Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Hehe, have you ever tried to copy his style? It isn't easy you know? I really really don't know how to make this hard flutter effect and the whammy bar stuff without getting any annyoing noise of my strings + my fingers hurts so much after playing the solo over 20 times that with any new bend and vibrato it's getting worse in tone. Anyways, my vibrato and bendings still could be better :) But thx for the respond!

Edit: I have to mention that I don't try to copy his style deliberately or try to be the next Laiho... What you see is just the easiest way for me to play. I don't sit there and watch videos just to see how he plays hammer on's pull offs, vibrato, bends etc... But I still think we have nearly the same technique so if anything sounds different, wrong or let's say without enough "feeling" there's only one explanation for it: He's a way better guitarist than I.
Thx Epi, but it's too late for me to start a band. I'm almost 27 now and have enough to do with my masters degree and work and I rather spent my money in my car and my motorbike
Thx Epi, but it's too late for me to start a band. I'm almost 27 now and have enough to do with my masters degree and work and I rather spent my money in my car and my motorbike

Not all bands are formed with the intent of making it big.

I thought you were like 19 or so, which would have explained the wrist bands. Shit, dude.... shit.
Hehe, have you ever tried to copy his style? It isn't easy you know? I really really don't know how to make this hard flutter effect and the whammy bar stuff without getting any annyoing noise of my strings + my fingers hurts so much after playing the solo over 20 times that with any new bend and vibrato it's getting worse in tone. Anyways, my vibrato and bendings still could be better :) But thx for the respond!

Edit: I have to mention that I don't try to copy his style deliberately or try to be the next Laiho... What you see is just the easiest way for me to play. I don't sit there and watch videos just to see how he plays hammer on's pull offs, vibrato, bends etc... But I still think we have nearly the same technique so if anything sounds different, wrong or let's say without enough "feeling" there's only one explanation for it: He's a way better guitarist than I.

haha, yeah dude. alexi's style is certainly weird at times. I could never imitate him 100%. No one can. And that's the way it should be. Just be your own player with your own style. I know how orgasmic it is to listen to his playing (like in these older Sinergy songs, I swear my heart just goes :OMG: when I pay attention to the sound of his fingers). Though in the end, we should be striving to make our own guitar playing orgasmic, in our own way.

Keep up the good work and keep practicing :)
Nice one Arcane, very good playing in the solo, it's becoming difficult to that you're just in your room recording this stuff. :kickass:
Thx guys for the feedback!

I was bored so....

This is a file of only my left rythm guitar and Jere's keys from our Downfall video. I actually like it more than the complete song with all instruments so I thought it was a good idea to upload it. Unfortunately, I didn't have the original video files of the song because I deleted them so you have to be satisfied with the green flame :) What do you think?
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Thx! Well, we had some sync problems with that song... The keys are out sync in the first chorus and sometimes I'm a bit slower or missed my entry...I played over the original song and not over our backing track and my guitar was too loud... This is why it's partly out of sync. I'm not sure what Jere's problem was..
Would indeed be nice!

If anyone's up particularly for the video editing part of it (I suck at that) I'm in for a dual cover, I'll take Ale's/Roope's parts and leave you guys the soloing :lol:

hey dude

id like to play arround with you !
only thing is i need to wait till i get my Multi effect processor ! so i can record good
maybe since i got a new camera, i should actually contribute some videos to this thread for once haha

Do eeet!

Would indeed be nice!

If anyone's up particularly for the video editing part of it (I suck at that) I'm in for a dual cover, I'll take Ale's/Roope's parts and leave you guys the soloing :lol:

Maybe in a year or two, when I can actually play. =)
OK, I`m not here to promote this video or anything, I was just lurking (as I always do) and seen someone said this thread is dead, so i thought i`d share our little piece of work...

hopez u enjoyz...
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