Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Oh yeah right wasn't paying too much attention first time, there are discrepancies. There is even no crowd it's more like a music video. Anyway it's a one take work.
He doesn't play the beginning of the solo; the audio is recorded separately. We barely even get any singular covers of any instrument with this good sound. It's a shame how difficult it is to record powerful sound.
Killer song?: yes
Good cover?: no
Good tone?: no
Good rythm?: no
Good technique?: no
Good to hear?: no
Worth watching it?: no

Joonas, that one is a really bad cover. That guy did everything wrong. His playing is bad, his tone is bad, his rythm is bad, his technique is bad, your ears are bad.
Killer song?: yes
Good cover?: no
Good tone?: no
Good rythm?: no
Good technique?: no
Good to hear?: no
Worth watching it?: no

Joonas, that one is a really bad cover. That guy did everything wrong. His playing is bad, his tone is bad, his rythm is bad, his technique is bad, your ears are bad.

I actually don't think it was that bad. Not the best tone I've ever heard, but he still did pretty good. And yeah, I put off watching it after having read your comment but I decided to for whatever reason and Idk. I've seen way worse.

They can't all be you man ;)
I actually don't think it was that bad. Not the best tone I've ever heard, but he still did pretty good. And yeah, I put off watching it after having read your comment but I decided to for whatever reason and Idk. I've seen way worse.

They can't all be you man ;)

Of course it's not that bad but it's nothing more than "maybe worth watching it". Still better than most of those other covers I've seen.

@ Sany: That's propably the most boring lesson I've ever seen in my life. 45 minutes for one song?!? Who's watching that lessons to the end? And for a 45 minutes lesson I expect NO wrong notes and ABSOLUTELY clean and right playing. There are a few notes which are wrong, a lot of wrong technique parts and what the fuck is it with the first pinch harmonics?! I can't watch a professional lesson for a song when the guy can't play real squirrels.
@ Sany: That's propably the most boring lesson I've ever seen in my life. 45 minutes for one song?!? Who's watching that lessons to the end? And for a 45 minutes lesson I expect NO wrong notes and ABSOLUTELY clean and right playing. There are a few notes which are wrong, a lot of wrong technique parts and what the fuck is it with the first pinch harmonics?! I can't watch a professional lesson for a song when the guy can't play real squirrels.

This is why i put the Smiley behind my words :D
I would like to hear that solo without the backing track. I bet there's no single correct note in it :lol: "look at me, I can play solos like the original and everybody believes me! good that they are dumb enough to not notice, that the BT is at 90% volume and my guitar at 10% and that I play the solo on completely different bars, play completely different notes, use completely different techniques"
A new recording. The original was 45 minutes long, but as I later found out, the microphone in my camera couldn't handle the heavier riffs (volume going up and down), so I simply made a compilation of the solos. I really need to buy better recording equipment, but decided to first buy Thaddie a new amplifier (Line 6 Spider IV 75) and guitar. Thaddie told me there are some mistakes here and there, but it was all recorded in one take.

One of his older videos (from May 2013) recently went 'viral'. It was posted on, resulting in 10,000 views in just one month:

Kid Shreds Multiple Children of Bodom Songs – Best of YouTube

Here's that video again, for those who missed it the first time around:

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Amazing. Just make sure the girls don't start messing with his mind and he'll have a future as musician. Maybe take over Roope when he gets old...
Not sure what's the conversation about but Arsis always got insane vibrato, not that I'm a big fan of it
sometimes sounds too hyperbolic

James Malone has good vibrato but their new guitarist Brandon Ellis has the best vibrato I've ever heard. Very wide, very slow and deliberate. I can easily see how people would think it's over the top but it's the slow, wide, intense Yngwie vibrato perfected IMO.
A new recording. The original was 45 minutes long, but as I later found out, the microphone in my camera couldn't handle the heavier riffs (volume going up and down), so I simply made a compilation of the solos. I really need to buy better recording equipment, but decided to first buy Thaddie a new amplifier (Line 6 Spider IV 75) and guitar. Thaddie told me there are some mistakes here and there, but it was all recorded in one take.

One of his older videos (from May 2013) recently went 'viral'. It was posted on, resulting in 10,000 views in just one month:

Kid Shreds Multiple Children of Bodom Songs – Best of YouTube

Here's that video again, for those who missed it the first time around:

For his age I have to say: respect

If he wouldn't be that young I would say: really sloppy with a lot of mistakes.

Thing is... I would never pay any more attention to that kid yet because he plays really sloppy. If he would be at my age, he wouldn't get 10% of the views he has now and that's sad. There are 100000 better guitarists on Youtube but nobody cares about them because they are older. Those kids are good view magnets. You only have to be young and with a bit of guitar skills. Thats all you need to earn attention because every will say then: OMG, he's just five years old and play guitar like 100000 of other guys! That's amazing!
If you would only hear his playing withoit knowing him, you wouldn't pay any attention to him.