Chicago Powerfest 2006/ Impulse Music Pilgrimage


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Mar 29, 2003
This thread goes out to all of those of you that are attending Chicago Powerfest on April 7th and 8th. On Saturday April 8th I would like to know how many of you would be interested in taking a trip to Impulse Music. Impulse is located approxiamately 45 minutes from the hotels most of you will be staying at. The cover the genres of power metal, traditional heavy metal, 80's hard rock, and classic rock. You will be hard pressed to not find something to your liking. If you are interested simply drop me an e-mal at with your full name, number of people in your group, and the hotel you are staying at (so I can figure out a prime meeting place. Thanks

Michael TEOF said:
I live about 3 minutes from Impulse, if anyone wants to to meet there for drinks.

Hey Michael.
Cool. I am in Lombard. Good to see some local folks with good taste in music! I am hoping to hit Impulse this week!
I assume most people know this... but Impulse moved about 6 months ago. If you made the "Pilgrimage" from Powerfest during previous years, it will not be to the same location. The new store is still on Irving Park Road in Roselle, but is a couple miles down the road from the old location.
yeah, but the POWERfest bands are in the much heavier realm of POWER, and include a lot of THRASHiness, which is close to DEATH metal... thus, DEATH has a lot of crossover appeal for POWERfest attendees. ;)

plus, there's not nearly as much in melodic metal that piques my interest these days as there is in extreme metal.
booB said:
yeah, but the POWERfest bands are in the much heavier realm of POWER, and include a lot of THRASHiness, which is close to DEATH metal... thus, DEATH has a lot of crossover appeal for POWERfest attendees. ;)

plus, there's not nearly as much in melodic metal that piques my interest these days as there is in extreme metal.

:worship: :worship: :worship:

hahahaha! I agree with you on all that. A lot of people that go to Powerfest have an open mind to a lot of the other sub-genres of metal, myself also included. Sometimes I think I have TOO wide of a range, lol!!! I love the hell out of Impulse (I think Steve can attest to my love from how long I was there last year on Monday!), but I was also PISSED when I went to Metal Haven and the damned place was CLOSED on Mondays. ARGH! According to Justin, they had a LOT that I was looking for, including some Immortal picture LPs that I wanted. This year I am beyond broke, so I can't do anything at either place except visit (if possible) and cry. Consider yourselves lucky to be in a position to be buying stuff at either place. :p
POWERFEST is not a "power metal" festival, the POWER in
the name refers to powerful music, metal to be exact....however,
we certainly reserve the right to book any band that we
feel plays powerful music. With that being said, we certainly
hope that the expectations of this fest are not that of a
strictly power metal fest because that is not the case. We
will continually strive to bring you a well-rounded metal fest
leaning more to the heavier side of metal so don't be surprised
to see deathier, thrashier or just plain heavier bands in the future.

Hopefully, the fans of this fest so far will continue to keep and
open mind and trust our judgement on the bands we bring to the

Chris Lotesto said:
don't be surprised
to see deathier, thrashier or just plain heavier bands in the future.

Oh, man, you're going after Gorgoroth for next year, aren't you?

That explains Withering Soul, you're getting us used to black metal this year to soften the transition next year :)

booB said:
is Withering Soul that heavy? I haven't heard them yet.

They're black metal complete with corpsepaint. :headbang: I don't know if being black metal makes you heavy by default, but I'm not good at distinguishing one kind of black metal from another.... My only exposure to them is from their samples on myspace (I hate myspace, by the way, but that's a topic for another post somewhere else). I've never seen a black metal band before, so I'm actually sort of looking forward to them.
