COB is indeed my favourite band. But I am a bit dissapointed with the latest album. Everything before is pretty amazing. Besides COB my other favourite bands are Kalmah, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Arch Enemy, and a few more.

I think pretty same way. Are You Dead Yet? - album doesnt have so good melodies like in Follow the reaper, which is my fav LP. They had more classical stuff in it, unlike nowadays.

Alexi have influenced my guitar playing pretty much and playing cob songs is good training.

damnt, if i would even mention one other band, i would have to mention them all. Maybe Kalmah after CoB.
Hatebreeder: Hell yeah, Immortal vocals are better, but i like Dimmu Borgir's drumming better. Hell Hammer is one of my faves.

Wohooo!!!! Alexi is definetly the best! He's a fuckin guitar god. Sure, a lot of people are gonna think there are a lot of better guitarists but now most of them are old. Alexi is like the best the guitarist for the modern era. At least we can all say, his guitaring beats simple stuff from metalcore and a lot of black metal.
It depends how good of a guitar player alexi is cause look at hendrix what he did with the little schooling in music he had that was amazing but overall Alexi is a pretty good guitarist I mean he does that all while singing

I love whip cream
^LOL, that would be hilarious. Doesn't Janne count? j/k Actuallly, i think there are already guys that have gone gay for Alexi and doesn't know it. On my sister's YIM, she had a pic of Allu one time and all the guys on there thought it was her and said she was pretty/hot. Then she told them it was a guy and they all freaked out.

Not my favorite band, but yes, definitely one amongst my favorites. I'd say there are about 50,000 Bodom fans here in India. But then again, I don't think they'd come down here, not for another 4-5 years atleast. :(
^LOL, that would be hilarious. Doesn't Janne count? j/k Actuallly, i think there are already guys that have gone gay for Alexi and doesn't know it. On my sister's YIM, she had a pic of Allu one time and all the guys on there thought it was her and said she was pretty/hot. Then she told them it was a guy and they all freaked out.

All right I really don't think Janne counts it's prolly just what friends do to each other i've acted gay around my friends to scare them a little but anyways if it's a little sister then I bet you would lock her in a closet and starve her until she was as obsessed with alexi as you are that would be scary two lady laihos
^LOLOLOLOLL!! YOu really do that?! One of my friends is a bi and she acted so gay around my other friend and that friend completely freaked out and stopped being her friend. Anyway, yeah, she's my little sister and don't worry, that stupid bitch already likes Alexi. That stupid bitch even claims to have Alexi. She doesn't even like him the way i do. She's just trying to steal him away from me.

Amogh: I didn't know bands get noticed in India!!!!!
lady laiho you stereotyping asshole there are people in every part of the world that like metal cause it's the best music ever and yes my friends all know i'm not gay and wouldn't go any further than what I do and hatebreeder knows i'm not gay cause i plan on being your "first."
^LOLOLOLOLL!! YOu really do that?! One of my friends is a bi and she acted so gay around my other friend and that friend completely freaked out and stopped being her friend. Anyway, yeah, she's my little sister and don't worry, that stupid bitch already likes Alexi. That stupid bitch even claims to have Alexi. She doesn't even like him the way i do. She's just trying to steal him away from me.

Amogh: I didn't know bands get noticed in India!!!!!

Afraid of some competetion with your lil' sister? :rolleyes: Who even introduced her to COB anyway? And darling, are you blonde? If you aren't you really should consider dying your hair.

RageAgainsttheAmish: Bipolar much, babe? One minute you want the girl to IM you the next you're calling her names. What a lovely relationship you 2 are building. :rolleyes:

On topic- COB is definately up there. Why else would I be here. :lol:
its a love hate relationship shes knows deep down i reallly love her but due to
messed up childhood i am a little on the crazy side don't forget i looooooove you lady laiho and juju i hope you are a chick cause usually guys don't call me "babe"
RageAgainstTheAmish: Well i didn't know metal got noticed in every part of the world, but yeah, metal is sooo great , it even gets noticed in the middle east. How can anyone ever hate it? No matter what someone listens to, i know they'll at least like one metal song. LOL, you can't be my first. ALexi already beat you to it. He's my number one no matter what! He's incredible, amazing, breath-taking, extrodinary, awsome...and all the other words that describe how great he is.

JUju bean: I was the one that got her into COB. ANd i'm not afraid of any competition. She doens't even know how i much i really love him. SHe doesn't like him the way i do. She just wants to add him to her list of musicians to fuck and besides she's boy-crazy.