Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Dank dir!
Is eigentlich ne gute Frage... also:

1. Tab korrigieren (fals vorhanden - oder ich hör mir das Lied einfach nur mal oft genug an und spiel es dan ohne Tab) ca. 1 Stunde
2. Lied lernen + richtige Fingerpositionen finden (im Tab Thread sind die oft verwirrened) ca. 1 - 2 Stunden
3. Backing Track machen ca. 30 min
4. Video aufnehmen - manches klappt gleich bei ersten mal, manches muss ich etliche male aufnehmen ca. 15min - 90min
5. Audio mixen und mastern - ich versteh davon sogut wie gar nix und mach das immer nur nach Gefühl, deswegen ca. 1min-10min
6. Videos mit Audio in Sony Vegas Synchronisieren + Videos aufteilen ca. 30min
dann entweder fertig, oder
7. mich ärgern weils nich so geworden ist wie ich's mir vorgestellt hatte 5 min
8. alles nochmal neu machen
hey metal hedz thiz iz me playin needled 24/7 z solo....\m/.... metal rulz....

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Here's a little something I recorded today. Probably (if still interested) going to post a full song covered on YouTube. Not 100% like on the album but hey, it's a cover so who cares! :D

I Spit On Your Grave (solos)

Dude, that was really badass. I seriously thought I was listening to the actual songs a few times. You have really good tone, and the playing is so clean. I'm very impressed. You, Mitch, and Arcane should do a song together.
I love COB to death, but the worst thing about being a fan is seeing posers like this.

C'mon dude, get your own style? You're wearing wristbands for a youtube cover? You look like a faggot. Sorry.

And that's all you have to say? :lol:
Nothing about the quality of the playing, tone or video? Only that he looks like a faggot? :')
Thank you for the great contribution.
In his 4 posts he only critize people. If his opinion is that people who wear wristbands are faggots just ignore him.
Btw... the faggot made a new vid

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I laugh at the people who insult others for having similar playstyles to alexi. On one of our youtube videos some faggot insults eddyrx10 for having long hair and standing up, telling him to get his own style -.-
In his 4 posts he only critize people. If his opinion is that people who wear wristbands are faggots just ignore him.
Btw... the faggot made a new vid

hey, I'll just respond to you on here since I found it.
My thoughts: the solo was better than the little interlude right before it. Your tone didn't really help much tho =/
There's still something missing in terms of having the same style of playing as Alexi does. His vibrato is stronger and wider, his pull-offs are more distinct, all together, I'd say his tone is mostly in his fingers. But you came pretty close with the solo.