Children of Bodom To Argentina

You don't need to defend your country. We don't care.

This is a thread about a country, so if you think a little you would know that if someone insult it, an habitant of this country will defend it.
i want to say one more's fucking sad to know that a band you love has finished a tour and they didn't came to your's not like in europe that you can travel from one country to another doing some kilometers if the band doesn't come where you live...this a big country (in territory) the nearest one is Brasil or Chile,but they won't tour south america anyway.
I'm sorry to insist on this, but i deal with this every fucking day of my life.:yell:
i want to say one more's fucking sad to know that a band you love has finished a tour and they didn't came to your's not like in europe that you can travel from one country to another doing some kilometers if the band doesn't come where you live...this a big country (in territory) the nearest one is Brasil or Chile,but they won't tour south america anyway.
I'm sorry to insist on this, but i deal with this every fucking day of my life.:yell:

:( try to save money to see them in the US
i want to say one more's fucking sad to know that a band you love has finished a tour and they didn't came to your's not like in europe that you can travel from one country to another doing some kilometers if the band doesn't come where you live...this a big country (in territory) the nearest one is Brasil or Chile,but they won't tour south america anyway.
I'm sorry to insist on this, but i deal with this every fucking day of my life.:yell:

You're lucky that the biggest problem in your life is that bodom didn't visit Argentina :)
I want to say that I'm a collector fan of COB stuff since some many years, I have a nice and big collection, I feed them with my money, spend a lot! Maybe just right here is one of the biggest COB fans of Argentina...
So... Alexi can say whatever he want, I have no remorse, I'm sure he said that shit because he never put seriously attention on references of other bands who have been here, the crowd here is simply awesome... Iron Maiden was here 2 times in only 1 year, there's no better example, think about it...
But one thing is clear, they will loose fans saying that kind of shitty words...
Not me, COB is part of my life... and someday, they will come! As KillerGon said, if they want to conquer the world, they must visit Argentina!
i want to say one more's fucking sad to know that a band you love has finished a tour and they didn't came to your's not like in europe that you can travel from one country to another doing some kilometers if the band doesn't come where you live...this a big country (in territory) the nearest one is Brasil or Chile,but they won't tour south america anyway.
I'm sorry to insist on this, but i deal with this every fucking day of my life.:yell:

Hey che no te pongas tan mal! hay cosas peores!Yo tambièn soy fan enfermo pero tampoco me pongo a pensar eso todos los dias!
Translate : There r worst things for sure!
I want to say that I'm a collector fan of COB stuff since some many years, I have a nice and big collection, I feed them with my money, spend a lot! Maybe just right here is one of the biggest COB fans of Argentina...
So... Alexi can say whatever he want, I have no remorse, I'm sure he said that shit because he never put seriously attention on references of other bands who have been here, the crowd here is simply awesome... Iron Maiden was here 2 times in only 1 year, there's no better example, think about it...
But one thing is clear, they will loose fans saying that kind of shitty words...
Not me, COB is part of my life... and someday, they will come! As KillerGon said, if they want to conquer the world, they must visit Argentina!
No tengas duda!
Translate : There's no doubt dude!
Bueno para que no se pongan mal los dos , por lo menos piensen que hay bocha de gente que admira a los muchachos de Bodom acá , hace tiempo fuí a un homenaje a Pantera por BsAs (Asbury de Flores) con la remera de Chaos Ridden Years y muchísima gente me dijo "Aguante Alexi" , "Aguante Children ché!" , no van a estar solos van a poder compartir su fanatismo con otros metaleros , y sí , sin duda C.O.B. aterrizará en Ezeiza algún día y seremos los primeros en verlos llegar!!:kickass:
Translate: :erk:
That's truth, there's a lot of fans here, but the problem is very clear, all is business!!! Because managers doesn't care about our feelings, they want the money... a tour without earnings? No way man!!! I'm not saying the COB's crew is one of this -shitty mentally- people, but all managers of any band, some more, some less, think about the money, they try to do their job "properly" and when the money starts to appear... life's better... so... sacrifice money? Not now dude!! We're triumphing in England since many months! Maybe in the future we will go to South America... maybe one day... so keep waiting third world! we're all suckers!! haha fuck.. this is really sad xD
Suicidio masivo en argentina porque children no kiere venir!jaj...naa!..capaz a los tipos les gusta que esten inmoviles mientras los ven en un recital por eso no vienen...haaa!!!:P
They have enough money to come here, so that couldn't be a problem. Bands that make less money than COB have come, so...
You're lucky that the biggest problem in your life is that bodom didn't visit Argentina :)

Es una forma de decir.
todos tenemos problemas pero muchas veces estas clases de cosas ayudan mucho...y no es ego es mas bien una forma de consuelo ..jajaj

Translation: It's a way of talking. we all have problems but some times this kind of thing helps a lot...and it's not about ego, is rather a form of consolation...XD
You can write it just in english so you don't have to translate anything ;) And the ego comment was just a joke :p

Friggin Argentinos presumidos :mad:
You're right, bands that make less money have come, bands who only want to show their music for own promotion, have some more fans and want to road the world having a great time! But bands who doesn't need this kind of promotional tours no need to sacrifice nothing, so the rest of the world can wait...
is not a bad country just because COB doesn't come, and even if we want, is not so easy you know?
Just jump to plane. I don't know what is so difficult in that. In case you have airport in there.

We do not have an airport , we do use wagons to travell around the world.At least is cheapy .
Hoo... wait , also we do not have swine flu ....