Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

For his age I have to say: respect

If he wouldn't be that young I would say: really sloppy with a lot of mistakes.

Thing is... I would never pay any more attention to that kid yet because he plays really sloppy. If he would be at my age, he wouldn't get 10% of the views he has now and that's sad. There are 100000 better guitarists on Youtube but nobody cares about them because they are older. Those kids are good view magnets. You only have to be young and with a bit of guitar skills. Thats all you need to earn attention because every will say then: OMG, he's just five years old and play guitar like 100000 of other guys! That's amazing!
If you would only hear his playing withoit knowing him, you wouldn't pay any attention to him.

Same goes for chicks.
Agreed. Cuteness will get you views and page hits more than anything else.

"There are 100000 better guitarists on Youtube but nobody cares about them because they are older."

Well, I personally don't find guitar players sitting in their bedroom very interesting to watch. Like most people, I prefer to see a guitarist on stage in the company of other musicians, or perform in a nicely produced music video.

More than anything else, a good guitar player should be able to write original songs that kick ass. Playing covers may be good training for that, and fun to do for the guitarists themselves, but if they want to get more attention and recognition for their technical skills, then they should form a band, record an album and play live.

A child playing guitar in his bedroom still has some entertainment value, but a grownup doing the same thing does not, and will thus be ignored. And rightfully so. Although proper technique is of crucial importance, music IS about entertainment. Which means that for some reason or other, those "100,000 better guitarists" were not entertaining enough. While other older guitarists, like Alexi Laiho, got the recognition they deserved.
Agreed. Cuteness will get you views and page hits more than anything else.

"There are 100000 better guitarists on Youtube but nobody cares about them because they are older."

Well, I personally don't find guitar players sitting in their bedroom very interesting to watch. Like most people, I prefer to see a guitarist on stage in the company of other musicians, or perform in a nicely produced music video.

More than anything else, a good guitar player should be able to write original songs that kick ass. Playing covers may be good training for that, and fun to do for the guitarists themselves, but if they want to get more attention and recognition for their technical skills, then they should form a band, record an album and play live.

A child playing guitar in his bedroom still has some entertainment value, but a grownup doing the same thing does not, and will thus be ignored. And rightfully so. Although proper technique is of crucial importance, music IS about entertainment. Which means that for some reason or other, those "100,000 better guitarists" were not entertaining enough. While other older guitarists, like Alexi Laiho, got the recognition they deserved.

here he is again, promoting his kid...didnt you have a discussion about ur kid in this forum before.

i totally agree with arcane btw
and dont forget that kids learn things faster, Out of experience myself i know that all things come with practice, so the kid probably doesnt do anything else then playing the guitar, probably isnt good in school either, throwing all his hopes on a music future. which is a dream ofc

the amp is the worst decision you could make, i own one of those and trust me it aint as good as its cranked up to be.
Come on, he's not getting credit for being guitarist but rather for being a gifted (arguably. practice isn't a gift) kid which every random person think is cute, just like kitties and titties and all the bullshit trending on youtube. Never get offended by youtube, it's populated with morons.
I prefer to give credit to hard working people than to those who are bragging about how talented they are. :D

But anyways, kid is talented, no doubt, and he really enjoys what he does, which is even better. The bad thing is that those talented kids usually get sick of playing when they grow up because they did not play enough with other kids outside but were stuck at home pretending to be grown ups and what not.
didnt you have a discussion about ur kid in this forum before.
Yeah, but this time around I knew what to expect. :tickled:

Out of experience myself i know that all things come with practice, so the kid probably doesnt do anything else then playing the guitar, probably isnt good in school either, throwing all his hopes on a music future. which is a dream ofc
Well that we already discussed back then. He's the best student in his class (teacher recommends pre-university secondary education) and has lots of other hobbies and interests. I wouldn't want him to become a musician that doesn't have anything meaningful to say (in at least three languages), or have no other skills / sources of income than being a musician. So don't worry.

the amp is the worst decision you could make, i own one of those and trust me it aint as good as its cranked up to be.
He likes it and it was within our budget. No doubt he'll buy another one in the years to come, so no big deal.
The bad thing is that those talented kids usually get sick of playing when they grow up because they did not play enough with other kids outside but were stuck at home pretending to be grown ups and what not.

Yeah, but he can still play 4 hours a day, and train at the gym, and date chicks, and party on weekends, and do homework. No excuses.
Yeah, but he can still play 4 hours a day, and train at the gym, and date chicks, and party on weekends, and do homework. No excuses.

Yeah, but they usually get tired of practicing. They get to a point when they don't have much more to learn and then start searching for new interests...
I would say he does not play long guitar.

Yeah, his guitar didn't look like this.

I think that cover was not bad. By that said, I also did a short recording a few minutes ago. Took me around 20 minutes to learn that stuff.
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Does anyone know if the Part at 7:00 is really played in the Song?
Never saw it in any tab, but it sounds correct.
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