Children of Bodom acquired taste?


New Metal Member
Aug 14, 2002
Calgary, Alberta
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When I first heard Children of Bodom, I didnt like them, it sounded too cartoony. But after I listened to them every once in a while I started to like them, and now Im headbanging to their carnival tunes almost every day. It was the same way with my brother and another guy I know.

Im just curious if you hooked into CoB right away, or did it take a while?
I was always been a fan of any type of metal.... im a very open minded person when it comes to metal (except nu-metal and all the trash that comes from the USA)
As soon as I heard bodom back in 97 i was hooked for life :)
Originally posted by Pietjuh
i first tought it was somekind of fighting game music :) It really fits for games like streetfighter en tekken :p
I really liked it the first time i heard it :)

WHAT THE FUCK?!??!!??!
yeah man what the hell is up with that???
it has a lot of organ and stuff but nowhere in the world is it 'cartoony'! the organ solos sound mean as fuck! imo at least :p

also it has a lot of melody riffs, maybe it's something along those lines... but cartoon? man!
I agree 100% with eagle.... and i think im just as confused hahaha
I mean how can someone think cob is cartoony????
Im sorry but when people say this kind of shit it REALLY pisses me off
Yes, I used to think they were very cheezy, with those over the top melodic riffs, growling shouts, and video gameish keyboard sounds. but I noticed that there is nothing wrong with that, then they became one of favorite bands.

sorry about the picture... I just felt like putting it here.:p
the first song i ever heard was children of decadence in midi form..
and i thought it was fucking sweet.. so i downloaded a few songs off of FTR and hatebreeder and loved them ever since..

cob in midi is awsome!!!
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
@everyone who thinks COB is cartoony:


I didn't say cartoony, but I said video game.... does that count.
If so fuck you!! those melodic COB hero music, is great for the fighting scenes!!!!

:mad: :D :eek: :(