Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

You have to put the files into a Vst folder (c:\program filesvst plugins for example), then click on options>preferences>VST and add the vst folder. Then click on re-scan>apply
Insert a new track, click on the fx symbol and enable it, then search for the VST you want under "all plugins"

Huh, that's neat.

The way I've done it is just there's folder created by the program. Your way is obviously more beneficial because you can use that single folder for every other program.

The directory is:

Program files->reaper->plugins->fx

and you just drag and drop the plugins to that folder.

yeah predator, feel free to shoot me a pm if you've any further questions
Yes, what I basically did was just recording a dry guitar signal, but monitoring at the same time through the daw with the fx (plugins) on to hear a "wet" guitar sound.

Recording a dry guitar enables you to possibly re-amp the take a million times if necessary.

Could you post a screenshot of your daw settings and stuff, that would help.
Anyway, here's how mine is set up:


trolololol i dont have cab :P gonna DL and try again

EDIT: downloaded lecab2 but idk i dont have those WAV files or something, I downloaded some impulses
but so far no avail. i imported a midi file with a guitar track and a drum track and again my drumkit from hell is doin good but i still dont hear any of the guitar.
trolololol i dont have cab :P gonna DL and try again

EDIT: downloaded lecab2 but idk i dont have those WAV files or something, I downloaded some impulses
but so far no avail. i imported a midi file with a guitar track and a drum track and again my drumkit from hell is doin good but i still dont hear any of the guitar.

As far as I now you need an actual guitar recording for the plugins to work, a wav. file for instance.

what you could potentially do is exporting a mid file from guitar pro, run it e.g. fruity loops (I suppose any other daw will suffice) and import the audio file to the guitar tracks

here he does the same at 2:33 awesome solo, and the original solo he also made better.
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I like Transference more. ETID is ok but there's something in it what I don't really like and plz - it's impossible to make the ETID solo better. It's definitely one of the best solos in the world.
I like Transference more. ETID is ok but there's something in it what I don't really like and plz - it's impossible to make the ETID solo better. It's definitely one of the best solos in the world.

i kinda like what he does on 3:30
This song is kinda fresh as it's all about the chorus. Nice for a change that you don't need to have million parts in a song.
Anyone here associated with Bodom Reapers? I recognize the bass player, as he's got some of the only worthwhile Bodom bass covers on the web.
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Lame band name, crappy vocals... Louder synths are always nice to listen to, but even they had too slow attack and too long release...
Dear lord, I didn't realize how bad the vox were until you guys pointed it out. Everything else is okay I think.
Hey everybody! Check out my new cover of All Twisted

All criticism and other comments are very welcome.

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