Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Whoever calls this shitty (from any aspect) flies straight to my ignore list.

Hmm, the parts were you see them playing are better than in any other COB-video, the lightning is perfect, and it doesn't feel like just another "playing in a warehouse-video", even though they are playing in a warehouse, but the parts were the reaper is running, and where Alexi is tied to that torture-bench look stupid.

(Too bad the actor they hired for the Reaper got sick before the shoot... if that hadn't happened this could be a very classy music video.)

Maybe if he was shorter than Ewo, the robe looks too small for him :lol:

Of course much of Laiho's vocals didn't receive the highest amount of attention and didn't work out so brilliant. A lot has to do with the songwriting. Alexi was really good with the slow black metalish vocals they did back in the day, but the fast ones usually end up annoying, like Cry of the Nihilist or Hatecrew Deathroll...

There's nothing wrong with the vocals on the first four albums, but IMO the problem with the vocals since circa 2004 is, that they sound tiresome, like Alexi was bored or tired when he's singing. Basically the sound is same as in the old albums, but back then you could hear the anger, and now you can hear the boredom in his vocals. Maybe he's trying to protect his voice, as if the old style hurt his throat or something. Wouldn't be the first time an extreme metal-vocalists vocals-vords turn to shit.
Whoever calls this shitty (from any aspect) flies straight to my ignore list.

(Too bad the actor they hired for the Reaper got sick before the shoot... if that hadn't happened this could be a very classy music video.)

Of course much of Laiho's vocals didn't receive the highest amount of attention and didn't work out so brilliant. A lot has to do with the songwriting. Alexi was really good with the slow black metalish vocals they did back in the day, but the fast ones usually end up annoying, like Cry of the Nihilist or Hatecrew Deathroll...

shit. not because i wanna piss you off (surprise!!!) but because its corny and they are even being serious.
lol this was about vocals, that's why I posted the vid. You can't just say "Alexi's vocals" cos he's done lots of different style vocals on COB, even one style live that hasn't been on albums.
Auf alle live Auftritte. Ist dir noch nich aufgefallen das er live komplett anders klingt als auf den Studio Aufnahmen? Bestes Beispiel sind die abgehakten oder teilweise verschluckten Töne
jau, wollt wiisen ob er das meinte oder irgend ne einmalige oder besondere sache. klar, live aint studio.
Basically the sound is same as in the old albums, but back then you could hear the anger, and now you can hear the boredom in his vocals.

It was just more passionate in the past.


Well. I just bought at Line 6. First time recording on to the PC, and I found it quite tough to be honest ^ ^

I can't really sa ythis is a cover, it's very different from the original.

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^ Aha, it's one of them shitty Touhou metal cover people. The guy was probably too excited about the idea of a famous metal song mashup with Touhou soundtrack ( - a pretty good shredder), and didn't notice the two didn't fit together .

^that's supposed to be the other original song for the remix you posted...
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Because they're basically covers/remixes for ZUN's songs, and only occasionally use certain well-known riffs as "homage". And considering most of these albums never see the light of the day outside doujin circles in Japan, I don't think anyone really gives a shit. And who knows, maybe they did get the rights to publish a cover.

The one P4TOU posted is more like SNBN with one riff from ZUN though, go figure.