Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

As for that Hatebreeder cover, all I can say is why the fuck you put that up on youtube? Nobody cares for a bad cover. If you want to expose your skills then why not practice the song properly first?
well here is the problem, i dont know how, i mean, ok, click on metronome icon in GP, but then what? idk what i must do or when im doing something right or wrong lol. Nobody ever taught me how to use it :
and what am i looking for? what is the goal or the thing how i will now i got any better?

Well technically you don't have to use a metronome if your slowing down a section of a song and looping it in GP because the drums are keeping you in time- but just using the metronome by itself will make you more aware of sloppy parts (However I mainly solo the drum track- it's less annoying than a constant click).

Create a new file in Guitar Pro then add a "Repeat Open" on the first bar and then say 3 bars after add a "Repeat Close" so you have 4 bars. You can decide how many times you want to repeat it- I usually go 99. Then click on the metronome button and press play.

Then just practice licks or riffs your struggling with or just your favorite ones along with the click- remember though some may be in a different time signature other than the default 4/4. If your making mistakes or finding it difficult slow the Beats Per Minuet down- and if your not finding it challenging then increase the BPM by 10 or so.

Your looking to increase speed and play cleanly without any mistakes/ unwanted string noises. It's up to you what you want your goal to be in terms of how fast and clean you want your playing to be- and you'll know your getting better when you can play something clean and easily at a certain BPM that you couldn't a few days/weeks/months before (in which case you'd increase the BPM again).
^good advice

I would add few more things: record yourself playing parts solo and listen to it, then compare it to the original.
You should be able to pick out the spots where you play nowhere close as clean and tight as the original.
In other words, TRAIN YOUR EARS!

In time, you should be able to tell without a recording if you're playing well or not.

If I were you Arystar, I would humble myself and play something more basic and easy/intermediate 80's rock/metal( motley crue, kiss, ACDC, metallica) tracks untill you can play those immaculately - as tight and clean as the original

My attempt at this epic solo. Worked my ass off and didn't even get close to playing and sounding as good as Alexi playing it. Shows what a master he really is...
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Well technically you don't have to use a metronome if your slowing down a section of a song and looping it in GP because the drums are keeping you in time- but just using the metronome by itself will make you more aware of sloppy parts (However I mainly solo the drum track- it's less annoying than a constant click).

Create a new file in Guitar Pro then add a "Repeat Open" on the first bar and then say 3 bars after add a "Repeat Close" so you have 4 bars. You can decide how many times you want to repeat it- I usually go 99. Then click on the metronome button and press play.

Then just practice licks or riffs your struggling with or just your favorite ones along with the click- remember though some may be in a different time signature other than the default 4/4. If your making mistakes or finding it difficult slow the Beats Per Minuet down- and if your not finding it challenging then increase the BPM by 10 or so.

Your looking to increase speed and play cleanly without any mistakes/ unwanted string noises. It's up to you what you want your goal to be in terms of how fast and clean you want your playing to be- and you'll know your getting better when you can play something clean and easily at a certain BPM that you couldn't a few days/weeks/months before (in which case you'd increase the BPM again).

Ty that was quite helpful information, but when i mute both guitar tracks on GP and play along it all sounds quite fine :\

As for that Hatebreeder cover, all I can say is why the fuck you put that up on youtube? Nobody cares for a bad cover. If you want to expose your skills then why not practice the song properly first?

Instead of talking like a complete asshole :) tell me which parts are bad or needs big improvement?

I know there are some badly pronounced chords and a string noise somewhere in between. but what else?

no offense but you dont even play guitar at a decent level so i think you should atleast show a little more politeness to other people trying to get better.
Why all the personal insults... chill brah and fix your cover or type "jamming to Hatebreeder" to the title. It doesn't make you a bad person, but those are sacred notes...
Why all the personal insults... chill brah and fix your cover or type "jamming to Hatebreeder" to the title. It doesn't make you a bad person, but those are sacred notes...

I didnt throw personal insults im just asking you to be politeand show some respect :)


i tried using nly the backing track + me now, please ignore the small mistakes i made here on there im want feedback on the in tempo play/ tightness, and see whether i might have improved it a little on today's practice
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It's better, but really sloppy,too. The leads are horrible, you are missing notes! the chorus is ok. You need to focus more on the notes and how they ring out, every note must be articulate and clear!
It's better, but really sloppy,too. The leads are horrible, you are missing notes! the chorus is ok. You need to focus more on the notes and how they ring out, every note must be articulate and clear!

ty but I was focussing on tightness on playing in beat etc, i know i missed notes etc, I have noticed I have problems playing tight or in beat so people say i have to use metronome, so atm im trying to improve that :\
so please dont tell me i misse some lead notes bcuz i know that and i did not bother with it

im trying to improve my tightness and to play more in beat and learn to use metronome, this time i used only backing track to get into beat
I think the main problem is you are not muting strings fast/hard enough after you have played them(mainly in leads and sweep picking), resulting sloppy and messy sound. Also your bends and vibratos need a lot more work.
I think the main problem is you are not muting strings fast/hard enough after you have played them(mainly in leads and sweep picking), resulting sloppy and messy sound. Also your bends and vibratos need a lot more work.

Thx! But how to improve vibrato since i also noticed this when doin certain harmonics? And bend, is it not bend high enough or how should i understand it?
so please dont tell me i misse some lead notes bcuz i know that and i did not bother with it

If you say that you know to mess up the leads, why do you play them then?

I would first then learn the Rythm Guitar and then slowly the Leads step by step.
@ Arystar: That second thing was a bit better played. At least you stay better in rythm. The leads are horrible. It's not only you missed a lot of notes, it's also not clean playing and really sloppy. As for bends... Try to learn to play them with a good vibrato over it. Vibratos and bends are not that easy as everybody think.

Listen here... I'Ve recorded that solo 6 or 7 years ago so my playing is not the best in that one but I still have a good vibrato in it

... ehm... hwo can I put a soundcloud direct link on here like you did (that widget thing)?
You just click the cloud icon, insert your link in between like this:


its the basic link in soundcloud sharing thingy, not the embedded one

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If you say that you know to mess up the leads, why do you play them then?

I would first then learn the Rythm Guitar and then slowly the Leads step by step.

Because I know i can play the leads i did not bother focussing on them, i ddi not care if i missed a note here and there or it sounded wrong all i care for was to get into the rythm of the song and stay in tempo

@ Arystar: That second thing was a bit better played. At least you stay better in rythm. The leads are horrible. It's not only you missed a lot of notes, it's also not clean playing and really sloppy. As for bends... Try to learn to play them with a good vibrato over it. Vibratos and bends are not that easy as everybody think.

Listen here... I'Ve recorded that solo 6 or 7 years ago so my playing is not the best in that one but I still have a good vibrato in it

... ehm... hwo can I put a soundcloud direct link on here like you did (that widget thing)?

ty arcane thats really helpful :) but same story as above. im trying to improve my tightness and to play cleaner. some parts are indeed sloppy.

? Don't get it

Where do I have to click?

well here is the problem, i dont know how, i mean, ok, click on metronome icon in GP, but then what? idk what i must do or when im doing something right or wrong lol. Nobody ever taught me how to use it :
and what am i looking for? what is the goal or the thing how i will now i got any better?

Alright so when you listen to a song you can almost always count the tempo as "1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4...." think of that as u use the metronome. Think of the intro melody to Bed of Razors, that's what's called triplets. Just listen to the song and count out the lead notes like "1 and a 2 and a 3 and a 4 and a". Every tab or whatever that you look at that's triplets, count in that same "1 and a" format and try to hit a different note on every one of those syllables. Sixteenth notes are 4 notes per beat, count them "1 e and a 2 e and a.....". Think of the chugging in the main riff of transference. The MOST IMPORTANT part of using the metronome is to hit every note at the EXACT time and to play it cleanly. If you stick with the metronome for a while trust me, you will know you got better, it's just one of those things.

As for getting bends at the right pitch, do this exercise. Play the 15th fret on the first string, then play the 14th fret and bend it to the EXACT same pitch as the previous note. Do the same but with 19th and 17th fret too. For vibrato, you want bend the string ever so slightly and then RETURN it to the original pitch, lots of people never return it back and it just makes it sound out of tune. Do it slowly. Watch Malmsteen or Vai for good examples of bending and vibrato too

E: Also if you aren't used to using a metronome ever it'll take some time to get used to it so don't worry about it it's normal, just make sure you stick with it. Good luck!
A good example video for bends and vibrato is the short Hammerfall thing my friend plays. He's got a really nice vibrato technique and can even do high bends and clean vibrato with his forefinger. Watch this

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