, I know the stage was pushed out into the floor a bit for Helloween/Gamma Ray, thus making floor-space tighter, but a foot more distance -- heck, even 6 inches -- would have gone a long way in creating more room in the camera pit. I'm guessing this won't be an issue next year, though.

Other jeers:

-- to me, for missing a few bands' sets I wanted to see. After Friday, I was pretty much wiped out.
-- to Glenn, for running the band announcement thingie on Friday, causing me to scream like a little girl and lose my voice when Orphaned Land was announced, a whole day earlier than it would have been ruined last year. :)
-- to the Residence Inn (at 17th St), for lackluster service this year in several respects. You'd think that after paying an inflated rate for a hotel stay, they could maybe have someone check out the nonfunctioning icemaker or the leaking fridge. And don't get me started on their wired Internet service crapping out two days in a row. :u-huh: The manager also assured me smugly that room-rates WILL be higher next year, "due to supply and demand." Two cheers for Tom the manager.
-- to me for being a bit sick today, even above my voice still being shot

Overall, though, it was a great year. Glenn and crew, you rock my world! :notworthy
I might get flamed for this, as my perspective on it is unique.. not being there as an attendee, but as one of the people on the other side of the curtain.

I think we ran only 5-10 minutes early on Fri, due to fast changeovers.. that extra time ended up getting lost by the end of the night. It also sometimes allows bands to squeeze an extra song into the set.
From a crew standpoint.. if we can keep the extra time, I like it, since we know at SOME point there will be a longer than average changeover (as witnessed Sat night). And I will push for that as much as possible - especially if there are any bands recording or filming
I know people typically use this time for bathroom breaks, shopping, socializing, eating, etc... but if it is up to me.. early is good. Many of us in the crew get one quick break to shovel in some food in the catering (10 minutes over the entire night, usually after the bands have eaten), so it is a little hard for me to empathize with you.
Also- I know there is a live feed out in the lobby.... so if people are really there to see a band... shop later, socialize later, and get autographs later - or earlier.
I will agree that maybe a better way to communicate it is in order if we are running ahead...
I will leave final word on that that up to the promoter
Flame away as needed
I was trying to figure out what his function there was, besides letting people without "barricade passes" stay there for entire sets, and hassling me for my pass again when he'd seen it less than five minutes before.

Now we know what his function was: he was just making a bit of money on the side!

He hassled me every five minutes as well for my VIP pass. Dude, I just showed you when I walked into the pit. And again when you walked by me in the pit. And again when you yelled at me from the side after the first song of each band that I had to get out. I must have showed him my pass 40 times all weekend. :rolleyes: I'm sure others were in the same boat as us.

I considered going to find Glenn on the issue but figured he had enough to deal with, and/or was trying to relax and enjoy his hard work. The guy was just a jerk who thought he was a big security man. I guess my one jeer of the fest really is a big one for me. The guy really was on my nerves! I hope he/they are not there next year.
I figure I'll throw a few in the ring:


Glenn and Crew, of course.
Security (of the front door variety). Always pleasant and helpful (and I think this is in no small part due to the overall cool vibe given off by the crowd)
The Inn @ Peachtrees Courtyard - Great place to hang out and party.
The Forum Poster - I was on it twice without even realizing. Nice work, Auber.
The Bone Garden Cantina - Fantastic food brought to you by the owners of...
The Vortex, specifically the Double Bypass Burger, more specifically the DRFS Rich special edition with deep-fried bacon and gravy.
The Smoke Free policy. I dig it.
The I@tPTs Van Driver - I forget his name, but he was a blessing.
My out-of-town homies, AKA Team Chicago Remote -- Jerry, Paul, Vicki, and now Sara, y'all rock.
PPUSA-specific Peeps I see every year, Greg & Paula, MetalRose, Britt, Shaye, etc.
New Peeps, Steve from VA, his buddy whose name I forget (Those $3 Guinness in the front bar will be the end of me).
Bill and Zak from CIIC for being a blast to hang out with.
Mustasch-singer-dude for grabbing pictures with us.
The Pathosray guys for leftover pizza.
Riverside for just plain kicking ass.

McDonalds - Who doesn't serve normal burgers on the overnight shift?
The Varsity - 6 Years in the making, I finally made it there. The food was, in a word, crap.
MetalRose - For not mentioning me in her "Cheers" section. You've been downgraded to "Plan C!"
Saturn - The car company, for not making the trunk of the Aura adequately-sized for a 6'3" guy.
The designer of the Granada - for allowing the aforementioned Aura to bottom out while leaving the parking lot, thus causing the aforementioned 6'3" guy to smack his head on the trunklid.

I'm sure there's more.

- R
I think we ran only 5-10 minutes early on Fri, due to fast changeovers.. that extra time ended up getting lost by the end of the night. It also sometimes allows bands to squeeze an extra song into the set.

Also, Pathosray played short, no? 33 minutes or so.

Seemed like the sets were running about 15 minutes early at one point on Friday; anyone else remember?

From a crew standpoint.. if we can keep the extra time, I like it, since we know at SOME point there will be a longer than average changeover (as witnessed Sat night). And I will push for that as much as possible - especially if there are any bands recording or filming.

Oh, it's totally understandable. I know that y'all were concerned that extra time might have been needed to get Riverside's numerous keyboards set up. :)

... but if it is up to me.. early is good. Many of us in the crew get one quick break to shovel in some food in the catering (10 minutes over the entire night, usually after the bands have eaten), so it is a little hard for me to empathize with you.

But if you held the show for, say, 10-15 minutes to get back on time, wouldn't that allow some more time for the crew to relax/eat/whatnot?

I will agree that maybe a better way to communicate it is in order if we are running ahead...
I will leave final word on that that up to the promoter
Flame away as needed

Nahhh, no flames. It's just kinda weird that a show would be running early. It's like Amtrak running early. :OMG: :lol:
He hassled me every five minutes as well for my VIP pass. I must have showed him my pass 40 times all weekend. :rolleyes: I'm sure others were in the same boat as us.

I considered going to find Glenn on the issue but figured he had enough to deal with, and/or was trying to relax and enjoy his hard work. The guy was just a jerk who thought he was a big security man. I guess my one jeer of the fest really is a big one for me. The guy really was on my nerves! I hope he/they are not there next year.

Not trying to disagree or anything at all, as I was in the same boat sometimes this weekend....

BUT....after hearing about people "borrowing" gold badges, VIP passes, etc. instead of paying or helping in a way to where you earn it yourself, I wouldn't be surprised if THAT is the reason they were constantly checking. :mad: If people didn't abuse the system, it may make it easier on all of us. Obviously the ones abusing the system either don't think that far ahead, or do and just don't care. Same with the camera situation IMO...

Just my $.02 - I'll return with my cheers/jeers later :)
But if you held the show for, say, 10-15 minutes to get back on time, wouldn't that allow some more time for the crew to relax/eat/whatnot?

Nope - it'd 10 minutes to do something else that needed to be done !! :lol:
Such as setting up rental guitars for alternate tunings, battery changes for band pedals, battery changes for vocal mics ... :goggly:

It's all good.. i DO understand how someone who traveled and/or sponsored, and then missed out on 1/4 of the bands set could be upset.
Guess we'll see what Glenn has to say ...