Children Of Bodom In San Francisco (trivium got fucking owned)


Jun 27, 2004
so children of bodom played at slims in san francisco and amon amarth started out. i really don't know the setlist but they had bad sound but still played really well and the crowd loved them. then the soundcheck before trivium a ton of people in the crowd started a Fuck Trivium chant. then trivium came on and played thier first song and some guy spat and i;m almost positive hit the singer. everyone also flipped them off, screamed fuck you trivium you suck etc. the singer got extremely pissed and started cussing out the guy who did it and was like show yourself etc i;m tough blah blah blah but no one ratted the guy out cause the trivium guy was just going to throw people out and he called the trivium haters immature etc. also he had to beg multiple times for a circle pit and was like if you;re metal jump around blah blah blah and other stupid shit like that. in general though a ton of people just flipped them off, swore at them and generally were extremely harsh. there were some people though that liked them and were into them but even people at the back of the room were swearing at trivium. after that bodom came on and played extremely well and played
Living Deadbeat
*rest not in order*
Are you Dead Yet
Hate Me!
In Your Face
We're Not Gunna Fall
Silent Night Bodom Night
Bodom after midnight/Bodom Beach Terror
Follow The Reaper
Angels DOn't Kill
Hatecrew Deathroll
Janne + alexi solo battle
Roope solo
jaska solo
everytime I Die
Needled 24/7

I was pretty happy with what bodom played but they could;ve played a couple more old songs. i would've really liked to see bed of razors. but if you can see this tour i recommend you do because amon amarth and cob are great.
Amon Amarth owned.

After someone called them hardcore - "Fuck you, we're not hardcore, we're fuckign metal!"

A FIVE minute attempt to get a pit going - "Get in a circle, you guys aren't metal, you guys scared? Get in a circle!"

"Why dont you guys like us? You anti-American bastards. Tell me why dont you guys like Trivium! We're up here trying to make a living, what the fuck are you doing, you losers?"

Trivium's set was pure comedy gold.

Awesome show. Glad Trivium was there afterall.

Awesome show.
Hey HW where were you/what did you look like? I bet I saw you at some point, I was next to enemy for awhile and i kinda recognized him cause he kept looking at me but neither of us said anything.
For AA and CoB, near the coat check stairs area on the left. Small dude with Lamb of God shirt.

For Trivium, upstairs enjoying the fun. Oh man, Trivium was just too funny. I'm surprised that only one person spit at him and nothing else was thrown.
haha yeah that was pretty weird, i couldn;t decide if it was you or not. yeah i was actually kinda glad a bit trivium were there cause that whole thing was pretty weird and a bit interesting but i would;ve still rather not had them there.
HW323 said:
For AA and CoB, near the coat check stairs area on the left. Small dude with Lamb of God shirt.

For Trivium, upstairs enjoying the fun. Oh man, Trivium was just too funny. I'm surprised that only one person spit at him and nothing else was thrown.

did you have a nose ring by any chance or had kinda short black hair? or did you have a pure american metal sweatshirt? i think i saw someone with a lamb of god shirt near the pit on one of the encore songs.
Dude I definetly saw you HW, I definetly remember seeing a Lamb of God shirt near the merch stand and the stairs. I was there for Amon Amarth, and then I went and got a burger, then I came back there for the interlude between Trivium and Bodom, then worked my way up front and center.
HW323 said:
"Why dont you guys like us? You anti-American bastards. Tell me why dont you guys like Trivium! We're up here trying to make a living, what the fuck are you doing, you losers?"


I'd love to meet him. Not only do i own him on guitar, i'm also not about to call a crowd full of folk losers Hahahhaa

First rule, if you're getting boo'd on stage... get the fuck off! lol
NEWSFLASH Trivium Guy...
Maybe, just MAYBE, they weren't booing because they're "anti-American".....but because you make mediocre music and are an asshat!
Nick Brookes said:
what is Bodom after midnight/Bodom Beach Terror i have seen it writen about 10 times is it a medley or what

Yeah I want to listen to that too.

And I do find the Trivium thing disrispectful and immature. If you don't like the band then get out and don't listen to them while they're playing, plus you might have a chance to meet Alexi and the guys if they're hanging out somewhere outside. That's what I did when Fear Factory played on the last tour....
they play bodom after midnight, but at a certain part the stop, and go right into the drum part in bodom beach terror then start playing it, then once they;re done they continute bodom after midnight. its always at a certain spot in bodom after midnight though i think. they have a few new additions and changes to some of the songs.
Wings of a dream said:
Yeah I want to listen to that too.

And I do find the Trivium thing disrispectful and immature. If you don't like the band then get out and don't listen to them while they're playing, plus you might have a chance to meet Alexi and the guys if they're hanging out somewhere outside. That's what I did when Fear Factory played on the last tour....

But then, if you made good music, people wouldn't need to boo :)
also he could;ve not been such a dick and started calling us losers and saying that he;s the best and trivium own and trying to force us to make circle pits and saying that we're scared and not metal etc. people probably wouldn;t have boo'd them as much if he just stayed cool and didn;t act like a dick. my brother likes thier cds a bit and came in thinking they;d be alright but by the end he thought they were terrible and the lead singer was a dick and that they were lame. they called a song a total thrasher song but it had like one thrash riff in it that played for all of about 10 seconds.
Jaja pooooor Trivium? Are they THAT bad?

I've honestly never heard them.

Rather bad from both parts (audience and band) starting to say those kinda things. Teh guys who don't like should've just left if they didn't like the band and the band shouldn't have said those kinda things.

Enemy242: What do you mean by "spat"?

Ahhh, I remeber one time Gamma Ray came here, (I wasn't there but they told me) and the guy said :

"Hello PUERTO RICO!!!!"

Everybody was like WTF???

And then a can of beer came onwards the stage and hit him!!! (the vocalist, was it Kotipelto? I really don't know). It even scratched him and he started to bleed.

This is what happens when bands make an ass of themselves.
I'm still feeling like it was pretty immature and pathetic. If you don't like one of the bands then go to the bar, that is protest enough. Getting together with other morons and being retards is hardly helping the cause.

Trivium do suck though.
yeah i was there last night too
amon amarth was rad, shitty that they had such a short set. that pissed me off.
trivium was fucking shitty. sadly where i was there were quite a few dork asses who actually liked trivium, but they didn't mosh or try to start the circle pit or anything. (i was at the left, pretty much right by the stairs/cob merch)
trivium pissed me off. he called the guy out or whatever, like he was going to fight him or something? yeah right, he's just gonna try to get the guy thrown out, he's not actually gonna do something about it.
the "get in a circle pit" shit was fucking hilarious. i heard he does it at EVERY gig they play, and we just sat there for like 5 minutes doing nothing while he's like 'GET IN A CIRCLE PIT, IF YOU THINK, YOU'RE FUCKING, METALLLL!" it was so lame. we ARE metal, so THATS WHY WE'RE HERE FOR BODOM AND AMON AMARTH.
whatever i guess. they suck.

bodom fucking ruled though.
as far as the bodom after midnight/bodom beach terror song combination goes, what they did is they played bodom after midnight all the way up to janne's solo, and right when it's supposed to begin they stopped. then they started into bodom beach terror, played that all the way through, and then right after that continued right where they left off in bodom beach terror.

but guys, go see this tour if you can. amon amarth were awesome, tell trivium to fuck off, and bodom will blow you the fuck away.