Children Of Bodom Chili Dogs!

Originally posted by Evil_Ernie
be careful bodomite...they may not be hot dogs Queen Rainblow is talking about. :lol:

:lol: Ernie you sick fuck only you would think that :lol: :lol: :lol:
............. welll okay (MABYE) I would think that too hahahaha :)
Originally posted by MagSec4
Crack is cracked cocaine.. a much cheaper lower quality version

crack is freebase cocaine, it's a hell of alot more stronger than powder cocaine, but as you said, its a low quality freebase.

Both can be smoked, but powder cocaine isn't very effective using smoking method. Crack is the smoking type.
you hate drugs? thats a pretty harsh statement.

I mean drugs are some of the most helpful parts of society, and out of society.

Have you ever had a drink? a headache tablet?

are you rethinking your statement? haha :)
Actually yes, I am rethinking my statement. I hate drugs, of the illegal kind. Let it be Weed (Marijuana) to Heroin. You could classify alcohol as a drug, but it is not illegal (in most countries). As for Aspirin and such, they are not illegal. Although, I do not take anything unless I HAVE to. If I have a headache/migrane, I don't take Advil or anything. I simply let it pass.
no offence, but thats the most ignorant statement i've heard.

substances are only illegal because a group of people in suits make it so.

It's all in the interest of big corporations, not the little guy.

you must read, and understand before you make such a comment.

How do you think society evolved to what it is today? acient societies use plants for religious and divinatory purposes, they "expand" your mind so to speak.