Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

And here's my cover of OBAAKD. The cover itself went out pretty good - no wonder because it took around 10 recordings for each guitar. The "lessons" which comes at the end was propably the worst thing I've ever recorded, but to to say it with Alexis words: "Sorry for my sloppiness I just woke up".
You really should do a cover of Motley Crue - Kickstart My Heart ,it would be epic with you guys , with your razorsharp guitars and heavy drums
Imagine how much people underestimate Alexi...

How many can throw a full song cold on their couch and nail it?

And while standing and moshing... in front of thousands of people?

How many can sing these vocals as well as Alexi? They put him down as "bad vocalist", but each and every one of the vocal covers on youtube fail miserably...

Do those vocals fluently WITH the previously mentioned?

Then pull off a full gig of this?

(Oh, and compose those songs? And drink...)

There's only one guy who can do it and it's Alexi. Can you list names of others who could do this kind of stuff? Chuck Schuldiner could... others?
True. Most of the people have no idea how hard it is to pull off things that Alexi does. It is a completely different thing to pull off songs with band live infront of crowd than sitting in your chair and playing on backing track or something. Most people are just fucking dumb.
Not to mention that they play a lot of the live songs at 120% speed. Which might be a way to make mistakes more acceptable, but it's not making things easier at all.
Hey guys do check out my cover of Transference here:


After 1,5 year i have made new cover xD
wasnt intended, was doing jam session and just started recording :

excuse me for some mistakes here and there ;)

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That 1:34 and 2:58 part in Days are Numbered is some of that Laiho geniousity, but why does he make these songs that have a piece of excellence in them but otherwise total brain freeze. He should take those golden ideas and build a song around the idea, maintaining the level. Listen to that fucking 2:58 - 3:03. Bodom should use some echo in the riffs, they become much more atmospheric.
How long do you play?

about 4 years now, why? :)

I know cover isnt perfect, it wasnt a real goal to do perfect take i was just recording for fun since it had been a while, there is some chords nto coming out fully pronounced etc, and ofc small mistakes here and there :)
Good cover arcane, one of the harder songs on the album. Hoping you do a cover of DBR too

Arystar I know you've said in previous posts you don't use a metronome but I reallllllllllllllly recommend using it dude it'd help a lot
Good cover arcane, one of the harder songs on the album. Hoping you do a cover of DBR too

Arystar I know you've said in previous posts you don't use a metronome but I reallllllllllllllly recommend using it dude it'd help a lot

well here is the problem, i dont know how, i mean, ok, click on metronome icon in GP, but then what? idk what i must do or when im doing something right or wrong lol. Nobody ever taught me how to use it :\
and what am i looking for? what is the goal or the thing how i will now i got any better?