Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

nice keyboard cover!

Written in stone solos

A quick test of daw plugins and stuff
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You used a program to emulate that tone? I'm not really into that whole pc/program/guitar stuff, so forgive me if my post sounds stupid, but it would be nice if I can get that very same tone from a program.

Yes, what I basically did was just recording a dry guitar signal, but monitoring at the same time through the daw with the fx (plugins) on to hear a "wet" guitar sound.

Recording a dry guitar enables you to possibly re-amp the take a million times if necessary.

well i added those to my VST plugins in Reaper
i set FX to the amp and i gt the GUI but sound..nope
all i hear is my EZdrummer and thats any helps anyone?

Could you post a screenshot of your daw settings and stuff, that would help.
Anyway, here's how mine is set up:

I'm very curious, how do you exactly work with this program? I've downloaded it from the webz, and I also downloaded the plugins from the site which you posted earlier. I assume I have to import em in a folder somewhere. Can you PM me with some info? Maybe we can get in touch, because I want to learn a thing or two.
You have to put the files into a Vst folder (c:\\program files\vst plugins for example), then click on options>preferences>VST and add the vst folder. Then click on re-scan>apply
Insert a new track, click on the fx symbol and enable it, then search for the VST you want under "all plugins"