Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

The Bodom cover of Sepultura's Mass Hypnosis was pretty awesome. Nice to see a band doing an Beneath the Remains song instead of Chaos AD (which still is fucking kick ass) or Roots (oh dear... )
Hahaha mitch it comes with a stand and everything, how cute :)

Too bad it doesn't have a locking nut tho :D
The out of tune thing may be for my shit playing, cos I tuned the guitar just before I recorded, so if the tuner is not fucked up it was tuned :lol:

And about the distance, this time I did it on purpose, I think it sounds better. Because with my crappy equipement I can't get such a consistent/wide tone as Alexi has, so the only way I find is getting some chorus or whatever in. It sounds a lil bit weaker but wider, which read makes no sense but I don't know how to explain :lol: It helps if you listen to it with ''normal'' MP3 player/Ipod headphones instead of the big ones, at least with mine. With the big ones dunno if it's because they're not IN your ear as the others it sounds way more loose and distant, but through my speakers and through my normal headphones it sounds quite good, and without the effect sounded quite weak. I can try and record it without it though, and then post it again both with and without the effect. But that will have to wait some time because it's test time next week :erk:

I don't think that it sounds to bad...(Your d-string is out of tune?) You use Reaper for recording?
I don't know this program really good but I had the same problems with my old amp.
With adobe audition you can cheat a bit by using channel mixer (you can give your recordings different stereo effects). I always used the "inverted average" effect first and then "wider stereo field" and at the end a little echo. That gives your recording the stereo effect you want.

@reaperscythe: I just listend to your Wake up in hell cover. dude, your rythm guitars sound great! excellent tone but you should try to reduce the background noise more. Solo was also well played except 1 or 2 wrong notes
I don't think that it sounds to bad...(Your d-string is out of tune?) You use Reaper for recording?
I don't know this program really good but I had the same problems with my old amp.
With adobe audition you can cheat a bit by using channel mixer (you can give your recordings different stereo effects). I always used the "inverted average" effect first and then "wider stereo field" and at the end a little echo. That gives your recording the stereo effect you want.

Yep, there's something wrong with the d string, but only in the upper frets, the lower are ok, which is weird. And about the recording program, I use Cool Edit Pro, which IIRC is the same as AA, so I'll try that for next recording, thanks!
Yep, there's something wrong with the d string, but only in the upper frets, the lower are ok, which is weird.

Intonation problems add up and therefore increase in the higher frets. Check your intonation with a tuner: Play the d-string, then play it at the 12th or 24th fret or play a flageolett there. Look at your tuner and memorize the difference (if there is one). Loosen the string and move the saddle of the d-string to correct the intonation.

Restring it, check again, do the same process again and again til it's correct. It's a pain in the ass, but it's worth the hassle.
Ok thanks, I'll try that next week when I'm not so full with exams and shit! If I'm loosing making it more flat what should I do, move the saddle towards the fretboard or away from it?

And BTW, what is a flageolett?
Move it away from the fretboard. A big instrument sounds lower than a little one. Same for the length of your strings. ;)
Recording of the Week - Touch Like an Angel of Death (Verse - Bars 16 - 34)

*Advanced* - Touch Like an Angel of Death (Chorus - Bars 159 - 172)

*Advanced Pt. 2* - Touch Like an Angel of Death (Solo - Bars 117 - 148)