Chemical Wedding...

ive re-recorded those parts,...remixed and redone another version....... It came out pretty good and still seems uniform.... i actually like this version better but it seems its a lil noticeable with a tone shift going after the first chorus into the intro type riff again..... If u want Mr hyde.... id like to send u the new version and hear your opinion on it.... if u think its too noticeable then well just keep the first version....if its not too bad ..... go with the new one.....

Ill wait for your reply......And oopsss... i forgot to send that program...its in your mail now....!!!

Amon...: Hell yeah dude.... if u wanna contribute all for it..... just send your parts over...unless you wanna mix your own version...then ill send u my part...we can work that out later once youve recorded....!!
Medsy: Yeah send it to me and I'll check it out. I need your opinion on some of the notes I'm playing behind your solo part so I'll need your thoughts on that before I send you a final take.

I'll let you know what my thoughts are on your new version.

When I get that program I'll send you a copy of the first version I did so you can let me know if you think I should be playing more, or different notes behind your solo.:)
Medsy: I just got the new file, and the file splitter right on, thanks.

....You are gonna hate me but your new file still has a problem...

You added the new chord nicely but you put the D# in the wrong place the first time around.

This is gonna look silly but I think I may have confused you the first time and I want to try and get on the same page....

It should go....

The first time around you go to D# first and then D on the second one. Does this make sense? I'm sorry I keep pointing out these little things, If you want I can record to your original version without the D# in it.
oh poop....... damn..... i wish id studied the tab before i jumped in on this song...i only thought i needed the tab for the solo... i guess i was wrong......

And was just to keen to record as to actually study the original........

Well im not recording it again unfortunately.... and as its only even less slight then last time i thought the error was... i think well get by on it..... I hope no purist out there are gonna take offense... lol..... :)

Thanx for pointing it out though hyde.... i understand what you were refering to now btw.... So the original version stands... just delete the second one.....

It's fine with me! I think that you did a really good job on it and besides you can always say that you meant to leave that chord change out!:lol:
I thought you might just decide that the first version was one to keep, I thought it was.
I sent you my bass file to the first version, did you get it?

If so, Any thoughts, or comments?
WICKED....... :)

Sounds fine to me hyde....

The only thing i noticed is that on the original they must of used a 5 string bass cause theres a sequence in the solo sequence on the original where the bass drops lower than ' c ' to a ' b ' ....where you played it higher.........But thats just being petty...,........Other than that....the solo section will be fine...ill just mix the rythym guitars higher to create more of the dissidence in the chords.....

It fully rocked dude and it sounds totally cosmic in the mix...... Im gonna to a final instrumental mix now.......

If your axe works is as good as your bass stuff.... i cant wait to hear you in action......

Stay tuned.... jim says hes already in the process of vox..... so its nearly ready......
Just heard jim's preview vocal track.... TOTALLY SPEECHLESS.....


Awaiting something special here......

Great work jim..... you rock... its easy to see why your a pro dude.....

Thanks dude! Though the tracks still needs a LOT of work on the choruses...

I tell ya, the quality of the instrumentals you guys are doing at this point is AMAZING. I cant do 1 take vocals anymore. It now takes me a lot of takes and drafts to even get close to what you guys are doing... and I won't do any tunes that are vocally beyond me anymore cause it really sticks out like a sore thumb now....
I didn't notice that noise some of you mentioned in the email when I first listened to it. I gave it another listen and I can hear a little noise during the chorus, I don't know if it's distortion from the mix getting a little louder there, or a by product of the Leslie speaker effect Medsy used on that part. Maybe it's something else...
When I listen to it on my speakers the noise is barely audible, and I didn't really notice it until I listened specifically to see if I could hear it.

Medsy: In case I haven't mentioned it enough yet, Incredible...great work!:)
fully..... every song is just an improvement over the previous..... playing is getting better...techniques...mixdowns..... its all just one big learning curve......

I cant wait for the final mix.........

And i actually have like el cheapo shitty cpu speakers..... and my right one is blown so its always distorting on low volumes......and still no headphones........

But ill trust everyones judgement and ill remix the song with the overall level down and try to take out some of the clipping......I like my mixes mixed hot as,..... but i guess i shouldnt 'cause the clipping is leaking through too much........

Great ears all.......
Hot??? This one is on fire!

I imported the track and can see the waves getting cut off through the entire thing. Yeah, yuh gotta cut it back some!

I plan on doing as many takes as possible to nail this one %100. I may have to change the delivery in a couple of parts from the original cause I just don't sound spot-on during them...

Wow...Is it really that badly distorted? My speakers must be masking most of it. It doesn't sound bad to me. I only hear it in a couple of spots.
Well...I have a fairly expensive set of headphones that I listen to our track on..and when listening on this, I can hear the clipping through the entire song...some parts louder than others (those must be what you guys hear), but its there all the way through the song..for the most part it manifests itself in a 'static' noise that I explained in my original email (when I first brought it up). Thanks Jim for verifying it by opening the waveform and visually seeing the clips...I didn't think to do that.
Its been my experience that different programs allow for different levels though. N-track starts clipping way too early...hence why my first mixes for the IMG were kinda low volume. Now I rough mix in N-track and import into soundforge...which allows me to make the mix much hotter without can tell a huge vol difference between 1 U Luv to hate ..and oh..say Deja-Vu..or The WickerMan. In both cases, I pushed the volume as loud as the program would let me before the waveforms started clipping and I was getting noise.

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