RageAgainstTheAmish: Well i didn't know metal got noticed in every part of the world, but yeah, metal is sooo great , it even gets noticed in the middle east. How can anyone ever hate it? No matter what someone listens to, i know they'll at least like one metal song. LOL, you can't be my first. ALexi already beat you to it. He's my number one no matter what! He's incredible, amazing, breath-taking, extrodinary, awsome...and all the other words that describe how great he is.

JUju bean: I was the one that got her into COB. ANd i'm not afraid of any competition. She doens't even know how i much i really love him. SHe doesn't like him the way i do. She just wants to add him to her list of musicians to fuck and besides she's boy-crazy.

Add me to her list jk jk

Me and HateBreeder are gunna start a band and we'll call ourselves Berserk and play with "bearskins on our back and wolf jaws on our heads" and thats all well have on it'll be awesome and manly and metal and manly and metal

I'd like to see alexi do that
COB is definately my favorite band, they're pretty much all I listen to now, besides Sinergy of course. Other metal just doesn't do it for me. Hatebreeder FTW.
RageAgainstTheAmish: LOL. Are you really going to do that? What instrument do you play? If you did that, then you'd probably look like a viking metal band and somewhat like Gwar. Alexi's manly much manlier can you get other than drinking like fuckin hell and winning drinking contests. ANd i like him for his feminine side too.
Damnit woman i already told im not alexi but i'm german scottish and irish so i think i got an edge on alexi in drinking and if you want i'll have a contest with you i'll show you who can drink

and why are you so willing to offer alexi something he can't have ( im pretty sure your under 18)
he'll go to jail and the inmates couldn't get enough of his asshole. (hatebreeders anti-raping device doesn't work just ask him what it is.)
RageAgaisntTheAmish: What if you're really Alexi in disguise and you finally relized how much i love you and you started writing to me??! And maybe you Alexi already knew Hatebreeder somehow and he told you about me!!!!!!

I bet Alexi would beat your ass in drinking! LOL, you'd pass out after the first ten beers or shots. And i didn't say anything about me drinking cuz i don't drink that often.

I'd give myself to Alexi cuz i love him and age doesn't matter. So would a 21 year old guy get thrown in jail for being with a 16 year old chick? I don't think so cuz one of my friends are going out with a guy that's 21. If i love Alexi enough, he won't go to jail for anything cuz i'm the one that wants him.
RageAgaisntTheAmish: What if you're really Alexi in disguise and you finally relized how much i love you and you started writing to me??! And maybe you Alexi already knew Hatebreeder somehow and he told you about me!!!!!!

I bet Alexi would beat your ass in drinking! LOL, you'd pass out after the first ten beers or shots. And i didn't say anything about me drinking cuz i don't drink that often.

I'd give myself to Alexi cuz i love him and age doesn't matter. So would a 21 year old guy get thrown in jail for being with a 16 year old chick? I don't think so cuz one of my friends are going out with a guy that's 21. If i love Alexi enough, he won't go to jail for anything cuz i'm the one that wants him.

Now i know youre a fake account
Alright seriousley I think lady_laiho is becoming border line paranoied about alexi being in disguise maybe just some fantastic dream she is trying to project into every facet of her life and i would school alexi at drinking you remember that movie beerfest well it was really about me and how i started the drinking olympics fags in the movie had to use non alcoholic beer

fuckin pussies
Only if he's really Alexi.

I wish I was so I could slap you in the face, knock you on the ground, piss on you and tell you to leave me the fuck alone. After I'd already had my way with you, of course. Now, what would you do if Alexi did that? And don't respond with "omg hed never do that bc he luvs me". Tell me, what would you REALLY do?
Homage For Satan: DEICIDE!!!!!!!! A much better name! Why'd you call yourself RageAgaisntTheAmish in the first place? Was it named after Rage Agaisnt the Machine? Yeah, and i was just kidding about thinking you were Alexi. I know you're not but i wish you were. Everyone's starting to remind me of Alexi...even people that just have long hair, Bodom merchandise, and a whit guitar. Alexi would soooo pwn you at drinking. And how often do you drink?

Hatebreeder: Omg, he'd never do that cuz he luves me!!!!! j/k j/k If he did that, which he'd never do in a billion years, i'd be as heart broken as fuck and ask myself why i ever thought i had a chance with him and really wonder WTF is wrong with me and why i have to be sooo imperfect for him and obsess over being perfect for him. And if i couldn't do anything about it, then i'd decide i don't deserve to live and go rot in hell.
^wow, nice choices. I see why they're all your fave bands. They all are kinda in the same genre.

Well now Bodom shot back up to number 2! I listened to all their cds for the past couple of days.