Chicago show...

Everyone keeps saying Paradise Lost sucked. I disagree. I thought they sounded great, not to mention, the incredible response from Chicago, even to a point, that Nick Holmes thanked Chicago for being so nice to them. I thought they did a great job supporting Opeth.
i was there.... great show.

I think i was right in front of you guys, Saturnix. I was the guy in the still life hoodie. I looked behind me and you guys were right there. i should of said something but im an idiot.

Anyways, great show. one of the best.
ffanatic: where exactly were you standing?

And what was with that guy who was yelling out TNATSW? I also heard somebody ask him why they don't play that in Cleveland by the bus. Read some friggin' interviews people! :spin:
Originally posted by Solitary Raven
ffanatic: where exactly were you standing?

And what was with that guy who was yelling out TNATSW? I also heard somebody ask him why they don't play that in Cleveland by the bus. Read some friggin' interviews people! :spin:

I was standing right near the entrence to the bar, off to the right of the stage. Were you the guy wearing the Death-Symbolic Tour Shirt (long sleeve), with the spiked hair and glasses? If so, I was the nerdy guy who kept having to move when people were going in/out of the bar, I was wearing a Deliverance hoodie and black pants (wow, that'll narrow things down)?
Yup, that was me! And I think I do now rememeber you now. You were standing right next to the guy who acknowledged my shirt right - if you recall that? Irregardless it's ironic 2 UM'ers were standing right next to each other and didn't know it! :)
Geez I am gettin' on the boards late today...I was all pumped to be the first one to defend Paradise Lost but dammit ya beat me to it Paul;) . To me they couldn't have opened or closed with better songs.."Say Just Words" to open and "One Second" to end it, perfect. To say that they didn't belong on the bill is not right in my opinion. I felt that Tapping the Vein was kind of out of place. I didn't care for the electronica percussion thing and honestly one song kinda blended into the next after the first two. I give um credit though..anyone with the balls to get up on stage deserves a hand, which I did give them:) .

Opeth, well, damn what can I say that already hasn't been said? They are amazing musicians and I just had to stand there and smile at certain points in utter adoration. I will be anxiously awaiting the next disc.

I mainly hung out by the back bar behind the sound board..for one you don't get blasted by the sound and two I can actually SEE, hehe. One UM member actually spotted me, which I found quite amazing. I know a pic or two of me has been posted somewhere on UM in the past, but this guy just picked me out! He said he doesn't post much...I believe his username was Shadowdancer or if you are reading this, hey man!!! *waves* PratlPoet, you must have been near me because I distinctly remember hearing someone yell that Opeth were the saviors of metal:lol: .

It was great to hang with some friends and enjoy the show. I really don't believe the show was sold out...the last time I was at the House of Blues was to see Down and that show WAS sold was so packed that it was ALMOST unenjoyable. Eeeeek.

Overall I was happy...not a bad start to the week considering what a shitty weekend I had and a horrible start to yesterday morning...a HUGE thanks to Opeth for bringing me out of my seemingly unstoppable blues:) .
Originally posted by Solitary Raven
Yup, that was me! And I think I do now rememeber you now. You were standing right next to the guy who acknowledged my shirt right - if you recall that? Irregardless it's ironic 2 UM'ers were standing right next to each other and didn't know it! :)

Yeah, that is kinda weird. I just hope the beeping in my right ear will stop soon. Standing so close to those speakers was murder.
a very fine performance from both bands *nods/grins* :::grin:::

a 6:15 start time (apparently) so i missed Tapping the Vein. these early start times at the HOB blow, imo, :Puke: especially during the week. also during the mid-summer months, the sun's just barely set when some of these early shows are ending. bah!

i enjoyed Paradise Lost. i don't know why some ppl are calling them boring. they were NOT boring!

Opeth... this was my fourth time seeing them. always good to see them come through the area. :) as for a "flawless" performance though? :lol: well, a fine performance, but flawless it was not. from where i was standing, the sound was REALLY muddy at the beginning - during the first song or two. but it did get better. i don't know if it was because i moved closer, or maybe the band and the sound guy found their groove. :err: maybe a combo of each? i could hear someone near me screaming that the guitar(s?) needed to be turned up. also, i heard some other guy saying to his buddies that it seemed that they were playing Advent a bit too fast, and i piped up and said, "yes, i agree. it sounds fast" or something like that. :lol: i guess it must not have been too loud 'n' clear if i could hear dudes around me yakking. :rolleyes: aaand, there was one very slight off moment on one of the clean vocal parts (hehe), but overall they were really REALLY good. i'd say great even. :grin: :notworthy

it's was a good time drinking beer with my friends and seeing Opeth and PL on a Monday night. :)

glad you all had fun! :wave:
Originally posted by ShadowLioness
I mainly hung out by the back bar behind the sound board..for one you don't get blasted by the sound and two I can actually SEE, hehe. One UM member actually spotted me, which I found quite amazing. I know a pic or two of me has been posted somewhere on UM in the past, but this guy just picked me out! He said he doesn't post much...I believe his username was Shadowdancer or if you are reading this, hey man!!! *waves* PratlPoet, you must have been near me because I distinctly remember hearing someone yell that Opeth were the saviors of metal:lol:

Myself and PratlPoet were standing right in front of you. We were up against the right side of the soundboard. I am pretty tall (6'6"), and probably was making the view for those behind me impossible. I think Mikael heard that comment, because he laughed and did one of these :blush:
The show was incredible ! Everything I expected . The guy is a genius, and the band is awesome . I saw them at the hard rock last time around, but MAN I got the full effect this time:OMG:

I was bummed Lacuna couldnt make it , I thought the other bands were lame and the show was mismatched.If the guitar player for Paradise moved his hands once on the neck I musta blinked when he did it.

Dark Tranquility would have been a great band for this tour.

Great to see Opeth has a home here in Chicago !
Originally posted by Embalmer
Myself and PratlPoet were standing right in front of you. We were up against the right side of the soundboard. I am pretty tall (6'6"), and probably was making the view for those behind me impossible. I think Mikael heard that comment, because he laughed and did one of these :blush:

haha! i heard that too. :err: consider the source though. he's one of the dudes who heckled Dream Theater! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i'm sorry, guys (PPoet). i don't want to start a big debate on the issue. i'll just say i don't agree with you. ;)
Howdy folks. I really enjoyed the show last night. Opeth were amazing, which you all know. I didn't think they could sound any tighter and more amazing than they did back in 2001, and in my opinion, they were far superior this time around. Mike cracks me up with his monotone banter between songs, lol. Only time I clearly understood him was when he said "hello Willie" to my roommate haha (Willie was helping operate the lights during their set...) After the show I spent some time with them and they were still the same polite funny guys they ever were, which was a good thing to see. They seem to be quite surprised and maybe even a bit overwhelmed at the demand they have from the crowds here. It is suprising in a sense that the U.S. are so crazy about them, but its a good surprise nonetheless.
As for the sound problems, I guess they were having a problem with that p.a. system all night long, especially during Tapping the Vein. They worked most of it out during the course of the night, but they still had problems with it when Opeth started. It was the House of Blues' sound system, not their own, so they really cant be blamed.
I didnt see most of Tapping the Vein, I was downstairs trying to get the passes situation straightened out with the oh-so-not-accomodating House of Blues staff as usual. From what I heard and what little I saw, they were solid, but they really didnt spark any interest from me. But for people who really enjoy that style, they definately did a good job.
Paradise Lost are a hard one to call......again I would definately say that they were tight and pro and they sounded really good at what they did....but for me, I really havent been too into them for a long time, so my enthusiasm wasnt too high. I will say that they were much better than I thought they'd be. I think had they been on a more fitting bill with someone like Entwine or H.I.M or something, I would have been able to get into the mood for it more.
Overall a great show, and I look forward to seeing Opeth many more times (I'm told that will happen again in May *wink* )
One last note....Opeth had no control over the security kicking out the fans waiting by the busses. House of Blues security has gotten extremely difficult and strict lately, and unfortunately I know from experience that even the bands who play there have no say or control over the H.O.B policies (the security at the venue have even been known to give the bands and crew a hard time there in the past.) Some security & staff there are cool though, but very few.
yeah cladindarkness, i was in a gray hoooded sweater with black pants, short hair, this was my first time seeing them and i thought they totally kicked ass! i didnt really have a problem with the two opening bands....pretty cool, not so much on the tapping the vein though... clad were you 1 of the 2 guys getting into paradise lost...because i was on the brim of the pit all night, went in a few times, thats about it....i had a friend with me before opeth came on when slayer came on through the speakers, and he yelled "War Ensemble" really was funny....and PratPoet, i heard you loud and clear about the opeth being saviours of metal, pretty bad ass.
Yeah CladinDarkness, at the very end of the night I had to deal with that guy as well. Even though I was allowed to be there, he still gave me a hassle and an attitude. I guess he was in charge of basically getting rid of anyone who isnt supposed to be there. He's just doing his job but he acts a bit too overbearing regardless. If youre a band member or roadie and you try going anywhere in the H.O.B without your laminate, sticker pass, and whatever other i.d. they require that day, man they'll give you hell LOL
Since they are now letting the bands stick around inside longer after the show (they used to require the bands to load out immediately following the show), your best bet next time is to come back down to the bus area probably an hour or two even after the show, if you want to wait that long. By that point, the guys should be getting back to the busses and the security may have chilled out a bit. Thats the only suggestion I can really think of to get those autographs. Good luck.
Originally posted by wildfyr
haha! i heard that too. :err: consider the source though. he's one of the dudes who heckled Dream Theater! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i'm sorry, guys (PPoet). i don't want to start a big debate on the issue. i'll just say i don't agree with you. ;)

Geez, I wanted Mikael and the guys to hear that they are the saviors of metal...they are!!! No one is doing what they one!

Yeah, I heckled DT because I felt they deserved it...but it's cool if you don't agree...I still hail the band...just feel Portnoy needs to get over himself a bit!

Excellent show, people...I am still hearing it!!!
Originally posted by Embalmer
Myself and PratlPoet were standing right in front of you. We were up against the right side of the soundboard. I am pretty tall (6'6"), and probably was making the view for those behind me impossible. I think Mikael heard that comment, because he laughed and did one of these :blush:

Heh..hehe...we were there...we were cool. Mikael knows they're the saviors.

Did anyone tape the goddamn show!
Originally posted by DimensionZero1
yeah cladindarkness, i was in a gray hoooded sweater with black pants, short hair, this was my first time seeing them and i thought they totally kicked ass! i didnt really have a problem with the two opening bands....pretty cool, not so much on the tapping the vein though... clad were you 1 of the 2 guys getting into paradise lost...because i was on the brim of the pit all night, went in a few times, thats about it....i had a friend with me before opeth came on when slayer came on through the speakers, and he yelled "War Ensemble" really was funny....and PratPoet, i heard you loud and clear about the opeth being saviours of metal, pretty bad ass.

No but those dudes were annoying me........i was in the very very front as close as i coud be just off to left of the center stage, but i was pretty much directly in front of mikael.

Thats me