Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

Yea, he is good, but damn do those fingers of his fly all over the place. Reminds me kind of how Chuck Schuldiner played.
Yea, I know what you mean. He is lifting his fingers inches from the fretboard. I bet if he concentrated on not lifting them so high off his speed could increase even more.
All I know is that guy can sweep pick like a motherfucker. Watch his wintersun videos
Yea, I know what you mean. He is lifting his fingers inches from the fretboard. I bet if he concentrated on not lifting them so high off his speed could increase even more.
Well, I think this guy doesn't need any more speed :lol:

All I know is that guy can sweep pick like a motherfucker. Watch his wintersun videos

Yeah, I've watched all of his covers. If he had a better tone, would work on his vibrato and try to play without spider fingers, I would enjoy his videos much more.
Now that this has become an official thread for Rasite fanboys, I would say his best video is this.

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I thought it was time for a Bodom cover again, so here's Punch Me I Bleed.
Not note-to-note correct. Advice always welcome :)
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Now that this has become an official thread for Rasite fanboys, I would say his best video is this.

Final Fantasys (and their music) are so overrated, especially 7 :mad:

And when it comes to Rasite's covers, his techique is pretty clean, but I really don't like his playing much. Overall his playing and sound is very robotic, it seems like he has listened to Guitar Pro more than real guitarists.
Final Fantasys (and their music) are so overrated, especially 7 :mad:
FFVII might be overrated but it's still one of my favourite games of all time and it has my favourite soundtrack of all games ever made. Sorry to dissapoint you Bro of Metal, but the only game that can surpass Final Fantasy VII on my top-list is Metal Gear Solid 1.