Children Of Bodom Blankets And Pillow Covers!

  • Thread starter King Purple Rainbow
  • Start date

King Purple Rainbow

What would spell 'naptime' better than a warm, cuddly Children Of Bodom blanket?!?!

And what would spell 'soft and comfy' like a pillow covered with a Children Of Bodom pillow cover?

Nothing spells 'goodnight' like Children Of Bodom!:lol:
I'd also want Children of Bodom PJs and slippers, so I could accessorize with my cuddly Children of Bodom Blanket.
That would look so romantic.
I'd really like also a Children Of Bodom alarm clock.

Maybe in the same shape of the "Something Wild" shape-CD. I'd love waking up every day listening to "Silent Night, Bodom Night" for example. It would really wake me up.......the regular alarm clocks don't work with me.:p

hmpf.... had to be KPR.....

King Purple Rainbow, if I throw some seeds on yer head, somethin will ceratinly grow....

we read the title of the thread and your nick comes to our minds......

Heh, KPR , I want your autograph
You fucking cunt. Where is the administrator when you need him.
Don't get me wrong, I do have a sense of humour, but if you think this is funny you deserve a neck shot.
Maybe you just should calm down and visit other threads...?

Or maybe you're the one who deserves the neck shot...
Originally posted by kater
I'd really like also a Children Of Bodom alarm clock.

Maybe in the same shape of the "Something Wild" shape-CD. I'd love waking up every day listening to "Silent Night, Bodom Night" for example. It would really wake me up.......the regular alarm clocks don't work with me.:p

Hail people...

there's any alarm clock which works with me :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:

But Kater, you suggest is good, I'll try it:D
every morning when i wake up i just blast some bodom really loud, wakes everyone up in the house!!! what i really want would be some hats and maybe some undies man.
Originally posted by humus666
You fucking cunt. Where is the administrator when you need him.
Don't get me wrong, I do have a sense of humour, but if you think this is funny you deserve a neck shot.
Yeah! A neck shot! That's the true norwegian Black Metal style for killing people. :devil: EVIL!!! :devil:

Sorry, if I scared anyone.