Cheers and Jeers IX

He hassled me every five minutes as well for my VIP pass. Dude, I just showed you when I walked into the pit. And again when you walked by me in the pit. And again when you yelled at me from the side after the first song of each band that I had to get out. I must have showed him my pass 40 times all weekend. :rolleyes: I'm sure others were in the same boat as us.

I considered going to find Glenn on the issue but figured he had enough to deal with, and/or was trying to relax and enjoy his hard work. The guy was just a jerk who thought he was a big security man. I guess my one jeer of the fest really is a big one for me. The guy really was on my nerves! I hope he/they are not there next year.

Yep he was annoying during the Andromeda set. Part of the problem was that there were people sticking in front of the barrier and acting all confused when he asked them to leave during the 3rd song.
Let's See...

- The Symphony X List Lunch. Awesome fun! I actually spoke to people I didn't know, which takes a lot of bravery on my part.
- The person that paid for our lunches! Whoever you are, you rule! dt

It was great chatting with you and Mary! It’s funny, but in the “real world”, I would rather poke my own eye out with a fork than attend an event where I will have to approach people I don’t know. At ProgPower, though, it’s all part of the fun! I guess it’s because my friends and family at home don’t really “get” my music obsession – so I have a blast being around 900 people who do!!

Yep, definite cheers to the anonymous SymX lunch attendee who picked up the tab! That was extremely generous…plus, it probably kept the understaffed Madison Grille folks from having a complete meltdown when our group of 30 or so asked for separate checks!

Let's See...

- JOP's set going by way too fucking fast. I know they played the alloted time, but did it seem like it all went by in about five minutes for anyone else besides Mary and me?


YES!!! Another hour would have been good. :) I'm really bummed that we missed out on "Chance". And I would have loved to hear "Jesus Saves", "People Say - Gimme Some Hell", and "Through the Eyes of the King." And some more stuff with Zak. I'll have to keep an eye on the tour dates to see if they make it out West.
a cheers to the peep who found a bag of shirts at the venue and turned them into the bartender girlie...joe was very relieved :)

(hmmm..that doesn't sound quite right) ;)

i dunno if joe posts here, but i just wanted to post it because that was an awesome thing to do :)
aight let me throw my two to ten cents in here....

Cheers -
  • To Glenn and the Crew, great job as always and you deserve mass kudos again. From my personal experience, shit will always break and Murphy's Law comes into effect, so it was great to see the prompt responses when things went down and got handled properly.
  • Friends new and old. Great to see all you guys and ladies and I was very happy to get to hang out more this year than years gone by, a great time indeed, some I got to spend allot of time with, others not so much but it was great to see ya'll just the same. Shout outs to Eric, Leah, Wayniac, Shane, Rev Su (you're a hottie, thanks babe),Drew, Henry, Shelly,Brett,Jax, Urban,Shaye, Metal Rose, Norman, Mikey, Jacki, Heather, Texas Beth, Tess, Lance, Annie, Claus, Frode,Jennifer Lynn, Booby, Babs,Manda and Chris,Yippee Mike, Yardley Bates,Matt and Beth C, Angela,Linda,Matt, Nancy, Alicia (Happy Birthday,hope you had fun), Larry,Dusty, Boob,Troy, Todd,Debbie,Stevie Wonder, Carlos,Kevin,David,Milton, Kim K, Chris F5,Jeremy,Sarbah,Brent, Dustin and Crew,Vanessa,Shreddy,Tammy, Teri,Jim,Bari, King Lek, Chickenkiller,Brian,Jim and Kathy, Angela & Brian, Christina,Cristen and a ton more whom I will no doubt forget but I am still trying to find my way out of the haze....One of the best times I ever had at PPUSA.
  • The Courtyard Shuttle drivers, they were awesome!!!The Hotel was great too jut a bit for away for me, I am coming back next year to the G!!!
  • Gladys Knights (or something to that effect) also Front Page News and Silver Skillet - killler killler killer food!!!!
  • Delta for non stop flights (just had to throw that in there)
  • The bartenders Amy & Whitney, they sure know how to make some great jugs of juice :p
  • The people who saved our asses at the Residence Inn when were wondering around looking for a party and had BEER!!!!
  • To everyone that listened to me ramble on :lol:
  • Mustache and Saint Deamon guys, truly awesome group of fun Scandinavians!!!
  • Rob Rock and his band, they own!!!!Specially CJ!!!
  • Metal Rose for taking the time to get the special rate for the Courtyard when you were not even staying there, thank you!
  • The Porch Crew at the Grenada Saturday Night, thanks for the brews
Hmmm I dont care to do a Jeers list, I will just say I was not pleased with Iced Earth, maybe I just dont get them anymore? Other than that the little shit is little and forgotten and I don't do drama :zombie:

Bear :rock:
Lance King for being very cool to us and giving away copies of our CD from the Nightmare table.
John Cheek for just being Cheek ;-)
Pam and Shawn for always saving me a seat while I ran around running my mouth.
Hoyt and Karen for everything they do even when Hoyt is running around in a panick (Patrick wrecked the van again I got to go!)
Rob Rock and Riverside for totally blowing me away when I didn't expect much from them not knowing much about either.
Finally meeting up with Ben from Metal Reviews after all these years (looking forward to the review of Black Marys brother)

Iced Earth for starting at 12:30 am (I'm old)
Amorphis for not living up to my unrealistic expectations (love that band but expected more from them)
Shit, dude, I was wondering what happened to y'all on Saturday. :erk:

Yeah, happened 10 miles from my home. Got the news today that the engine seized, so the car will be scrapped, and will be getting a new one thursday, thus I miss Iced Earth tonight as well.

Next year, I'm just gonna fly down, even though Atlanta is only a few hours away.

Hoyt and Karen for everything they do even when Hoyt is running around in a panick (Patrick wrecked the van again I got to go!)

The Van didn't wreck, the tire popped after going over a rather uneven part of the road and I immediately changed it and that was the ONLY accident that occurred in regards to the van. It wasn't my fault at all. The only reasons he had to do anything is because 1.) the van was rented under his name because of certain restrictions rental places have, 2.) The place wouldn't send any type of assistance out to put a REAL tire on, cause God knows when you pile 6 extra people in a van that donut isn't gonna hold up very well, so he had to go to the place and have them do it.


wanted to clear that up so no one thinks I'm some sort of an incompetent driver.
Hopefully I don't leave anything/anyone out, but if I do, trust me it wasn't/isn't intentional:


> To Glenn and Crew for another amazing festival... there isn't much more I can add to this that hasn't been said already, but seeing as this is the first cheer in just about every one of the posts over the six pages thus far says a lot.
> To DreamThief for hooking a brother up with his 2nd gold badge... Mike has been a good friend ever since we met on the rail for Freak Kitchen at VII, and as a "regular" ticket buyer for the 1st two years, it was really nice having the early access to the vendors and arena this year.
> To J-man, Rick (SeeYouInHell), and Alan (forum name TBD) for being good roomies and great friends. Sure, maybe J-Man snored each night, but since we agreed on the $500 per night snoring penalty I already have PPUSA X paid for! :lol:
> To those "gay sword swinging dudes" during Elvenking - please bring them again next year my friends, and I will proudly save you spots on the rail (or vice versa.) I have enjoyed rocking out with you these past couple years. Also, it was nice meeting you as well, Jesse/Jessie (not sure how you spell your name, so my apologies for whichever one is incorrect. HA)
> To all of the new friends I made this year mostly thanks to J-Man because he knows EVERYBODY (and please pardon any unintentional omissions) - Rider of Theli (Hoyt), J-Dubya, Wayniac, Gary from PA (despite being an Eagles fan,) Deron, Ernesto (Iron Savior's #1 fan,) Curufin, Biffle, Evil Penguins, and probably the only other Texas A&M Aggie in attendance (but I forgot your name my friend - sorry!)
> To all of the old friends whom I got to at least say "hi" to at some point or bump into in and around the Granada/Venue: Lance King, Swordlord, Andy Laudano, Britt, Zod and Paula, Steve in Philly, Milt, Pellaz, Sh0kr0k, Scott and Coldie, and... and... and... jeez, I'm forgetting a lot of people here. I blame the PP Crud that I came home with (see jeers) and having a crappy memory.
> To the guys in Andromeda (David, Thomas, Fabian, Martin and last but not least Johan) for being such cool down-to-earth guys. I had the unique distinction of being the first person they met in the United States and got to spend some quality time with them on Wednesday as well as several times during the weekend. Also cheers to Paul (their videographer) for being a righteous dude as well and I can't wait to see the footage you shot.
> To Ralf and Hannes from Mustasch - got to talk to each in the lobby after their set and it was amazing to see genuine humility and how much they appreciated the fans and response from everyone. Speaking of Mustasch - to whoever designed/ran the lights for their set: That was some of the most dynamic lighting I have ever seen for a band outside of a large arena tour. I hope Glenn is kidnapping him/her for next year.
> To the unknown/unseen crew member who added a third monitor for vocals before Amorphis' set... when he moved the left one over to make room for the new one it revealed a previously hidden Kai Hansen guitar pick which was quickly snatched up by yours truly :rock:
> To whoever created the PPUSA X video announcement - it was really well put together and successfully built more and more excitement with each announcement.
> To Lucky Buddah for delivering food to the Granada lobby at 3 AM for me and my starving roomies.
> Speaking of food - special cheer to the girl taking orders/delivering food in Vinyl on Saturday night... I ordered chicken parmigiana only to find out they were sold out. When she went to the kitchen apparently she found a few more chicken parm's and she took the time to search the vendor floor for me and ask if still wanted my original order. Knowing how much she was running around trying to get food out quickly for everyone else, I was amazed that she went to the trouble to add that special level of personal service. I sincerely hope she's there next year. For those interested, it was really tasty.
> To MARTA for being so inexpensive and convenient to get to/from the airport.


I'm not going to hate on anyone or anybody because everyone I met or talked to were cool as hell to me - I guess I was more fortunate than others. My jeers are all personal ones.

> For not introducing myself to several forum members that were known to me and whom I saw at various points over the weekend. I just hate to interrupt people already in coversation and/or stand around an lurk off to the side waiting until you were done. I will not list names, but I will make a point to do better in this area next year.
> For missing JOP's set... as mentioned above was having an amazingly good conversation with Mustasch, but with each passing Savatage tune I knew I was missing out on an amazing set.
> For not having more stamina to stay up front on the rail for the entire festival... by Saturday I was wiped out and only made it through SUE before returning to the seats. Still, I don't think I would have obtained the full effect of Mustasch's light show if I had remained up front...
> For waking up with a post-PP Crud this morning. I thought I was just hoarse from screaming/singing all weekend, but apparently I brought a little bug back with me from Atlanta.

Another great year and I can't wait to do it all over again next year!
Amorphis for not living up to my unrealistic expectations (love that band but expected more from them)

Ummm, like what? (Aside from "The Way" maybe)


> For waking up with a post-PP Crud this morning. I thought I was just hoarse from screaming/singing all weekend, but apparently I brought a little bug back with me from Atlanta.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm experiencing. I thought it was just a hoarse voice, but neigh, it seems to be a bit of a bug. General exhaustion/headache/some congestion.....

Anyone else come home with this?
Oh yeah, another very important (to me) cheer!

Big time cheers to Jim Pridgen and Jason Birzer coming out of the Grenada at *just* the right time. I had decompressed a bit with JayDub, Don, and Bob (another drum tech) @ the Grenada and was WAY too tired to make the 20+ minute walk back to the Courtyard @ 3:30 in the morning (and too late for the PP band/crew shuttle). No one was at the front desk, so I decided to go outside and just hail a cab, after waitng 5-10 minutes and not seeing much traffic at this time, I went back in to check the front desk (to see if they could call for one) - still no one. Went back outside and not even a minute later these two come out. It turned out that Jim was driving Jason to the Courtyard and he gave me a ride as well!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You were an absolute life saver! :rock::rock:
Yep, that's exactly what I'm experiencing. I thought it was just a hoarse voice, but neigh, it seems to be a bit of a bug. General exhaustion/headache/some congestion.....

Anyone else come home with this?

For the past five years I have drank at least 3-4 bottles of water with Airborne in them everyday. I even had a couple on the airplane both going to and coming home from PP.

Knock wood.....I've been PP Flu free the past five years....I never want to go thru that again!

Hope everyone feels better soon!
Yep, that's exactly what I'm experiencing. I thought it was just a hoarse voice, but neigh, it seems to be a bit of a bug. General exhaustion/headache/some congestion.....

Anyone else come home with this?

no shit, this sucks. First year I've ever come home with this bug and Im hating life.
Elvenkings set was awesome. (Except for the gay dude with the swords and the horrible asian looking groupie girl who was blowing their dicks at the signing table and ruined the experience for me, at least)

Two gay dudes with swords, me being one of them. Welcome to being the only one that didn't think it was cool. We brought swords last year for Virgin Steele and we had several people come up to us and ask them if we brought them again this year. It seemed appropriate during Pagan Purity and there's no possible way it could've been that big of a deal to anyone, so I don't know what you're fucking problem is. Damnagoras seemed to think it was cool...he took my sword and wielded it on stage for a little while...I don't see how this could have taken away from your enjoyment of their show (if anything should have, it's the fact that they were supposed to play Regality Dance but didn't have enough time). My sword is named "Posers' Bane" and may the business end of its blade taste of your flesh if we meet in battle. Lighten up, guy.

Here's my list:

  • Friday was by far the superior day. I enjoyed every band (and in different ways).
  • Amorphis...the best set I've ever seen at ProgPower...I didn't have time to notice a shitty crowd because I was going so fucking crazy while they were blowing me away.
  • Meeting and knowing the names of certain PP regulars.
  • Going to Steak and Shake with Elvenking and talking about their real names and real jobs...and what the fuck real Italian food is.
  • Rob Rock....stupid name, goofy look, and great music. I was pleasantly surprised.
  • Iron Savior for playing Mind over Matter
  • Andromeda for playing an instrumental

  • Above poster hating our swords, which everyone else thinks are cool
  • Iced Earth. In many ways, I was disappointed by their set...not enough good Barlow songs (Gettysburg? Are you kidding me? It's a good song, but it's 30 minutes...that's enough time to play better, shorter songs, like Pure Evil, The Hunter, Desciples of the Lie or something from Burnt Offerings). Then of course, the abrupt end. I was expecting so much from the triumphant return of Matt, and it was lackluster. I don't want to hear half the set composed of songs Matt Barlow didn't sing in the first place! Fuck!
  • Not being able to find Elvenking's Wyrd album.
  • Not getting anything signed by Helloween or Gamma Ray(because they had to leave)
  • Some bands I expected to be on next year's lineup not being included (Suspyre, Falconer, Astral Doors, Serenity)...and also not giving a damn about any of the bands on the first day, save for Sabaton.
  • Spending too much money
  • Gorlan (Elvenking) farting at least 10 times in my car. jesus christ, it smelled like a bag of asses.
An extremely large thumbs up....This is by far, the event I look forward to most every year, and it never disappoints....a top class affair...a great big thanks to all that make it happen....and to all who attend, who also make it the festival it is.

A thumbs down for just leaving it all in the venue Wed. Thur. Fri. & Sat nights and the need to just go lay down after the show Saturday (no porchy).

A thumbs up to the Riverside sound of the best jobs done for a performance at PP that I have seen since I have been on....Thank You!!!....and to the rest...Thanks, one of the best overall sound weekends.

A thumbs up to all that I once again got to see, talk and drink with.....those I got to see......those i bumped into.....those i got to drink by...and those I got to talk to without seeing......or maybe just not remembering.

A thumbs down to the unmemorable Friday Night Evil Weeble Wobble.....and that strange waking feeling that i was being wished into Peachtree by an evil postman.

It was a blast, and while returning home and the same ol' same ol' is good to know, that we have yet another year to look forward to, and that my the real treat. :rock:
My sword is named "Posers' Bane" and may the business end of its blade taste of your flesh if we meet in battle.

Well look what ya did, you done pissed the sword guys off....

I hope ya bring the swords back too!! I don't know ya but when I saw you in passing, I was like 'Hey the sword guy's back!!!'

[*]Gorlan (Elvenking) farting at least 10 times in my car. jesus christ, it smelled like a bag of asses.

and I dunno what it is about italian guys n' gas... Marco got very inventive with song lyrics for 'Fear of the Dark'.. .just to name one of the many... We joked about a compilation box set of 'em there were so many!!
You have no idea how much we, in the other car, were laughing when Ayden said the reason for your doors suddenly opening up.

Oh my god, it was the most wretched thing ever. He then explained to me, how he likes to fart into a water bottle, screw the cap on, and then release the air in someone's face unexpectedly. He then farted into his hand, and shoved it into the face of Elyghen, who was dozing off in the front seat on the way back to the hotel. NASTY.