Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

- Week 32: Taste of my Scythe interludes + solo's

Advice very welcome! :)

that was excellent! were you practicing it throughout the week and that's why you posted it now? that's usually what I do. I practice it for a few days before I decide to record, so that way when I record, I really have it down and I don't need to do like 100 takes to get it right.

And here's my ROTW for week 23!
it wasn't clipping when I recorded it, but when I exported it to the audio mixdown (yay cubase is working for me again!) it started clipping cuz the volume became higher for some reason. Anyway, as Mart always says, Advice very welcome!
that was excellent! were you practicing it throughout the week and that's why you posted it now? that's usually what I do. I practice it for a few days before I decide to record, so that way when I record, I really have it down and I don't need to do like 100 takes to get it right.

And here's my ROTW for week 23!
it wasn't clipping when I recorded it, but when I exported it to the audio mixdown (yay cubase is working for me again!) it started clipping cuz the volume became higher for some reason. Anyway, as Mart always says, Advice very welcome!
Yea well it was mostly the 2nd solo that took me a while to get it down good enough to record. I still always have to do 100 takes because I'm never happy with my recordings :p

And great recording! I really like your tone! How did you get it again? A Pod studio?
ah, you are a perfectionist :). Always a good trait in a musician. and yeah, I use the pod xt. I suppose I'm getting better at tweaking out good tones. thanks for the feedback!
Nice one! I think the same for the lead. Maybe you should make tone for lead only. (?) You should work a bit more on the slides during the intro because they sound a bit "random" if you understand what I mean. Work on them slowly to get the perfect rythm (16th-16th-8th)! ;)
damn, I thought he meant he wants unflatten it. my apologies. that was a pretty bad way of stating it tho :eek:

Excuse my lame way of expressing what I meant. What I wanted to say is what am I suposed to do (move the saddle towards or away from the fretboard) if the notes go flat (is it said that way? meaning that the D is more like a lil bit bent E f.e. but not exactly a D) towards the upper frets (the lower frets are ok me thinks).

Recording of the Week - Touch Like an Angel of Death (Verse - Bars 16 - 34)

*Advanced* - Touch Like an Angel of Death (Chorus - Bars 159 - 172)

*Advanced Pt. 2* - Touch Like an Angel of Death (Solo - Bars 117 - 148)

Cool! I will try it during Christmas. Not this week though, loads of things to do.

- Week 32: Taste of my Scythe interludes + solo's

Advice very welcome! :)

Holy crap! That was amazing! Really good tone, great playing and accurate recording! And I see that you even played the keyboard part of the harmony, nice one!

that was excellent! were you practicing it throughout the week and that's why you posted it now? that's usually what I do. I practice it for a few days before I decide to record, so that way when I record, I really have it down and I don't need to do like 100 takes to get it right.

And here's my ROTW for week 23!
it wasn't clipping when I recorded it, but when I exported it to the audio mixdown (yay cubase is working for me again!) it started clipping cuz the volume became higher for some reason. Anyway, as Mart always says, Advice very welcome!

Quite good recording there! That Pod can get some nice tones, I am going to have to think about getting a Pod or Toneport me thinks :)
Holy crap! That was amazing! Really good tone, great playing and accurate recording! And I see that you even played the keyboard part of the harmony, nice one!

Quite good recording there! That Pod can get some nice tones, I am going to have to think about getting a Pod or Toneport me thinks :)
Thanks! I really don't regret buying my Toneport. It gave me a great tone. I guess it's different for every guitar but maybe you should try it.
Nice one! I think the same for the lead. Maybe you should make tone for lead only. (?) You should work a bit more on the slides during the intro because they sound a bit "random" if you understand what I mean. Work on them slowly to get the perfect rythm (16th-16th-8th)! ;)
:lol: yes, random slides. maybe because I never actually "practice" sliding? I guess I'll be more careful next time, thanks :)
Excuse my lame way of expressing what I meant. What I wanted to say is what am I suposed to do (move the saddle towards or away from the fretboard) if the notes go flat (is it said that way? meaning that the D is more like a lil bit bent E f.e. but not exactly a D) towards the upper frets (the lower frets are ok me thinks).
I just found out I have the same problem actually, haha. My tuning of the higher frets is in dire need of repair.

Cool! I will try it during Christmas. Not this week though, loads of things to do.
and you always seem to forget about your solo for fetzer's song :mad: do you think you can work on that as well? whenever you have time, of course.

Quite good recording there! That Pod can get some nice tones, I am going to have to think about getting a Pod or Toneport me thinks :)
thanks. so far, it seems to that the toneport might be better. but then again, you could always get the pod and add on the metal pack for an extra $50...something I might do later on.

altho, the fact that you guys are only commenting on my tone makes me worry about my playing :eek: please don't be hesitant to tell me if anything sounded really bad, what needs more practice, or if I should even be attempting this at all. sometimes I think about what Mitch said (you should only attempt to play bodom if you've played at least 5 years) and wonder if I should even participate in this thread. Although some of you have only played 3-4 years and you seem to be playing these riffs quite nicely. maybe it all depends on how much practice you put into it.
altho, the fact that you guys are only commenting on my tone makes me worry about my playing :eek: please don't be hesitant to tell me if anything sounded really bad, what needs more practice, or if I should even be attempting this at all. sometimes I think about what Mitch said (you should only attempt to play bodom if you've played at least 5 years) and wonder if I should even participate in this thread. Although some of you have only played 3-4 years and you seem to be playing these riffs quite nicely. maybe it all depends on how much practice you put into it.
I think Mitch' statement is partly true, because I see lot of vids on youtube of people playing Bodom while they actually can't really play it. But it's different for everyone in terms of how much years you have been playing. Of course it depends on how much you practice, you can play 1 hour a week for five years or you can play 1 hour a day for five years.
I think you have done some nice submissions with nice playing so there's nothing to worry about. I wíll tell if something sounds reallyy bad =p
And I almost never see a girl play things like this!
I think Mitch' statement is partly true, because I see lot of vids on youtube of people playing Bodom while they actually can't really play it. But it's different for everyone in terms of how much years you have been playing. Of course it depends on how much you practice, you can play 1 hour a week for five years or you can play 1 hour a day for five years.
I think you have done some nice submissions with nice playing so there's nothing to worry about. I wíll tell if something sounds reallyy bad =p
And I almost never see a girl play things like this!
Very true (about the frequency of practicing). This makes me think of Muhammed from necrophagist. I read in an interview that he would only practice 1 hour a day most of the time, and by the time he had played 3 years, he started writing the songs for the first album. and look how technical that music is! I mean, if he can accomplish all that in 3 years, then there's definitely hope, as long as you practice everyday for at least an hour.
Girls can do it! :kickass:
lol yeah. as long as they show the same determinism as you guys do :kickass:
Hi folks! Long time since the last time I got to say this:


Touch Like Angel Of Death (Chorus)

BTW Tim, I think the normal part is actually more difficult than he chorus, or at least it is for me.

:lol: yes, random slides. maybe because I never actually "practice" sliding? I guess I'll be more careful next time, thanks :)

I just found out I have the same problem actually, haha. My tuning of the higher frets is in dire need of repair.

and you always seem to forget about your solo for fetzer's song :mad: do you think you can work on that as well? whenever you have time, of course.

thanks. so far, it seems to that the toneport might be better. but then again, you could always get the pod and add on the metal pack for an extra $50...something I might do later on.

altho, the fact that you guys are only commenting on my tone makes me worry about my playing :eek: please don't be hesitant to tell me if anything sounded really bad, what needs more practice, or if I should even be attempting this at all. sometimes I think about what Mitch said (you should only attempt to play bodom if you've played at least 5 years) and wonder if I should even participate in this thread. Although some of you have only played 3-4 years and you seem to be playing these riffs quite nicely. maybe it all depends on how much practice you put into it.

About Kevin's solo I do know that I have to record it, I have it in mind, but I don't have much time this week and I want to do it as good as I can, so don'w worry I have it in mind. But I thought that as he has to start everything again cos he had that problem with the computer we had a bit more time. I'll see if I can manage it when Christmas start, cos I don't think I'll have time this week, I'm sorry!

About your playing, I think it's quite good and quite tight most of the time. You seem to focus quite a bit on timing and hitting all the notes (I've always been a bit lazy on that and I sometimes tend, specially in leads and melodies, to hammer and legato some notes, but I'm working on that :)) and also for the time you've benn playing I think it's quite good!
Hi folks! Long time since the last time I got to say this:


Touch Like Angel Of Death (Chorus)

Nice playing, didn't like the tone too much tbh. is this the same tone you said you prefer? the one where you purposely added the distance thing?

About Kevin's solo I do know that I have to record it, I have it in mind, but I don't have much time this week and I want to do it as good as I can, so don'w worry I have it in mind. But I thought that as he has to start everything again cos he had that problem with the computer we had a bit more time. I'll see if I can manage it when Christmas start, cos I don't think I'll have time this week, I'm sorry!

About your playing, I think it's quite good and quite tight most of the time. You seem to focus quite a bit on timing and hitting all the notes (I've always been a bit lazy on that and I sometimes tend, specially in leads and melodies, to hammer and legato some notes, but I'm working on that :)) and also for the time you've benn playing I think it's quite good!

See, I just thought you forgot about it cuz you sent me a PM like 2 months ago saying that you will send it to me that weekend, and I never got it :lol: But yeah, I still have to finish up the guitars for the outro part and then we'll be all set regarding the guitars.

And thank you for the words of encouragement. I shall keep practicing these Bodom riffs :kickass:
indeed I do. I love it. Originally it sells for $650, but the store where I got it, the guy helped me out and knocked down the price to $600 (plus tax). it doesn't come with the case so you gotta pay $125 for that. It is definitely worth the price. It plays wonderful, and if you like fast, thin necks, you'll really love it. good wood quality and great pickups. the only fault it really has is that the strap locks are placed incorrectly, so it's neck heavy if you stand up and play. but many people change them to the same position as the Jackson Warrior and then it's perfect.
Nice playing, didn't like the tone too much tbh. is this the same tone you said you prefer? the one where you purposely added the distance thing?

Well, the tone isn't the greatest (Toneport in the way :kickass:), but I can't do much with what I have. Also this time as I don't have much time this days I didn't work on the tone much, just set something that didn't sound bad through headphones. I've just listened to it through the speakers and god it sucks :lol:

See, I just thought you forgot about it cuz you sent me a PM like 2 months ago saying that you will send it to me that weekend, and I never got it :lol: But yeah, I still have to finish up the guitars for the outro part and then we'll be all set regarding the guitars.

Actually is not that I've forgot about it, but that I improvised it so I have to work out what I did and go over it again and also I want a nice tone, as it's going to be into a song and not a short Cover Thread recording (which I still try to make good but which aren't the same as a real song).

And thank you for the words of encouragement. I shall keep practicing these Bodom riffs :kickass:

No problem :)

Jose, you should work on your bends! ;)
Just wanted to post that =)
I think you could've done better Jose :p

Thanks! I noticed it too, but it was done quite fast (nothing was more than 3rd recording) cos I don't have much time atm. Still, I appreciate the comments and will try to work it out :)